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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. John - I followed your recommendation for data plates and Robert is looking to make up some plates to my artwork. Great info on the oxygen bottle,interesting that it was originally yellow - thanks for posting.
  2. Mike - don't suppose you know of a good source for those Goodyear 14x24 tyres? P.S. The rest of the truck looks pretty darn good too!!
  3. Aha - a solution to the problem of what to do with a vehicle whose restoration was so eagerly commenced but was never put back together? I think I might be able to find enough loads for several Dakotas.....:whistle: Enjoy the ride riverman - hang on tight!!
  4. N.O.S.

    Odd wheel

    How about this early promotional item?
  5. Shouldn't that be Swedish PORK ? (Sugga = Pig - :n00b: )
  6. :confused: Maybe McLaren-Ricardo going by the fabricated crankcase and rocker cover/pipe detail. Don't keep us in suspense please!
  7. Now see here Pike, you stu.......oy, it would be more than that as it has a turbo. :n00b:
  8. English Electric V/RK Series, built with 4 to 16 cylinders, this 4 cyl. would be 10" dia. x 12" stroke and 248 hp. Don't ask
  9. Here is a link to one of those wierd fuel bowsers, where the tyres act as tanks, which is currently for sale in Italy. Built 1964. Go on someone - save it!! http://www.agriaffaires.co.uk/used/antique-construction-equipment/695990/trasporto-gasolio.html
  10. Here's a link to a picture of a Gliding Club's fuel bowser - down as a Mammoth but looks a bit Militantish to me! http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lakesgc.co.uk/news9903/bowser.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lakesgc.co.uk/news9903/news9903.html&usg=__22VGiA1l6W76vV0cB4KcmZ2hjE8=&h=443&w=639&sz=27&hl=en&start=19&tbnid=Ji_MiQOextMu6M:&tbnh=95&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3DU.S.%2Bfuel%2Bbowser%2Btyre%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18
  11. How about the photos of Pat Honey at work - would they be from the right period? I seem to remember the series of articles in one of the vintage truck mags had plenty of operators in view, but can't lay my hands on them at the moment. Isn't there a ACB website with his pics - I believe you put the link up for it a while ago??
  12. Hi Tomas, as a new modelling member, was it you who just superglued Jack's GMC to the workshop floor? He'll think it's the brakes again...... There will be trouble :argh: Your Challenger review on Armorama is excellent - just one point, when you state that for realism you filled the hull with a "quarter kilo of nails", please note over here it is usual to describe a bu%%ered engine as sounding like a "bag of nails" :whistle:
  13. Lack of Gardner name is interesting - doesn't this suggest a specific policy of hiding I.D.?? Antarmike - when I made reference to the FV series, I was thinking more of the Champ / Humber / Martian ranges which were designs with a high degree of input from FVRDE rather than the primarily commercial designs like Militant, Antar, Explorer (am I right in my thinking here?). In fact thinking about it, perhaps the lack of I.D. (?) on these FVRDE based vehicles is more because they were not a pure Manufacturer design, rather than a requirement to hide the manfacturer's name maybe??
  14. I noticed you'd mentioned that on another thread, CW:thumbsup: If we all followed your example we might end up preserving something special to hand on to the next generation, but I was just thinking that NPT's Militant would have hauled out a heck of a lot more acres worth of trees during its working life out there had he not intervened :-D
  15. Now that was so much more effective than buying an acre of rainforest :-D Well done that man!
  16. CW, I'm not active enough in the hobby to be confident about voting for, let alone nominating, someone for this award. Perhaps such a decision would be best made by "the elders" whoever they may be or past recipients, as anyone making a worthy contribution would surely have come to their notice? So if anyone knows of someone quietly beavering away, they ought to make a private nomination in order to bring that person to the judges' attention maybe? Good that you've raised this subject, as we all now know how to nominate :thumbsup:
  17. That sounds likely - I always thought it was a strange thing to bother to do, putting an F on absolutely everything!
  18. Some WW2 U.S. vehicles started out with the maker's name proudly displayed, but later this I.D. was left off. Was this a deliberate policy? For example early GMCs had a nice 'GMC' badge on the radiator, later omitted, and early Chev 1 1/2 T trucks had embossed engine side panels, later plain. What about British WW2 vehicles? For example I don't think the Matador gun tractor ever had a radiator badge, whereas the Albion gun tractor had the maker's name cast into the radiator. You can understand the desire not to waste valuable materials on unecessary enamelled badges at this time. What about maker's I.D. on post war vehicles? I don't recall seeing any I.D.s on FV series vehicles.
  19. Fair cop Jack, you're the boss :n00b: I'll arrange to move it out at the weekend. But it is going to slow the restoration down a bit... There are a few oil stains on the carpet, and I noticed some has leached through onto the post war bar ceiling below (sorry) Guess I'm lucky it took you so long to notice it up there :whistle:
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