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Posts posted by ruxy

  1. 46 minutes ago, Scrunt & Farthing said:

    I do Doug.  The vendor sent me a lovely email via ebay, after my purchase, telling me it was a from a Leyland in Ashbourne in Derbyshire.  His late grandfather-in-law drove the lorry and kept this as a memento.  It has been in the family ever since.  I am enormously pleased to buy it, know the history and eventually fit it to my lorry.   I did not think i would ever find one.  I know I shall have to make a lot of the lorry, copying parts etc.  But this is so rare I had pretty much concluded that I would make a simple screw cap.

    When you screw it on your lorry rad.  -  it sounds like you will need more than a couple of nylon Tie-Wraps as security  ?

    • Like 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, Jessie The Jeep said:

    The Big Move Day - February 24th

    We found out the owners were going to wait at the house to hand us the keys, rather than us collecting the keys from the agent. This meant we could drive across in convoy, me with the M201 and Lynne with the normal car towing the B-17 trailer. Originally Lynne planned to get the keys from the agent with just a car, as parking at the estate agent was limited. However, collecting the keys from the owners meant we could both tow trailers and get more stuff over sooner.

    It was around a 12 mile drive via the back roads through Houghton-le-Spring. I always try to avoid motorways if I can, as I don't feel safe with other drivers travelling well over the speed limit. Most of the trip to Durham was on 30mph limit roads and it was a pleasant drive that passed too quickly.


    Arriving at the back garden of the new house and reversing the trailer to the garage.


    You've got me on that  'roadview'  it's not on the A690  ,   methinks it is the Old A1  going south from Neville's Cross  ?

  3. 3 hours ago, mtskull said:

    According to Wikipedia, the second prototype was used for an attempt on the world altitude record (which did not end well).

    It would seem likely, then, that the photo shows a cylinder being filled with liquid oxygen. There is something which may be an oxygen mask on the ground near the scale.

    It is possibly a primitive way of final producing of liquid oxygen , small scale process speed up by using nitrogen for cooling.  The vessel ?   bottle does seem within a flat bottomed wicker basket.   If liquid oxygen / nitrogen was around then the fat controller must have been sucking at an empty pipe  !

  4. Yes , it does seem like liquid nitrogen.    Son 2 is the chemist and I know s.f.a.    Obviously some sort of 'field' testing , is it a octane check on the fuel.   Take a 1 gallon sample , note weight and then boil-off the "light-ends"  , check the weight , calculate  ?

  5. 9 minutes ago, steviem said:

    Are these affectionately know has jeep salads? Seems to be quite a lot about so there must be a way of registering them. 

    Hotchpotch / salads presented for  RTV registration today should be given a  Q  plate ,  of relative recent history this was not the case & status when attending shows is quite good - more a fun vehicle than a trailer queen.  Some people owning these 'salads' have every intention of swopping out the spurious components , over a period of time .  It's hardly financially viable , it depends on the owners aims. There is much more info. on internet , via. clubs , books now available that were not in the 1970's.   You could get to a stage of all Willys  or all Ford components , the  'rivet-counters' are now better informed of time-line changes to both Ford & Willys chassis & tubs  -  are all the parts correct to time-line also, again all down to aims & dedication. 

  6. 26 minutes ago, Powdermonkey52 said:

    Advice to me from the MVT was all that matters is the chassis. So aslong as you have a chassis that can be documented (so probably a GPW stamped chassis) and the appropriate axels etc. (I.e. you don't put for example landrover axels on instead of jeep axels) the DVLA will register as a historic vehicle using the date of the chassis. If though you put landrover axels on a GPW chassis its likely they would consider it a reconstruction or kit car. The chassis is the most important part in the DVLAs eyes.



    This is the advice I got from the MVT:

    "So if you build a WW2 GPW with an original chassis, then it is a WW2 GPW. When basically complete, the DVLA will want a verification letter from a recognised club (the MVT is one) stating the vehicle is what is claimed, with the club’s sources  of information to support that. That is the key. You will of course need other things to register it as well, like a NOVA certificate, DVLA forms, the fee, etc, all of which are no problem. And then you get a V5C with an age-related registration, “Historic” status (inc zero road tax) and the date of manufacture stated on the V5."

    Fine carry on and advise of all when process completed,  however - my understanding is that it is not based on just a bare chassis to obtain an age-related registration (dealing with just a single consideration).   The  DVLA  have people pulling their hair out with their  "Guidance"  that is freely available on the internet with common application to all people / clubs / all  motor vehicle types   -  this seems to be contrary to what you are instructed by the  MVT.

  7. 1 hour ago, GreenEagleKing said:

    Yes of course, was thinking maybe he abrivated Europe as a continent to EU. 

    Geopolitical  Europe  ?  as envisaged by Karl Haushofer  80 years ago,  his concept post BREXIT - is largely achieved , ironic except that Britain no longer has an Empire   ,  there was to be 'special trading arrangements' with Britain and its Empire.

  8. Have you determined if this line of approach is to be considered by the  DVLA as a  'reconstructed' vehicle , rather than as a 'rebuilt'  vehicle (a more generous determination) .   This as I see it is where a  'true'  rolling chassis with accrued points (best documented) is a far better proposition than a bare chassis  - with regards to the major components.  Using a  MB engine rather than a Ford  is hardly a true reflection of the marque .


