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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. :hug: :hug: :tup: By the way, anyone know what this is? It's going cheap to a good home.
  2. It may well be obvious, have you taken off and cleaned all the starter connectors? the muck builds up and suddnley no go. A gentle tap with a rubber hammer and lots of WD40 may also help.
  3. It is in reasonable nick and going very cheap. Someone had drooped the hitch and fitted a 50 mm ball, but this can be removed on 2 bolts.
  4. Watch it, I'll be fitting swords to electric cart's hubs! Have you ever seen a Zimmer frame of mass destruction! :box:
  5. Joris, is it true that tax on a house in Belgium and Holland dosen't come due till it is finished? I was told this once when I wondered why so many places always had extensions going up.
  6. Well whole system worked. Blew a bit of stuff about but now everything is working fine.
  7. The reason for this question is that having looked at the WW2 LRDG site there is a picture of a Cheverloet. This thing has a mixed collection of tyres including the Diamomd pattern that I associate with Norway. So I know that vehicles were shipped with small utility tyres and no spare, they being fitted with normal tyres on arrival. But was there a regulation pattern for British Vehicles in Europe and did it differ where the vehicle was sent?
  8. I know a very similar trailer for sale cheap in Kent if anyone wants it?
  9. didn't know that as said never use it.
  10. Only trouble with answering these things is that it spreads your e mail to the Muppets. There was a piece on the radio today that a lot of top brands are going after E bay as they don't do enough to stop fakes being sold. I won't use it, had a very arrogant e mail from them telling me I would be blacklisted and never allowed to use thier service agin, the politest part of my answer was that my lifes to short to worry about it.
  11. nice Jack, Norgie tyres on the Dodge, what is her history?
  12. Well done Joris, trouble is if you time you don't have the money, if you have the money you don't have the time. Will the garage be built first?
  13. WHAT !! A SHORT haired student? You've runied an old mans illusions. Still at least you own a Land Rover, don't mention the J word.
  14. Where would you get the cases?rouble is with our current'guidelines', they'd give you the gun but not the ammo. after the pistol farce, I could hold 10,000 rounds of .357 but nothinf to fire them from. :dunno:
  15. Thanks Joris, your'e right anything would have been done to protect Ultra. This is one of the HRO reciver sets from Phil Webb's QLR the sole remaning Y service vehicle.
  16. I moan about the weight of Dodge wheel! :-o
  17. Pinto is sure that a Dutch civilian warned the Germans of a landing, he names the guy but I can't find the book at the moment!! There were a lot of communications problems, the Dutch MOD did an exercise in the last couple of years with the same type of sets and still had the same problems. British Wireless intercept units Y Service attached to 30 corps had intelligence that German heavy forces were in the area, but what happened to this intelligence I don't know. After the surrender at Arnhem, British Y service operators did intercept signals claiming to be from a cut off unit, subsequently by slipping in German procedures and codes it was decided the massages were false. They also directly contacted the Germans at one stage to try and arrange evacuation of wounded.
  18. Well visit the club house bar and all your likely to get is the broom! Just remember we old fogies have our tables and do not take kindly to Young long haired... mutter... mutter.... don't worry you'll get used to us. :roll:
  19. Tony B

    Sniper One

    Right so review Sniper one for the forum, a great honour. Second thoughts, Eh, can I do it justice? Dan Mills was Sniper platoon Seargent in Y Company of the PWWR based at Cimic house during 2004. It is the story of what I'm sure will become one of the British Militarys historic actions. The scene is the city Al Amarah, in the Iraq state of Mysan, on the banks of the River Tigris. In 2004 this area was British responsibility. As part of that responsibility troops were stationed in the city, originally on peace keeping operations, during this time the situation deteriorated to open warfare. The author comes across as an intelligent astute man, he has been there done it and is entitled to the Tee shirt, he has nothing to prove to anyone. The book is a first hand account of the 6 months of 2004 that changed the way the Iraq was viewed. He writes a straight clear account of a major protacted action, the good the bad and the funny. The style is that of a soldier telling what happned, if you don't like some of the language, well tough. It is an insight of war from the view of those at ground level. I sincerly hope there are more books from this man.
  20. Tony B

    Sniper One

    Mark , please stop interupting! I'm at the good bits! :-D
  21. If anyone needs reminding. This is the bottom of Hooge crater on the Somme, 90 years on human remains a re still being found. The leagcy of war is still with us. It is fashionable to sneer at those who serve in the military. Our current forces have the same disipline and courage as those who have gone before , and still suffer the same pain.
  22. If you can find it read Pinto's book Spycatcher. He has intersting things to say about Operation Market Garden and the betrayal of the landing grounds to the Germans.
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