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Land Rover Ambulance

Ian Dunn

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Hi All


Can anyone help me with info on a series 2a Ambulance ???




(ex 3 Para)




Cont No .........WV106341TEM






CODE No.........1040/0766



I am looking for any info on this vehicle.




Ian Dunn

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The Wheeled Vehicle Contract: WV10634 was for just over 200 ambulances. (I don't know where ITEM came from) This seems to span 1973-75 which seems a rather spread.


Code No 1040-0766 just gives an exact identity of all vehicles of that particular type, it is not unique to your vehicle.


CES refers to the publication Army Code No. 33572 which is the Complete Equipment Schedule. This lists all the kit it should carry, ie stretchers, bed pans, tools etc. This publication was common to ambulances on Rover 7, 9, 11 & Series 3. I have a copy somewhere if its of interest.


I looked to see if I had a pic of yours the nearest I have is 06 FL 70 although that is one from the same contract as yours.

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Thanks Clive


a friend of mine is looking for an Ambulance and i went with him to have a look,


it needs 3 x outriggers, 2 x footwells (45 degree floor pans), both sides and the middle of the bulkhead repairing/welding


some electrics need looking at and of course it needs a coat of paint


it has never been registered


and all the guy wants is £1800


what do you think?




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I used to have an ambulance 30 FJ 20. The rear cross member was rotten, it came straight out of service & the army had tack welded steel plates to mask the rotting x member. It was very difficult to get at, so if the outriggers & foot wells are so gone then I expect the x member is gone as well.


So on the face of it I don't think it is worth it, but there might be mitigating circumstances if the engine was a nice runner, if the tyres are all good, if it is completish inside & not been hacked around into camper etc.


Electrics may need attention, if that is just age etc ok, but be very wary if there has been some bodging of wiring in civy hands. Although it is fairly straight forward, not as bad as a FFR which has bodge wiring.


For what you are going to spend on it, better to pay a bit more for a better example.



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From what i could see and hit with a large bolt!!! (forgot hammer)


the rear Xmember has been fixed...a fairly substantial piece of steel has been welded the full length of the xmember on the rear and underside, this has been welded all round and not just inch....gap....inch....gap etc.


as for being messed about with, the back has been used as a store ,there are no stretchers but it has not been touched inside (all original places) it even has 3 of the brass fire extinguishers in the back.


the engine ,by the look of it has done very little work as it is still the blue (recon)engine colour.


the other alternative for my friend is to get a S111 from Blanchards it would cost more but there would be no work to do.



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I would put an ad on EMLRA site for an ambulance they crop up from time to time & milweb. That one you have seen, have you seen the engine run? After 10 mins put a compression tester on, drive it & check 4WD works & then if the tyres are good maybe buy it. But with that sort of money you could get a pig, much more fun!

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They decided to pull out of that one


The bloke was going to get a quote on the replacement of the 3 outriggers that i found holes in, he got back to them and said the MOT place over the road have checked it ouit and there is nothing wrong with them,

when i looked at it i didn't have a hammer to test for rust with so i used a 5inch bolt and had a tap around,needless to say the outriggers did not 'ring' when hit so i tapped a bit harder and guess what i found?????


just to make sure it was not forgotten i made some pretty hefty marks on the outriggers and chassis in the area of dammage, so if anyone in the Plymouth area trys to sell you a series 2a Ambulance with a lot of new underseal near the outriggers and no sign of new ones DONT BUY IT!!!




PS they are going to order one from Blanchards.

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