  9. Why do you not buy a pedestal mounted , garage   "Spark-Plug"  blaster ,  a simple and probably  £ FREE    DIY modification to the rubber bung where you stick the plug ,  such as a suitable rubber hose , secured (however)  and a https://www.zoro.co.uk/shop/power-tools/blow-gun-accessories/kn-r02-100-nozzle-male-size-1-r1%2F4/p/ZT1028626X?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=pla%2B|%2BPower Tools&utm_term=ZT1028626X&utm_medium=pla_css_4&targetid=pla-394857621778&loc_physical_ms=1006991&dev=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiIz1zafd7gIVFWHmCh2t-Q-XEAQYBSABEgJKsfD_BwE

    The  fitting 'experemental'  to determine small hole needed as blasting  - estimate at  1/8"  ,  once sorted - these should case harden with such as Casenite  , or find better cheaper alternative.    I use gun (canister) with compressor(s)  for blasting and the nozzles do wear , as dia. increases , then I couple up another compressor .   Normally  10 to 15 cfm  (FAD) is needed.

  10. 45 minutes ago, jenkinov said:

    Hi Rudy

    I was in Darlington this morning but never saw the Isles Transport yard in Darlington in the 1970s ..In 1979/80 I started looking actively for a Jeep Then in the 1990 but it was not until the 2000s that I acquired one .


    I think the Isles family must still own much of what is known now as Cleveland Trading Estate.    Bob Isles was using the huge original Darlington Forge Building.    He was BIG for Jeeps  ,  Feb.  1971  -  I purchased a new crated engine off him ,  out of a container - many were stacked under snow.   Inside the forge Jeeps were stacked four high , in the yard were artic trailers loaded 3 or 4 high  -   he must have had well over  100  qty.  He sold them to dealers by the trailer load.   I don't think I called between  1971 and 1980 because he was doing time(s) for artic trailer theft  !         1980 - he showed me what a Hotchpotch & straight M201  were.  1980 - he was also selling Ex  US air force Sherpa pick-ups ,  so it may have been true that he was getting most of his Jeeps (early days)  from US forces  ?   I would estimate 50% +  of Jeeps on the show scene in UK must have originated via.  Bob Isles.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Powdermonkey52 said:

    Thanks for the replies and help everyone. 

    Sounds like I should be OK then with my plan to find a rolling (or almost rolling) GPW chassis with visible number and paperwork 👍


    With Ref. to your post of  27th. Jan.    If you wish to avoid a  "Q"  plate , then follow the DVLA guidance,  Reconstructed classic vehicle -  chassis axles would be a good start (go for a branded chassis No. also investment in 3rd party  report of NDT  searching for "disturbancies"  in area of number) would be a sound investment.Then engine / gearbox.   IIRC bodywork does not count - then go for best available 'replacement' tub (to avoid rot) and bodywork/fittings.      'Pay-as-you-Go'   this century will not be a cheap option.

  12. 10 hours ago, jenkinov said:

    The chassis on any vehicle in the UK is the principle I'D .or frame on a bike .the jeep .the challenge is that if the vehicle has a doubtful age or identity the DVLA will issue a Q plate ..if you are building a jeep from parts it potentially could be judged as doubtful age .identity or both and allocated a q p!ate 

    I attended a show where I saw a rebuild where the owner was proudly listing all the new parts .New tub.New chassis.the list seemed endless ...he was very proud of his rebuilt jeep .. Which as far as I could see with the exception of the engine and axles seemed brand new ..




    Yes , very very possible , following all the rules of recent date (the problem being in the 60's , 70'  &  80's  - you just did your own thing & that can make it much more difficult to scrutineer).

    Read on for  "Rebuild Vehicles"  ,  counting up the points game according to DVLA to obtain a more desirable  VRM  plate..

    https://www.lrsoc.com/forum/forum_files/legend/Legend 188 DVLA.pdf

  13. Got-it  ,  I think,,

    So -  to sum-up , in short  -  once the vehicle has achieved 40 years of age (documentary evidence needed) , then you have to wait until the next 1st of April  (That could be several months) , only then   ?  apply to succeed for Historic Status.

  14. 9 hours ago, ruxy said:

    I don't think it is in Japan ,  it seems the owner / seller is operating through their UK  'office'      Ranjan Ltd

    Looking at their last accounts filed ,  actually they are overdue  - things  £  are far from rosy,   looking at the graphs  -  I doubt if they will ever get into the +      Needless to say it looks very iffy ,  legit but iffy..


    The Japanese web site is still listing their British  "associate" as live  !   ,  however  UK Autolink Limited was dissolved  24/3/15  -   Ranjan Ltd  -  that is the 'automotive Phoenix'  


  15. 8 hours ago, 64EK26 said:


    It's a scam

    vehicle is located in Japan !

    see https://www.autolink.co.jp/12392-japan-used-land+rover-lightweight-1980-suv.html



    I don't think it is in Japan ,  it seems the owner / seller is operating through their UK  'office'      Ranjan Ltd

    Looking at their last accounts filed ,  actually they are overdue  - things  £  are far from rosy,   looking at the graphs  -  I doubt if they will ever get into the +      Needless to say it looks very iffy ,  legit but iffy..


    • Like 1
  16. Look at the  LRO  comic publication date then do a  DVLA check on  TWD 972W  - the last  V5 issue date,  it is taxed & with valid MOT  -  work it out  for yourselves  LoL      The present  'vendor'  says it is complete winterized ,  LRO stated the vendor had the demister fittings  - it seems not , but in any case - there is much more needed   LoL        I suppose my speciality has been winterized LWT for the last 28 years so I must know a bit more than those who scribed for LRO  LoL

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