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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. Following on from that, is there a HMRC 'approved' way of flushing ALL traces of red diesel from a system? :-)



    You don't have to flush it, A mechanism exists for you to declare you are using red on the road, and pay the duty on it. Although red dyed, it has then become DERV and can stay in the system.

  2. This is not 100% correct

    I don't know about regulation in the UK, however in the Netherlands my Dodge WC52 has an exception at the car papers


    Besides the standard for braked and non-braked trailers there is an exception line

    My Dodge is also allowed to pull an 1172kg trailer, no brakes that has an road registration before 1967

    Officialy it was for the 1-ton Ben Hur trailer, however any other trialer with in these spec's is also possible (an 57mm AT-gun is only 1150kg ;) )


    So you will need to check you vehicle papers to check if you are allowed to pull an 1.8ton trailer



    Okay there are some exemptions that don't apply, I was trying to keep things simple and easy but seeing as the arguement has gone this way,

    750 Unbrkaed tariler does not apply if:-

    Street Cleaning Trailer not carrying a load

    Agric Trailer manufactured before 1.4.47 towed by an Agricultural Motor Vehicle not exceeding 10 MPH, with unladen weight not exceeding 4,070 Kgs, this trailer being the only thing towed.

    Trailer drawn by a Motor cycle C and U reg 84

    Agricultural trailed appliance conveyer

    Broken down vehicle

    Gritting Trailer max Gross weight not exceeding 2,000Kgs.


    Trailers most of us are likely to come across or end up towing in the UK are not allowed to exceed 750Kgs if unbraked. (and that includes 25 Pounder)


    For clarification my signature does say " Anything I say relates primarily to England & Wales"

  3. more or less ANY 'civvy vehicle' can tow one, as long as the towing vehicle is rated for towing an unbraked trailer over 750kgs, say acivvy registered Bedford 4 tonner, or Daf 45 etc....well I'd have thought so anyway!:-|


    NO TRAILER is allowed on the road if if is over 750Kgs and it has no brakes. End of story, YOU CANNOT TOW IT.


    Okay there are some exemptions that don't apply

    Street Cleaning Trailer not carrying a load

    Agric Trailer manufactured before 1.4.47 towed by an Agricultural Motor Vehicle not exceeding 10 MPH, with unladen weight not exceeding 4,070 Kgs, this trailer being the only thing towed.

    Trailer drawn by a Motor cycle C and U reg 84

    Agricultural trailed appliance conveyer

    Broken down vehicle

    Gritting Trailer max Gross weight not exceeding 2,000Kgs.


    Trailers most of us are likely to come across or end up towing in the UK are not allowed to exceed 750Kgs if unbraked. (and that includes 25 Pounder)

  4. A Lee says they are not braked which means you cannot tow them with any Civvy vehicle. The limit for an unbraked trailer is 750Kgs.

    This has had a good airing in the past


    It seems to me that there is no legal way of towing one on the road, whatever the towing vehicle,if the gun is running on its own wheels. A 25 Pounder needs to be moved on a trailer, or loader.

  5. Looking good, this e-mail just came back from Martin Oliver....


    Hi Mike


    Thanks for your email. ..........


    ..................With regard to the celebration of DiamondT’s I am sure we can do something along the lines you have indicated. We can talk further on this soon. I think it would be a brilliant attraction for next year’s show.


    Hope to hear from you soon.


    Kind regards



  6. Hi,


    My 2ps worth (& I have been following this thread for weeks) is older AFVs designs met the C & U regs back in the day & 80s/90s designs ones don’t,after all an AFV is designed to kill & they don’t have crumple zones!Plus on a C.V.R.(T) the steering brakes can’t be pulled back at once because their is a metal pin (Called an interlock,in the 1960s designed ones) put in to stop you pulling both steering levers at once (by mistake).


    A lot of AFV's which have been registered in the past, were registered in error, because even at the time they did not meet C and U regs.


    Just because an AFV is road registered, that is no guarantee that it ever met C and U or that its use on the road was ever legal.

  7. So where does that leave Jap 4x4's then? My Hilux has a twist and release parking brake that cannot be released gradually. You twist and it releases, it can't be done gradually. My vehicle passed an IVA and it's MOT every year.


    It probably has split circuit Hydraulic brakes, and splitting the hydraulic brakes counts as primary and secondary braking systems. The handbrake is then simply a parking brake, not the secondary braking system .Simples!

  8. If you can't hit with a hammer or turn it with a spanner. I'm doing a subtle exppperiment. Supposedly as Long as the first and last letters are correct you should be able to understand what is written. That and I've just finished a long week.


    teh trohye si taht fi lal eht ttelrs rea three uoy iwll uedstndran eht neamnig.

  9. Do you know the reg and any history of the Hunter?




    Jon has history, I seem to remember him telling me it was converted to F7 from a F4. (some T7's were new built), beyond that I can't remember what he said.

  10. Well, one stands corrected!

    I did notice a very smart Lightning and what looks like a Bloodhound missile outside a farm a little further down the road.

    Thanks for giving such clear indication to it's location, that really helps with security!

  11. The airframe was initially balanced on a Rolls Royce Avon engine stand. That was only borrowed and had to go back (there is no Avon in this Hunter before you ask) The Pallets are a temporary measure. It may get mounted on a pole as a gate guardian.

  12. I just hope he keeps this secure he has done a lot of work so far, as Mike says Souvenir hunters don't care if it belongs to anybody ! as long as they can get it on fleabay !

    Or in the melting pot....

  13. Think some confusion maybe creeping in.

    You need a service braking system.

    You need a secondary braking system

    You need a parking brake.


    The secondary system could be a dual circuit/split circuit system (as per a car) or it could be a suitable parking brake system.

    The parking brake needs to be mechanically operated and cable of holding the vehicle without any assistance.

    If the parking brake is also the secondary system it should be able to be gradually applied and released when the vehicle is on motion. As you can with a cable operated handbrake, but not with a Mercedes foot operated and handle release system.

    I believe Antarmike is saying that as the parking brake, being a ratchet system cannot be gradually released it is unlikly to be acceptable as a secondary braking system, but it is acceptable as a parking brake.



    Exactly my point.

  14. For which vehicles and built from which date? There will be plenty of vehicles without a secondary braking system...
    safariswing's link to the 'Hughes Guides' starts off:-



    Braking systems of certain vehicles FIRST USED ON OR AFTER 1st April 1983. . "




    Try looking at the "Hughes guide"


    The important point is Stormer needs a secondary braking system, lets stay focussed and not confuse this issue by bringing in older vehicles that don't.

  15. A very sorry-looking Hunter, slowly being dismembered just outside Woodhall Spa.:embarrassed:[ATTACH=CONFIG]37956[/ATTACH]


    Owned by Jon Davison, he is working on it, but because of its location doesn't wan't to put too many nickable parts on it until security is improved. He Owns, has owned several Aircraft. He is currently rebuilding a Tiger Moth that was groundlooped many years ago. It should be ready to fly into Waddington Airshow this year. The Hunter T7 of course will never fly again!


    Not being dismembered, being slowly assembled. It is a loved aircraft, and he would like it to be known it isn't scrap, being broken up, or there for souvenir hunters. Hopefully in the coming Summer months it will look a lot better.

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