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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. NFU does anyone over 25 http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=13684&highlight=trailer+insurance
  2. All sorted........backing on to off road course, usual spot not available, but we have evening sun for cocktail hour.......:beer:
  3. gritineye

    Lost video

    Blimey, that pushed me right back in to the sofa.......... No wonder it blew my mates door open! thanks CW
  4. Thanks for that reply Baz, I've only just seen it! I've used the chuck it in the Rayburn firebox for a bit, mig it then cool it in the oven method myself which works well. Good progress on the Bedford looking good.
  5. They all drown out the beautiful sound of a Merlin during a display?
  6. Forum member and Scammell Explorer guru Graham Germany, wise in the ways of wood, until it turns to shavings that is.
  7. There ya go, this is a four cylinder meadows diesel in a Latil at Ardingly, looks like it's lasted a long time too
  8. I know it's no MV but this made just made us laugh
  9. Nice to see you Vince.......:wave:
  10. Like the non conformist ally coffee pot, that should shine up nice! :thumbsup:
  11. He was in de Scammell :-D
  12. The link to this firm was in the Scammell register newsletter, apparently they can build an alternator inside your old dynamo casing, could be useful to keep that period look. http://remanufacturers.co.uk/ Tel. 01623 863 600
  13. Fascinating vehicles, nice to see the workings, good link too, thanks for posting.
  14. My interest in MVs springs from buying my Explorer, I was undecided as to what way to go with it. I was not too keen on keeping it in military guise because I didn't want to be seen to be "playing soldiers", on the other hand just going to shows with rows of old civvy lorries didn't appeal and the re-enacting scene left me baffled and was not for me either. In the end I decided to keep it military as I could attend a much wider variety of events with it and get more chance to play with all it's gadgets and tow things about, this has turned out to suit me fine. The first show I ever attended (wearing jeans) with it was Beltring 1995, I didn't feel very at home or comfortable at first, but after a while I realized that many other MV owners didn't dress up or "play soldiers", (I think the old white sofa and stuff going round the arena on a trailer convinced me of this one year) which opened my eyes to a whole new word where the differences between the various groups seemed to be tolerated. Having now met a lot of LH and RE types by going to shows I have a little more understanding of what drives them and appreciate what they are trying to put across to the public, this forum has been a big part of the process. But they wouldn't want me or my vehicle in their display and I wouldn't want them in mine, fine, we can coexsist, it makes for a more diverse show. During a conversation with an Irish forum member about re-enactors depicting the Northern Ireland conflict, I remarked that it was a bit too recent and close to home for me, his reply was "If they're re-enacting it that means it's over!" Fair comment, he has no problem with it so why should I? I suppose when it comes down to it, I would rather have a group of pretend Germans camped next to me living in a hole all week, than a couple of bl**ding fair ground organs, I couldn't put up with that at all!
  15. As I have been working on Forceful on my drive lately I noticed the number of passing motorists who have a quick glance at him as they pass, a surprising amount are female, some even slow down a bit to get a longer look, as if they missed him last time. He is damned handsome though!
  16. They had some a few weeks ago http://www.milweb.net/go/banister/
  17. Yup, that's the name to go for! Thick plonkers will ask what it means all day long......:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  18. That's all right then, sprites are way better to have around than spooks, haven't been to Dunsfold for yonks, keep pix coming.
  19. Looks like that spooky Horatia smoke is following you around CW.........:cool2: Lense cloths work well.......:-D
  20. Best to mention your HMVF addiction up front as well Robert, have faith they do exist, I found one...:yay:
  21. Agreed! Great stuff, nice to work see the old toys working............. and that brave Sussex hen helping out!
  22. I have just changed to NFU Mutual for my Scammell insurance, fully comp, any driver over 25, use at vintage club events and road runs, and trailer up to £1,000 value. At £86.00 inc tax this is slightly cheaper that I was paying Road Sure 13 odd years ago, and a lot cheaper than PD James last year, seems all good until the agent (who had no experience of these policies and was being very thorough) noticed that as my trailer had a gas stove and carried bottles, it was not covered at all in this policy and would need a separate policy. I have never have had this pointed out by any previous insurance brokers. I have sent pix and details of it and await an quote, but what I am thinking now is that as many of us carry gas and sleep in our MVs and trailers, are we covered when doing so, it maybe worth checking your policy. Presumably this applies to trucks fitted out as campers as well.
  23. Try this :confused: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=13456&highlight=raf+explorer
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