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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Same here thats all it keeps saying to me
  2. Mmmm! navigational error I could agree with as the JU87? was lost when the crew decided to ditch the bombs and head for home, as for the 4 engined bomber the Luftwaffe did have the Condor, which the silly blighters decided to use for patrolling the sea etc instead of attacking us at home
  3. Never get as high as Jack though (no scotch involved) he is the brightest :naughty:
  4. Do you want something where everyone can alter things or would it be seperate and attached to the forum :?
  5. But does it not cost "thousands of dollars" to collect all the re-enactment gear for your hows etc :?
  6. As I said before (above), nice one Tagg as jack says for having the balls and replying, now we have another view on the matter lets get on with what really matters on our side of the pond, OUR HOBBY :-)
  7. I think that all this reaction to the video (either wrong or right) is/maybe playing into their hands a bit, any reaction may force them to do another video, might be worse than the last, if we kick up like this it may come to the attention to others and get the publicity that we do not want it to have, and that will be down to us. Maybe we have had our say and best to leave it at that, we all understand that it is offensive to most on here and have had our say, BUT ARE WE giving it the airing and time that they want, bearing in mind that only 2000 'ish people have looked at it out of millions that could have over the time. I think that we should just let it go and get on with other matters.
  8. Welcome Lester Like your style 3 jeeps, way to go it will keep some people happy here :-o
  9. Hi Tim Welcome to the official loony bin enjoy it all
  10. Well done Snapper I was in the SAS (South Acton Scouts) and never got this high
  11. Have just sent an email to the rest of the IMPS board re-iterating the feelings on this forum, so hopefully barrels from both sides might get a response. :roll:
  12. Best of luck Jack with your replies, I for one would be astounded if any came back at all as the clubs have other things to wory about which is a shame as we all seem to come under the same umbrella, I for one have looked at the video and put in a complaint also to youtube regarding this, but have yet to receive a reply.
  13. Neil If you have had no luck try emailing the new secretary of IMPS on the following addresss, JoannePovey@eversheds.com she may be able to help you
  14. Jack, Jack I finished with them eons ago, I sent them to Artists Rifles sometime hence :roll:
  15. Mark

    Can you help?

    Already told the IMPS Jack and left leaflets out, I think there are a few members on here from down this way BUT :roll:
  16. I was speaking to some german re-enactors at the 2004 War and Peace show and as Ashley has pointed out above "the fanaticism or aggression" was evident in these people as they went on to tell me their jobs in "civvy life" Police in the Met Fire Brigade in London Ambulance men in London All men in uniform in or around London, NOW does that speak for itself :-o
  17. Welcome Tim be sure to enjoy this forum as I no doubt you will :-D
  18. Does not say a lot for the "allied prisoners" either, but everyone has their right.
  19. Is'nt it wierd how statistics can't be accurate however hard you try :?
  20. Yes I saw that if its in good condition I assume that its not a bad price, also the rarity of it as well
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