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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. What was the cause of the fire? dragging brake ? or flat tire? or... Glad it was limited to the trailer and did'nt get to your wifes Scammell !! I think you gave the cause before the crash but I dont recall it .
  2. open cab 1/2 ton Dodge ? I m not up on the models to use the other discription
  3. the floor of a Dodge or GMC but the photo I think has been reversed which would make it Jacks Jimmie
  4. Pershing perhaps ? or might this be a post WWII tank barrel ?
  5. Thank You , for your suggestion and comment
  6. it would seem from the perspective shown that that one either enters the cab from the opposite side door or climbs over the brake ? seems ackward . I guess there's a reason why they mounted the throttle so high ? as in to avoid mud and debis if mounted on the cab floor ? or ?
  7. Having largely completed the restoration on this Ben Hur that I ve had for 18 yrs. Which I purchased in the Netherlands it came straight from the Dutch Army , it has a modification which I have no idea why it was done or for what purpose . I m hoping someone can answer the riddle why they attached two cables that pass underneath the axle from front to back , there are no problems with the axle or frame that it would have been needed .I m thinking it might be to secure the trailer for shipping reasons but have never seen this on other trailers. 1 2
  8. Seems to me the end roller bearings look like they have too much clearance with the outer bearing race. Whats the parts availability like beyond the Bearings ? as in shafts and gears and housings????
  9. what is the function of the lever with the polished brass handle ? Seems to be a heck of stop using that wooden block !
  10. I was curious to see just who might have the oldest rims on their American Military Vehicle :??? . Having just examined my Ben Hur I found one rim dated 3/45 and the other 6/42 ......so the question is does anyone have any earlier dates on their Chevy , Dodge , FWD, GMC , WLF or whatever American product . Knowing that during depot rebuilds and just normal operations , as long as it was the correct wheel for the vehicle, the date on the rim was the most unimportant detail , leave it to the collector to bother with this detective work :-D In case you didnt know each rim is dated on the flat surface near the Lug nut holes closet to the tube valve stem on the outer or raised side of the rim ( i could be wrong in thinking it is only on one side as mine are mounted I can't examine the other concave side ) it will have both a part number and bolt diameter size followed by the mfg date : for example mine reads 82161 5 1/8 6 42 and the other 82161 5 1/8 3 45 , so if you have lots of paint on your rims you would need to do a bit of scraping ...perhaps best left till sometime when your repainting then .
  11. A very Happy Birthday and Glad to hear about your son .
  12. Welcome aboard and tell us a bit more of what your interested in , in the way of militaria ...its ok not to own something as that comes with exposure to all the wierd and wonderful tales and experiances mention on the Forum.
  13. Thank You for showing the details of the winch system . Thats a pretty little lane indeed ! the Explorer fills it completely !
  14. Welcome aboard feel free to post a few pic's of your L.R. and if you look around your bound to find those other types being discused , even for sale once in a while .
  15. I had missed your posting until now sorry . the Aberdeen proving ground show is held each year , the show is held on a weekend in May this year its dates are the 8th 9th and 10th .there is a parade and static display of the HMV's and there had been live firing displays by the Military as well as tour's of the proving grounds test facility's .
  16. Nice to have you back and you have covered the past posts just fine , you even added a couple motor !!!! Sorry to hear about you Need to relocate and Hope you find a good replacement location which ever way you go .
  17. And todays Happy Birthday Wish is to woa2 , you will have to tell us what bits and pieces you received as gifts for your Collection!:-D
  18. A belate Happy Birthday wish to richard hulme hope you had enough Cola to go around!
  19. A belated Happy Birthday wish to Stormin
  20. a great collection of photo's Andy , perhaps any details you could add to them ?
  21. A belated but Happy Birthday wish to fc101daz
  22. Wishing you a belated but Very Happy Birthday
  23. a belated but heartfelt Happy Birthday to you Pinkie
  24. a belated Happy Birthday Wish To Sylvester did you save some cake for your friends? :-D
  25. a belated Happy Birthday to Chris hope it was a good one
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