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Everything posted by paul_bish

  1. welcome on board, wouldn't mind a visit myself if I can find a spare weekend
  2. Really need a QLR rad cap with seal if this is still available
  3. WOW thats very jolly isn't it!!!
  4. What a treasure chest - I tempted to buy and then find the truck to put it on :-D
  5. Pictures look amazing and glad you have sold some already
  6. Great stuff. No rush from me but when your ready I'm there :-D
  7. Nice work and quick! Did you get my email about parts?
  8. Nice work. Would be keen on any interesting QL bits. Any QLR bits I would be interested in if you have pictures. I also need a rad cap seal...maybe a Penthouse tent for the QLR if you found one
  9. I need some of that too so also keen to find a source
  10. Its called a Growler, the early prototypes used MUTT components but now its an entirely new vehicle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growler_(vehicle)
  11. Welcome on board, certainly sounds like your enjoying your RL!
  12. We stopped for 2 minutes silence at my office (and thats a "trendy" design office in soho) and also at the conference I was at, happens every year.
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