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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. Whilst driving through Winchcombe on Sunday the 10th Oct this year on our way to The Steam Fair at Toddington, I had to give way (well he was bigger than me) an AEC Matador Timber Tractor this I think had been at the Steam Fair on the Saturday, looking at the brochure, it belongs to Philip & Pat Wadley, the reg no is ARV 143, and it is a MK11 1937 model, any one know more about the old Girl, ?



    ARV 143 is a Pre-war Civilian 4x2 model type O346, and has no direct connection with Wartime and later 4x4 type O853, and as far as I know is not and never has been a timber vehicle. At 1937 this is two years before the first O853/853 Matador. ARV has been on rally circuit many years as a box Van.


    Having attended Toddington in the past I know a timber Matador which has been there in the past. The ex Kinver sawmill O853 Rag LRF 463B (95YY36),. I don't know whether this was there again and is what you saw, but possibly it attended, not in program, and you have found civvy 4x2 Matador in program and are wrongly assuming it is the same vehicle?

  2. Just finished laying 9+ cubic metres in what was the Explorers shed. My wife is converting the shed to a wood turning workshop, and she and I mixed the whole lot by hand ( well a Belle mixer).





    We halved the cost of ready mixed and we are a lot fitter having done it. It really isn't that big a deal mixing concrete, if you have the time you can save a lot of money.


    Floor 25' wide x 40' long tapering to 30' average 5" thickness.

  3. It`s a fantastic idea, the question is where would you hold it?

    I`m sure any T owner wouldn`t really want to miss the event but how many could afford it?

    In a previous thread i said that i know of 7 T`s in Essex, even getting those 7 together would take some doing.

    I`m up for it.


    Possibly Diesel Heavy Haulage..GDSF.....If I know likely numbers I can start talking To Martin Oliver.....

  4. Thanks again for all your help. First I need to find a good vehicle, then I'll see further about the engine, but it is good to know what the options are and the cost involved.


    I hope to have a look at this 1979 109 coming sunday. These are the only pics I have and they are very small and probably pretty useless, but if you do see any red flags or positive points please let me know.
























    Its got Carpets! Real Land Rovers don't have carpets, they take to long to dry out after wading!

  5. Ashchurch sems to be where they were stored. No 101 was built as an ambulance. They were never intended to be ambulances but there was an UOR for Second Generation feild ambulances. More towards treatment in the vehicle rather than just transport. Marshall's of Cambridge got the contract and selected, now here I'm open to corection, 600 chassis from store for conversion. Considering only 2666 101s were ever built thats a high proportion.


    It was at Ashchurch for some time (as a chassis cab, unregistered) awaiting Ambulance body, before being converted to Truck GS with Marshall's rivetted back body rather than a land Rover Spot welded body.


    It was actually built in September 1977 as a chassis cab under contract WV 12074 and stored at Ashchurch, awaiting ambulance conversion by Marshalls of Cambridge.


    The card for 01AM15 shows it was converted instead to a G/S under Mashalls FVE 21A/230 contract and entered service in 1983, when it was returned to Ashchurch. In 1984 it was fitted out as a Rapier Tracking Radar Tractor (TRT), by 18 Command Workshops, as a planned repair, with the Asset Code 1829 0750. The vehicle was then issued to RAF West Raynham, where it served with 66 Sqn RAF Regt as part of 6 Wing defending USAF airfields until being struck off and sold at ADT, Boongate in 1992.

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