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Everything posted by Starfire

  1. Interesting... Since the assembly comes with half of the inner tracta joint, perhaps that is where the difference lies then? Cheers, Terry
  2. Nah, it let go spectacularly the last time I went for a drive. I noted that it was very hot when I got back and there was some noise when moving the vehicle. After a turn or two, the lines weren't aligned anymore either. As far as I know, one that's been assembled with incorrect gear timing will chew itself to pieces in less than one rotation; my hub had been a bit suspect for almost 2 years.
  3. I need to replace the Left-Hand Rear on my Mk 5. According to the standardised wheel stations list, this will fit the Left-Hand Rear of a Mk 3 or 6. How they differ, I have no idea. Mine currently looks like this:
  4. This arrived today. It has left hand threads on the wheel nuts, but how it differs from any other wheel stations or between marks, I have no idea. Unless someone can fill me in, I'll just have to compare it with what I have. I also got a heap of other spares and accessories, including a full set of the later (4 barrel) smoke launchers and a set of NOS vision blocks. Cheers, Terry ~
  5. Hi Malcolm, It sounds like you know what you're talking about and I certainly don't want to tell you how to suck eggs, but high oil usage with good compression usually points towards valve seals. Have you thought of renewing those? The B series has a reputation for high oil usage, but my B80 was rebuilt in 1981 or so and uses almost no oil. I know that at some stage during their lifecycle, they changed the type of rings used and I believe that some also had different bore liners. Unless you're dead set on originality, get yourself a Jolley Engineering breakerless ignition kit. http://www.classicheads.com/Electronic_Ignition.html Clive has also produced an excellent guide to screened B series ignition, which also concludes that the Jolley kits are excellent. http://hmvf.co.uk/pdf/IGNITIONMATTERS.pdf Cheers, Terry
  6. If you click the images you get a large version, which is quite readable.
  7. That's probably because you were equipped to rebuild them. If you could shed some light on the differences between the wheel stations and what, if anything, is different on the RFC vehicles, that would be great. Cheers, Terry
  8. Where you went wrong was fitting heigh tech diagnostic equipment to a ferret I eagerly wait responses from some of our more knowledgeable members. Cheers, Terry
  9. Something that I don't have, but need, is the Saracen parts book.
  10. Very interesting indeed. My information is from V614, Chapter 4, Paragraph 19. Issue 1, Aug 1977. I have an FV 638171 on its way to me now, so I guess we'll see how that goes... Cheers, Terry
  11. I believe the side to side differences are mostly due to how the brake lines are attached. I have no idea what the difference between the RFC and NON-RFC ones are, which could be an issue, as I had to order an RFC one for my Saracen, as there was no stock of the others. If anyone can shed any light there, I'd appreciate it. Cheers, Terry
  12. Why would you remove the existing box body, rather than converting that into the camper?
  13. It'd be an ARV of some sort; one engine for drive, one for auxiliary power and one for the winch. Cheers, Terry
  14. I should be ordering parts in the next few days. FYI: Part Nos of standard wheel stations, their locations and applicability are: [TABLE] [TR] [TD]FV No [/TD] [TD]NSN [/TD] [TD]Location [/TD] [TD]Applicability [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]FV 638168 [/TD] [TD]9AAD/2590-99-828-3072 [/TD] [TD]Left Hand Front, Right Hand Centre, Right Hand Rear [/TD] [TD]Mk 1, 2 & 5 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]FV 638169 [/TD] [TD]9AAD/2590-99-828-3073 [/TD] [TD]Right Hand Front, Left Hand Centre, Left Hand Rear [/TD] [TD]Mk 1, 2 & 5 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]FV 638170 [/TD] [TD]9AAD/2590-99-828-3074 [/TD] [TD]Left Hand Front, Right Hand Centre, Right Hand Rear [/TD] [TD]Mk 3 & 6 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]FV 638171 [/TD] [TD]9AAD/2590-99-828-3075 [/TD] [TD]Right Hand Front, Left Hand Centre, Left Hand Rear [/TD] [TD]Mk 3 & 6 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Cheers, Terry
  15. I have a couple of DCU and black ones kicking around at home somewhere...
  16. Did you sort out your hub issues though? Mine blew a hub a few weeks ago and I'm trying to allocate funds to fixing it. Cheers, Terry
  17. What's happening with yours, Montie?
  18. It looks to me like that bolt is just sitting there, and that the plates it's going through aren't threaded. You should just be able to remove the bulkhead. Cheers, Terry
  19. Hi Dave, If you haven't already, get your hands on all the manuals. They make a big difference and aren't too hard to find. Also, we'll need pics and details of its identity and history
  20. Or possibly with a stripe on it? All the Saracens wires are the same colour (yellow) and have marking on each end.
  21. You guys really need a Saracen. Maybe not as much sex appeal as the Saladin, but you can fit 11-12 people in it.
  22. Yes, that's the mistake I made, and not mixing up the radiator filler and oil cap :embarrassed:
  23. I don't know about the scorpion, but on my Saracen, there is something that looks like a bolt with 2 holes on it on the outside, front left of the engine bay, which is the breather/overflow for the oil system. I overfilled mine once and it blew crap out of there, all over the place. For environmental reasons, the scorpion may do that internally, I don't know. In your case, I would clean out the hull (take off an access plate, jack up the back, lots of degreaser, followed by hosing it out) and then carefully monitor fluid levels to work out what is leaking. Cheers, Terry
  24. The start of the Trackers 2015 Convoy.
  25. They left yesterday (about 36 hours ago now)... I wish I was going.
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