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Everything posted by Spood

  1. Spood


    I was riding in a gas powered Jimmy a couple of weeks ago, the owner says you can hardly notice the difference. On the plus side as well there is plenty of room to put the tank ;-) This one had it disguised as a tool chest in the back.
  2. Looking through old files today I found this. I think it's a Crossley of some sort (Q possibly), it sat in a yard about 30 yds from our garden for several years before being taken away. The owner told me it had gone to the Newent area to be restored. Ahybody seen it on their travels?
  3. There is a vintage car that does the local show circuit that had its engine sitting in a vat of diesel for seven years to free it up :schocked:. It is something like a seven litre four cylinder beast and you can see huge flywheel, it's something approaching three feet across, underneath the car. I think it is American in origin and it sounds awesome but what the make is eludes me at the moment :dunno:
  4. Often thought about this myself. My theory, misguided or otherwise, is that when the last WW2 veteran is gone, the event will start to be downsized. I suspect that in the pc society we live in today it would be brushed under the carpet tomorrow if the powers that be thought they could get away with it. Heaven forbid we should upset our EU "partners" pah. I'll stop now before I write something that could get me into trouble :whistle:
  5. "Let's go to Gloucester shopping" he said, "It'll be fun" he said!
  6. Excellent job, it will look awesome when its completed :tup:
  7. Shrops and Border Counties annual bash War Wheels is on August 18th/19th at Park Hall Showground Oswestry. Over 100 vehicles of all sorts booked in and more to come. Showground opens for vehicles at noon on Fri 17th Anybody who was heading for the cancelled Military Mayhem and are now at a loose end come and join in and make it bigger than ever. Just hope the weather is a bit kinder to us this year. Don
  8. The challenge would be getting Mrs Spood to let me part with the money
  9. How on earth did you get any work done with all those visitors calling Jack ;-)
  10. It appears to have transformed itself :-D 8-)
  11. Somebody has been burning the midnight oil now the weather is better. :-) Remember this?
  12. 1.5 mill and no muzzle break, I'll give him a fiver and risk being seen off :whistle: Seriously though there are some scumbags about breathing air that decent people could use.
  13. Very nice little beast, sounds the business as well. Are you practicing the castanets in the first clip :? :-D
  14. Nnnnooooooooooooooooooooooo Iv'e only just got over finding out there is no tooth fairy. :cry: Just looking out of the window and can see a half moon in the sky, can't make out any footprints so will hold judgement on that one. ;-)
  15. The village I live in was cut off from Fri night to late on Saturday. We don't get floods at our end because we are considerably higher than the river. The amount of people that came into the pub on Friday evening who were stuck was amazing. A couple who had come out specially to see the floods had managed to fill their £35,000 BMW with some souvenir water, and another couple left their Ka in the middle of it with water lapping at the door handles. A bloke on a motorbike asked the best way to Brecon after travelling from Northampton and there were people from Birmingham looking for a way into Wales, some of them with kids in the car. Do these people not watch the news or weather or even use a bit of common sense. Not a very nice period at all and you have to feel for all those people who's houses are flooded out, I think it will be a long time before things are anywhere near normal for them.
  16. What a bu**er, hard luck mate, that would have been a nice little project. We like Dingo's here at Spood Towers.
  17. Snap! Being the guitarist in a noisey little combo myself I fully appreciate what you mean, as for not hearing the monitors I don't know if ours have worked or not for years. PARDON
  18. A mates wife told him she wanted a Dusty Springfield CD, he said "Well at least it'll match the rest of the house" ;-)
  19. After a quick look through the excellent British Military Markings by Peter Hodges it reveals, we probably are aware, numerous tanks with names on. Also there are, of the ones I can make out with my with my suspect eyesight Matador "Gazala" Scammell "Connaught" Austin K2 Ambulance "Pat" There are some others I can't make out, it seems that it may be more common than expected Tony B said. Looking out the window this morning, if I can see anything for the rain, It'll be the Beltring Boat show. Going to a music festival this weekend, looks like a mini Glasto on the way :help:
  20. Jack, if you are cleaning don't forget these. ;-) I hear it's your colour
  21. :-o :? :dunno: Sorry couldn't think of anything else to say. ;-)
  22. The saga continues, another question, though it is very quiet and echoey around these parts lately :dunno: Have found the brackets that hold the spade etc to fit the tailgate of the lightweight. There is an angled one that the pick head goes in that I'm thinking goes on the rhs yes/no? Then there are four four others, three of them stand about an inch or so from the surface and the other is a bit higher, in what order do these go? The holes are still in the tailgate its just the relative position of the odd tall bracket I need to know. I've got a few photos of rear ends (ooer vicar :-o ) but nothing I can make out enough detail on. Any help much appreciated.
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