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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. Why not have two meetings? GDSF and somewhere else would mean one or other meetup is more local, and therefore suits some more than others.


    TRhe advantage of having A DT meet at GDSF is that we could actually get a number of DT's on a big load, working together. No other showsite has such an Arena as GDSF. Do you want to drive them as they should be, or park them in a line, and once a day go into to small arena for 15 minutes?

  2. Finally sat on the right tyre size. Step rings yet to go on but am I happy that she is off those ridiculous Supacat tyres.



    Above, Cat inspects new Terminator.


    This is what facinates him, my new Crosby Terminator,


    Reckon that is an easy way to finish the cable, and still allow very easy reversal of front/rear winching. For ease of switching Bulldog grip can be left off. I have it on as an Anti-theft device, (well it might put off someone if they have to use a spanner)

  3. .......Then bottom line in the legal sense and the proliference of legal suits calling someone a to$$er, idiot or in anyway demeaning them can be classed as defamation or slander


    Sorry it kinda bugs me, thankfully most the postings in here are of a well spirited manner


    Can't be Slander on a message board, but can be libel. Slander is the spoken word, if it is on a message board it is written hence libel, but we know what you mean....

  4. Involve neighbours, they will have plenty to say when the planning application goes in, so try to get them on side before, rather than putting their backs up by not warning them of your plans.....Objections from neighbours can and do result in applications being rejected.

  5. Disagree completely Mike.




    Without quoting the original, this post has left me puzzled. Which Mike is this post in answer to? Antarmike or TooTallMike?


    It is not immediately obvious to me who you are dis-agreeing with.


    I don't want to rush in with a reply not knowing for certainty whose post you disagree with....

  6. I have googled DPV and haven't found anything to suggest speed limits have changed for vehicles fully complying with the C and U definition...That doesn't mean it may not have changed, just that as yet I can find no reference to a change in speed limits...."Ask a Copper" "ask a policeman " whatever the site is called still gives DPV with 70/70/60 limit....



  7. I can't see an answer yet regarding 4x4 vehicles. Most small 4x4's are Dual Purose Vehicles or DPV's. (although not all DPV's are 4x4's)


    Thinking about it this isn't so..


    a DPV has to be designed or adapted to carry goods, so I doubt whether all Dicovery's and the like, troopers etc , ambulance bodied land Rovers, are DPV's

    It would appear to me that Lightweights, 101's, series landies, with a definite load area are DPV's.....many of the Chelsea Taxi's would not be.....

  8. I can't see an answer yet regarding 4x4 vehicles. Most small 4x4's are Dual Purose Vehicles or DPV's. (although not all DPV's are 4x4's) So I will give you how I see it, but I am confused...



    First definition of a DPV.....

    A dual purpose vehicle is one that is a vehicle constructed and adapted for the carriage of both passengers and goods UW not exceeding 2,040 Kgs and

    a) is so constructed or adapted that the driving power of the engine is, or by appropriate use of controls can be, transmitted to all wheels of the vehicle or is


    it is constructed so that it has a rigid roof, with or without a sliding roof panel,

    the area to the rear of the driver must have at least one row of properly upholstered transverse seats( fixed or folding,capable of carrying at least two passengers,

    The distance from the steering wheel to the backrest of the rearmost seat must not be less than one third the distance between the steering wheel and the rearmost part of the floor and

    the windows to the rear of the driver must have an area of not less than 1,850 Square centimetres on either side of the vehicle and 770 square CMs at the rear.



    The above definition from Reg 3 road Vehicles (construction and use) regs 1986




    Road traffic Regulations act 1984 S 86 and Schedule 6 says;_

    Dual purpose vehicles are subject to the following limits

    Motorway 70

    Dual carriageway 70

    other road 60 MPH.


    However most confusingly the same regs talk about DPV without trailer UW exceeding 3.05 Tonnes or adapted to carry more than 8 passengers as having a speed limit of


    Length not exceeding 12m 70/60/50


    Length exceeding 12m 60/60/50


    I fail to see how a DPV can exceed 3.05 Tonnes UW when C and U limit a DPV to 2.04 Tonnes. Can someone harmonise these two pieces of legislation and explain the apparent contradiction?

  9. Specialise, an iteresting concept.

    Work for a company that does a bit of everything, mainly in the private sector.

    Housing, commercial, industrial, we will try anything (especially at the moment)

    Hover would say I spend the majority working on industrial/commercial drainage and hardstandings.




    As the packaging of the Landy seat runners you just sent me prooves!

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