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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Where's Andy, surely as he still has a way to go with his cab, it would not be too late for him to build a replica? I'm sure HMVF could come up with the parts a few at a time, speed is not of the essence here............ :-D We need not remind him of the RR diesel needed, just tell him that everyone would be pestering to drive his for a change! :cool2:
  2. Unbelievable, can't teach an old dog new tricks eh? What a challenge he set himself and what a result!
  3. 66 of them really did go to Egypt, (got documentary evidence) not so far to make a run for home when we find a couple!
  4. Thanks ntimber, were learning all the time, still odd about the white wall tyres though.
  5. Just spotted this next to that Younggun video on YouTube! :rofl::rofl: Sponsored Links Eye Wash Advice Expert info on relieving gritty eyes from the Optrex Eye Experts Optrex.co.uk
  6. Well young 6x6, Pat Kennet's book also says the 246 were built in the mid 1950s, so there! your Bart's book must be wrong! :shake: :sweat:
  7. Welcome to the forum Maggie, I believe there are a couple of members very knowledgeable about those particular bikes, so you are in the right place!
  8. According to 'Scammell Vehicles' edited by Bart Vanderveen they had Meadows 6D630 Diesels fitted, but 'Scammell' by Pat Kennet says that some had the RR CNFL fitted. Said to have been 246 built, the majority going to NZ.
  9. The clue is in the title of the thread, Mike...............................:coffee: I put the pix up as a quiz before the crash and Andy F got both tug and plane, scary stuff for one so young!
  10. Seen the Engines and drive gear system? not over complicated at all! Just before the Comet stole the show. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=7094&highlight=brabazon Some good film clips to download here: http://www.britishpathe.com/product_display.php?Search.x=25&Search.y=30&searchword=brabazon
  11. This would give a harmonic balancing effect similar to a balancing shaft would it not? Trainees on the training course I attended in 1969 were tasked with stripping one of these engines and then explaining how it worked, the instructors must have had a laugh at some of the hilarious answers, including mine I suspect! In those days a lot of small plant was starting to have Japanese engines fitted, we were not trained at all on these as the ex REME instructors wouldn't even talk about them, let alone ever allow one on the premises! Wow! What a name from the past, he used to write very enjoyable articles in one of the Bike mags in the early 70s, I really admired his enthusiasm for his subject and his ability to infect his readers with it, top man!
  12. Good work Andy, hope no one finds another one or it will probably end in fistycuffs!:box::-D
  13. Interesting those white wall tyres and the lugs on the rear rim, I think maybe this one has the Morris jib but is indistinct, the SV1 could not have the spare wheel there. There is a pic of a crane truck and another Scammell on the site also with white wall tyres, can't seem to copy post them here though:confused:
  14. That's interesting Maurice, maybe they trialed one in the Belgian Congo! I never got to see or speak to the owner at Beltring, maybe the same one I don't know.
  15. Found a few more photos, looks like an attempt was made to put a body on it, not very convincing though, just needless added weight in my opinion.
  16. Jimh, the point is that YOU will know that it is as perfect as you could make it, I once had thoughts of doing what you are doing, but I know my attention span is way too short to complete the task (look underneath Forceful, the paint just won't stay on for long, due to my peace meal way of working). When it's done you will soon forget this part and get on with enjoying driving it, which will be great!
  17. That Napier Nomad is a new one on me Jimh, don't mention Deltic you'll have Lord Lucan reappearing all excited! Some good pix of aero engines not on static display here, not descriptions though: http://rides.webshots.com/album/247633023DKwisF?vhost=rides
  18. K.G. I believe, I bought Forceful off him..............:coffee:
  19. :rofl:Can't see where the sex comes in, unless it's you showing Floyd that Scammell porn on your laptop! :-D
  20. In my case I wanted to keep the original type rear light setup (now illegal) in place, this I did but also I put a trailer socket out of site under the rear floor and use a pair of trailer lights connected to this and fixed on a bracket in an spare original hole in the rear of the body. So they can be removed if I want. At the front I have changed to halogen headlight bulbs, there was already a pair of orange indicator lamps fitted in service so I left them as they look OK. As for mirrors, for years I have had the original small mirrors plus lately a pair of series 1 LR round ones, but due to a couple of dodgy moments lately I have decided that safety is better that looks, and have fitted a easily removable 300mm radius very wide angle mirror to nearside and may put one on the off side as well they are quite small so don't look too wrong. They make a huge difference, I think if you drive modern trucks all day you would find it very hard with period mirrors at weekends!
  21. Just in case you haven't seen it for a while, just a small fix to keep you going :-D Well, there's no HMVFTV anymore and someone may have missed it. :cool2: Something went wrong...
  22. Well done Ivor, you must be very pleased with it, and thanks for the interesting writeup.
  23. Hi Duncan, pulling things apart and putting them together again is what most of us do on here, strangely we seem to enjoy it, welcome to the mad house!
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