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Posts posted by ashley

  1. and finally well known locally a vintage yellow bus





    Thata all i have folks, i know some other members of the forum were there may be they have some.


    Nice to meet and chat with you blazerman hope your partner is feeling better i must confess since returnig the loo has been my best friend !



  2. more green pictures to follow :?


    The displays themselves were split in to the following groups


    light vehicles :- jeeps,dodges,15 cwt

    medium :- 3 tonners

    heavy : 2 miles per gallon jobbies



    you could only enter or leave the display area under escort at the prescribed time agreed with the marshalls, and this could be the reason that a lot of vehicles never left the camping area. As the camp area was set a fair distance away the gen.public did not get to see these vehicles

    anyways on with the pictures

  3. Hey Guys,

    dont get me wrong... i intend to drive to most shows but there are one or two i would like to attend further afield. This is when i would use the trailer, and of course when talking over a suspected problem some guys who are good enough to help usually prefer to have the vehicle on thier `own turf` so`s to speak.



  4. Hi all,

    for the longer journey`s i have now acquired a trailer to put the jeep on.

    Do any of you guys have expirience in the best way to strap one down, the pintle hook is an obvious place but i am more concerned with the front of the vehicle.

    Any ,advice, tips ??????



  5. Hi all,

    it was (and i belive still is ) very common for military gear to be buried on ite rather than transport it back home.

    Ford i belive offered to make military vehicles for the U.S. and its allies stating that if it was sent overseas it should not return home (hence the number of U.S. vehicles in Europe after the war (he didn`t want the post war market to be flooded with secondhand vehicles when he could produce new !!!)


    I was on site in Roberts barracke in Osnabruck (Germany) when foundations being dug they unearthed all sorts of WW2 field gear,helmets, guns, etc in the early seventies.

    I also heared that after the first Iraq war the americans buried 1200 tanks rather than go through the hassle than transporting them home.

    These activities did happen but how frequently who can tell :roll: :roll:



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