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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. We had another 25mm last night, now laying at 260-280mm. Temp dropped to -8C last night, at 1.00pm today the sun was shining and the thermometer in the sun read +12/+13C, but at 2.30 the Sun had gone behind cloud and mist and temp dropped to -4/-5C in no time.


    Given up working on 101 and have come in for the day. Brrrrr!


    Neighbour went out with his Grey Ferggy and towed his Ford Car up the driveway, don't know where he got it stuck but it hasn't been by his house for 3 days!


    :D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D


    Just to update everyone we have been to the showground this morning and got there with no problems. The roads around the showground are clear and they have gritted and cleared as much of the showground as we need around the building.


    We will be there from 10am to 5pm for traders to setup tomorrow and the show will be open to the public from 09:00 to 16:00 on Sunday


    See you there!


    about an inch of snow fell last night, but nothing at all today. (so far) Good Luck, things seem a bit better in Lincs today....

  3. Welcome aboard mate - Personally I reckon you ought to flog all the Rovers and buy the big one that you really want:D:D:D:D

    Some of Land Rover's engineering is pretty terrible, but it is still better than Scammell managed on the Explorer!

  4. If you push the life saving and health benefits of breathing the air you may be able to get more money for it say 25 GBP.


    Oh and I am sure somebody will pay 50 GBP for one which has endless free refills.




    If you can sell bottled water which is freely available from the tap, selling bagged air should be a doddle.

  5. Just a quick update to let you know the show is still going ahead on Sunday. The showground is immediately by the A1/M & A46 so access to the showground should not be a problem


    Have you taken out bad weather insurance? A1 is closed at Grantham at the moment.......and the A17 is pretty terrible and A15 North of Lincoln virtually impassable today!


    A16 has just closed in both directions.

  6. I *think* that the law on Adverse Possession changed a decade or so ago so that the claimant now has to be able to show that he/she has made a reasonable attempt to identify and contact the rightful owner before claiming AP; if this cannot be established, then no legal title is established. This was, I believe, done to avoid people using stealth to claim AP on property where the ownership was not actually in doubt. (I may however be wrong, and anyone intending to try an AP claim would be bonkers to do so without proper legal advice).


    In the old days when a railway was closed the land was usually offered for sale to local farmers etc and generally, if structure-free, sold. Tunnels, and bridges which crossed public rights of way, generally were not sold, and a surprising number of such structures are still owned by British Railways (and yes, I do mean BR) - BR Residuary Ltd - a company set up when the network was privatised specifically to own such redundent assets. It is sometimes possible to buy major structures such as tunnels and viaducts for purely nominal sums (eg £1) but you will get the maintenance liability as well! A major viaduct needs continual maintenance to keep it safe, but the demolition bill could be millions, so no wonder BR®Ltd would like to be shot of as many as possible.


    If a line was closed post-privatisation, or was considered a strategic route, then the route may be protected. Many former railway routes have been sold to organisations like Sustrans as cycle routes (and this can make life a nightmare for anyone attempting to reopen the route as a railway, as many heritage groups will testify).


    The links I have already posted are current and reflect the present situation.

  7. English Law recognises "Adverse Possession" known to most of us as "Squatter's rights"


    If a piece of land has been used by the same person for a 12 year period, and during the whole of that 12 years he was never prevented from using the land, nor was any approach made to him to vacate that land, even though at the start of that 12 years the land may have been owned by somebody else, I becomes his.


    If a farmer has continuously occupied a portion of track bed for 12 years, without being barred from using it at any time, or without his use having been challenged by the original owner of the land, then he can claim "Adverse Possession" and the land is his to use, own keep sell, do what he wants with.


    There is on the outskirts of RAF Halton, an Industrial area, comprising Motor engineers, shot blasters, vehicle parts recycling, scrap yards etc, all of which grew up on RAF owned land beside the disused Wendover arm of the Grand Union Canal. Some years ago the RAF made moves to close a road built onto the estate and reclaim the land.


    It went to court. and having sworn in court that they had been there since 1947, the traders won the day and the RAF lost the land.





    Slightly different rules aplly to land which has been registered, to unregistered land. registered land occupied under "adverse Possession" seems only to need ten years occupation.


    A Farmer does not have the right to start to use an abandoned railway track, but if he began that use ten/ twelve years ago and that use has not been challenged, then probably , yes he has gained the right to continue to use it.

  8. The number of number plate recognition cameras around Lincoln, Wragby, Grimsby, to name but a few make it almost impossible to run an unlicensed vehicle around Lincolnshire, surely Number plate recognition has made SORN redundant, and it is now time to save the money spent trying to paper chase the SORN system.

  9. Ah, but that assumes you're honest. In an ideal bureaucratic world, the police would have time to investigate every vehicle that's registered but doesn't have a tax disc. Because they don't, SORN is intended to direct their attention to those vehicles that don't have either SORN or a tax disc and are therefore presumably running around on the road untaxed. Whether it actually achieves that aim is a matter for conjecture ...




    Being very cynical I thought SORN was introduced so that nobody could say, if caught out on the road, "I forgot the tax was out of date and I didn't get a reminder". By making a SORN declaration it proves you willingly lied that you weren't using the vehicle when you were and where perfectly aware it needed taxing and you had chosen to use it despite not having tax.


    This then opens up heavier penalties when your case comes to court!

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