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Posts posted by Ron

  1. I just remembered I'd taken a picture and made measurements for someone before. I didn't bother to take the female half of the brass connector out as it will need some gentle teasing. When I fit it one day, I'll do as I've done before and as Steve suggests, leave the connector out and slide it on the HT lead with a blob of silicon. (Same as I do with the suppressors)

    The diameters are approximate as the moldings are irregular. I'm expecting some batteries from Arnaud and I  have asked him if he has one or any of his repro immobilizers left.   Ron



  2. I would say that, that lug and the welding looks identical to the one on my 3HW which is also hollow underneath. That would lead me to believe that yours is also a factory produced example.  Ron



  3. It's confusing Pawel ! If your frames are from contract C5108. Then they are earlier than mine and the later parts list which still show the clamp on field stand. I couldn't look at a weld and guess at when or where it happened. Maybe some of these earlier numbered frames were held in stock and used at a later date???

    I've been straining my eyes looking at the pictures I have to see if there is a pattern. But in most pictures the field stand lug is either obscured or to fuzzy to see. However I would say that this bike from contract C7162 has a welded lug. 

    Maybe some bikes deemed for a theater of operation were fitted with a welded lug whilst other bikes were supplied with the option to have a field stand fitted later if required........Buggered if I know?  Ron  


  4. Indeed Pawel. Sean Walsh told me he once rode his in his "quiet" road and it was not the nicest ride he's ever had!!

    Here is a scan from the prop stand pages from my 3SW (contracts 8079 & 7162) and 5SW (contract 7828) which show the clamp on stand. And my original clamp with some numbering.

    My 3SW is from a previous contract C6128. Neither my 3SW or 5SW  had any signs of lugs being ground of or braze stains.  My 5SW had its clip lug ground off. We know that changes took place before parts lists were updated but I haven't got any other 3SW parts lists to compare or guess at when a change took place. Has anyone got different lists? 

    I think I have a spare pole....Will check and take a picture later.



  5. Have you got the latest (3rd) edition British Forces Motorcycles? There is more information come to light .....But not complete.

    I've never seen the side stand modification before. Pictures would be good.


    What is your frame number out of interest? Here's mine (fictitious census number) Ron

    741B 101.JPG

  6. Shaun Walsh brought his replica to our Goodwood Revival display a few years back. It was as much as I could do to lift it upright off its field stand. 😅 Ron

    PS Jenk, here's a couple to print off and put by your bed!☺️


    Bushy Park May 2010 Pic 6.JPG



  7. Hi Pawel. Yes it's the same (civilian) number plate I have fitted to my 3SW and 5SW. They seem to only put the census number on the front number plate or tank after the front number plates were soon deleted . But there is a couple of examples where a unit number was put on the rear number plate. 

    I have seen and restored a couple of BEF period Royal Enfield WD/C's where the census number was applied to the rear plate. 


    3SW 139.jpg

    Armoured 3sw CM Picture 6.jpg


  8. Yes the Coopers filter has the raised lettering but the correct Air-maze filter has the flat name plate. Arnaud in France makes the plate also and I sanded down my ML Coopers filter end enough to loose the lettering under some heavy coats of paint before fitting the Air-maze disc. 


    MLLightweights 353.JPG

  9. There is no paint code for KG3 (I mix my own but have no formula) But I sent an Exide battery to a guy which was painted by Arnaud the maker in his very good version of KG3. The recipient of the battery says he found a very good match for his Velocette. It's called Turtle.  I haven't seen it in the flesh but it could be a good starting point. 

      https://www.e-paint.co.uk/Colour_alternatives.asp?cRange=BS 4800/5252&cRef=10 B 25&metallic2=False

    Here is one well known cheerful picture of a Polish rider.





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