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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Hi Sigve, My mistake, I can see there is a hump there, so it is a Mk2. It did not show clearly in the video. It gives more clearance around the steering wheel for driver's hands. cheers Richard
  2. This is a heads up regarding a fire engine belonging to a friend that is for sale. A lot of us have wider interest than just MV's so i thought it would be worth posting this. 1982 reg. Dodge 1330 with HCB Angus bodywork, 1000 gall water tank, fitted with Perkins V8 and 4 speed manual gearbox. Good tyres. Has been dry stored and is surplus to requirements, no time to use it in other words! Price is £1000 or if you want it with all the kit it would be £1500. Located in East Sussex. If interested, please sent a PM and I will put you in touch with the owner. regards, Richard
  3. Very nice. That looks to be a Mk1 (no hump in the armour in front of driver's visor). I did a lot of work on a Mk2 some years ago, rare vehicles, guess the one in the video is in Norway? regards, Richard
  4. Clive, As you refered to TV and lack of entertainment, is this object of heat part of a television set by any chance?
  5. May have said the wrong name in last post, think it is more like Silicone diode rectifier
  6. A zener diode as in voltage regulator, I remember using Lucas ones on my motorcycles years ago.
  7. Water heater for showers in cold climate operations
  8. It looks like heat is involved, is it something to do with an army cooker?
  9. Animal, vegetable or mineral?? Have to start somewhere !
  10. It might hehelp if you said what vehicle it is for. Someone might have one or know someone who stcks them.
  11. Hi Iain, I have driven one of these in Australia and they go well. A lot have been rebuilt and are in very good order when sold off. Well done, you will enjoy it. Richard
  12. The lorry is looking very smart, well done! regards, Richard
  13. Holes are where they balanced it. Same often seen on flywheels and crankshafts.
  14. I recognise that one ! A fine example.
  15. Hi Graeme, I am certain this is for a 1950's Commer Q4 overhead valve petrol engine. Qualcast is the mower makers, but they made castings for the motor industry as well.
  16. Looks like an RAF Nubian fire tender and I have a feeling that the B80 engine is an early BSF one. Yes you can renew the HT cables from within their shrouds, problem is the old cable tend to go gummy and stick a bit. Replace with copper core 7mm HT lead. regards, Richard
  17. According to Bart Vanderveen's original bible of WW2 vehicles, the Canadian army acquired more than 1100 special long wheelbase (201 ins.) model 975 chassis/cabs for mounting revolving cranes and other special bodies on. I can see 'USA' painted on the crane cab, but in Bart's book there are no Diamond T cranes listed under US vehicles. I would say the one in the photo is a 975.
  18. Hi Mike, Have you seen this > https://www.bigtyres.co.uk/9-00-20-12-ply-malhotra-military-m-88-bar-grip-tt.html
  19. OC600 is a normal straight gear oil with SAE 140 viscosity. Used a lot in older British vehicles for axles, gearboxes and steering boxes
  20. The HM Dockyard at Chatham had closed before the Gulf War, so he probably meant the Falklands War !
  21. FMW company was formed around 1970, so very doubtful it would have been used in WW2.
  22. Sorry, saw you mentioned cover plate after I posted. When re-using bearing shells it is a good idea to check the bearing clearance as it is not really possible to ascertain how much a shell bearing has worn without using something like Plastigage, which gives a good idea of any problems. Measuring the journals with a micrometer to check for ovality is wise to. I am currently rebuilding a 28hp engine from a MW, this engine was rebuilt by Vauxhall Motors in 1954 and was well overdue for a rebuild.
  23. If the locking screw for the oil pump (below the one for the distibutor) is fitted correctly then the pump should be fully engaged with the distributor gear. One thing to check is the cover plate over the oil strainer, just in front of the distributor, this needs to be air tight else the pump will be trying to draw air in. Assume you have the correct size bearing shells for the size of crank journals? Also, could be an issue with the oil pressure relief valve in the pump. Did you remember to fit the oil feed pipe to the rockers? Richard
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