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Everything posted by younggun

  1. was fairly expensive but given the high strandard of work which has been done i think its quite reasonable i went through my local truck parts supplier which proberly cost me more but wot the hell its done now . www.clutchmaster.uk.com this is who has done the work there bassed in northhampton
  2. thought about using it as a decortive chritmas tree base so every one can see it
  3. well my xmas present has come early the explorer clutch is back from being rebuilt .at first i could not tell that it was the same one i am chuffed to bits with the work that has been done . pics are as follows before after shall be reffiting it as soon as i can figure the best way to lower it back into place . plan A involves a chain hoist on a forklift boom poked through the drivers door . i wellcom any other ideas people have on the matter i also wish everyone merry christmas and a happy new year nick
  4. looking gd dude :shocked: i must say u have got some skills
  5. thougt i would share this with the group as i am sure it will interrest people and will proberly make them green with envy people who saw tonites topgear will allready have some idea but check this out www.jaylenosgarage.com
  6. looking in an old rally programme which just happens to be part of the junk lyeing around on my desk . of the year 2000 west of england steam rally lists the scammell as be ownd by a .R.WHITE of torpoint nick
  7. :thumbsup:great work there dude keep the pics couming
  8. she lookis very tidy daz have u had to do much to get to the presant state ? the cab on mine could do with a re skining in places . wots she powerd by ? did u use to tow a bren gun carrier on a trailer behind i think i may have seen u at the st agnes rally nick
  9. ime sure the lads from HMVF sed that the club house was this way :???
  10. nice title i would of thort sheding soumthing would be the last thing on your mind jack ?:-\
  11. over steer in a scammell ? wev got on exepert on the subject round here afer there victory dance at the truck trail . w&p2008 havent we gritineye :cool2: keep up the gd work dude and where do we sighn up for the testing and evauation team for when its finished :-D ?
  12. The clutch is away being refurbed by my local truck parts supplyer . there only concern is that the release bearing does not seem to be a tight fit on the shaft is this right or is something missing . the release bearing seems just to be floating on the release levers . can anyone shed some light on this please ? nick
  13. loverly pics there 6x6 soon as a saw your 1st pic i reconized the location took me a while to figure it out that it was kiderminster . the loading pad where we normaly load rolling stock for the railway is just infront of the singnal box its not far from me
  14. and now i know wot u look like 6x6 u wont need such a big white flag in the cab with u now :-\ the location wouldant happen to be severn vally railway kiderminster would it ?
  15. i have seen the hornsby replica out and about at several rallys and wot a sight tracking across the rally feild a full seize one would be a real acheviment . i think the members of hmvf as a group could attempt enything given the skils they posses . everybody could get invold not only with funding but geting hands on aswell takeing parts home to there own garages workshops to compleat a big project could be split down into smaller pecies where every one can do ther bit
  16. i have allways been led to belive that a heavy locomotive dous not need a class 1 licance . i have been driving heavy locomotivs on a class 2 since i passed at age 19 (without a trailer ). i was told that a ballest tractor dous not carry eny load so it can not be a HGV . but in the eyes of the law it is best to have a class one
  17. just an update on the clutch the driven plate was rusted solid to the pressure plate so no matter how much driving about i did it would not have done any gd so i am a bit releaved that i made the decission to remove the clutch . i a have all so checked for cracks in the wear plate and the pressure plate . and there are several heat cracks visible :shake: pressure plate and clutch plate are now in the hands of my local hgv parts specialist and they seem to be able to help :sweat:
  18. :tup:: thanks bernard i will investigate the spigot bearing
  19. ill keep an eye out for u 6x6 be warned my replys to people hooting can be quite rude so please state freind or foe and wave the white flag before doing so .:thumbsup:
  20. i,me prettty sure that the flange had to come off mike i was doin it by the manual . i couldn,t see any other way of doing it . i will check for cracks thanks for that mike :tup::
  21. yes oldgun is getting stuck in and enjoying himself ill bear the wearplate in mind bernard but it all looks to be healthy apart from the wear marks on the release bearing where it looks like the release levers have been spinning on the release bearing ?
  22. bet that was a nice job julez ime still trying to get my head round it then ive got to figure a way of getting it all back together as getting it out througe the cab floor was not easy .
  23. i thought it was about time i started one of these blogs with all the work going on with FLOYD at the pressent time . the help and advise i have recived so far from forum members has been most welcomed and without doubt i will require more in the future . As some of u will know i having problems with a seized clutch after a weekend of driveing around trying to release it failed . i came to the conclusion that takeing the clutch out was the only way to go to prevent damage . so the last two sundays have been spent removeing the offending clutch i had no idea how big of a job this was going to be so i just dived in head first and got on with . it . i removed the coupling muffs with out much hassle only to then find removeing the coupling flange difficult due the engine truning over when trying to undo the nut so i made a simple divice to stop this . coup after the nut was undone i used a puller to remove the flange and after smacking my head a few times and OLDGUN takeing photos the bell houseing soon followed and after a half hour of scraching my head and reading the manuall the clutch followed there was evidence of the clutch plate rusting to the wearplate but i am still investigateing the cause of the problem just to be sure as there is signs of wear on the release bearing and while i was working on the clutch OLDGUN was cleaning the engine and just some other pics for genral interest
  24. brilliant les can we be exepecting to see them in the shops for christmass ?
  25. the hmvf club house car park if antars where as cheep as jeeps to run
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