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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. I was down in Hemel Hempstead yesterday when it started snowing. It only took an inch to bring the whole town to gridlock. What is wrong with the average driver that they just cannot drive in snow, or realise it is not a good time to be trying?

  2. That's a bone of contention in itself.


    The big wing took forever to form up in the air, whereas scrambling individual squadrons at just the right time had them where they were needed when they were needed and no time wasted.


    According to Issue 1 of Military Times (who sponsor Arrse, and which copy 1 I reviewed), the results claimed by the big wing are open to debate.


    Those who decried the big wing were replaced shortly after the battle, leaving its proponents to do as they would.


    Maybe the big wing was right in the end, but had it alone been employed during the battle, I suspect we'd have lost, because we couldn't have plugged so many holes at the same time.

    Sept 15th when Luftwaffe pilots had been told RAF was down to 50 fighters, and Big Wing turning up with 60 had a bid psychological impact on the Germans. Apart from this occasion Big Wing didn't have much impact.


    Big wing was hampered by no command structure, indisipline from Bader who frequently disregarded ground control and went of into airspace of his choosing, and the fact that Hurricanes formed part of the wing and the Spitfire could only climb to height at the rate the Hurricanes could keep up with.


    Kills claimed for the wing were unbelievable at the time, and with hindsight best research now shows them to be wildy exagerated.


    I am not impressed by Bader or his idea.

  3. i beleive the cab on dave weedon's dt was made in house at wynns as they needed a crew cab for the work it was going to do. makes sense realy as there is not a lot of room in the standard cab, you are very much shoulder to shoulder, on the other hand maybe i need to shrink a little,maybe after xmas though.

    I have heard it said that the reason Wynns changed cabs was simply the old ones had rusted out and were beyond economic repair.

  4. it was the hurricane and the spitfire that helped to win the BOB...it was the pilots the big wing the radar, the British spirit, ( now lost to process and procedure) it was a host of things, no one product or person won us the BOB...it was all the factors put together...that made it possible...the English channel played its part too.....

    It could be argued that the BofB was not won by the RAF but lost by the Luftwaffe.


    It was incredibly stupid mistakes on the german side that gave victory to the allies.


    The single attack on the Chain Home Radar was not followed up and the switch to attacking London ensured Germany would loose.


    The RAF had some very bad tactics, the Vic, etc which meant pilots were spending to much effort trying to fly in very close proximity to each other, and this meant their attentions weren't always on looking out for the enemy fighters. (and was frankly beyond the skill of most pilots)


    But again flying the German fighters with the bombers, instead of giving the autonomy to use height, was another bad German mistake.


    It is too complex an issue to say whch fighter won the battle. (the Blenheims and the Defiants also achieved kills, and every kill counted.)

  5. I think its an American GMC/Chevrolet step van, the only pic I could find is this later1950's model


    Gutter line does not look right. Your photo has perfectly straight gutter/ roof line, the one we are trying to identify clearly has a curved gutter/ roofline. I would not have thought a later version of a vehicle would so drastically alter that a new press tool would be required for both roof and side panels.

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