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Posts posted by Ron

  1. This is What Brian Tillin writes.

    Hi Ron,

    Something doesn't look right with the flywheel. The crankpin is governed by its taper and locating pin on the time side. I have never seen any washers, spacers or packing in any Triumph single crankpin. That kind of gap means that the crankpin taper does not seat deep enough in the flywheel. The only shims I ever use is behind the main bearings to centre the crank and rod. The con rod should have a bit of float but no more than say 0.015". It needs the float to stop wearing the bore on one side as is the centralising of the crankshaft. Sorry I'm waffling on a bit but I think either the flywheel or crankpin, probably crankpin are not suited. I would need it in front of me on the bench to really work out what's going on


  2. I've removed the two pre-war wingnut fastenings from the lid and filled the holes. I then drilled and pressed the divot in for the central knob which hopefully Brian T will make for me. I also managed to  tack welded a new piece of sheet steel into the rotted base which I'll blend in with JB WELD when it arrives from ebay.  Ron



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  3. Pawel I've never seen anything like those washers fitted! Is there really 7mm (over 1/4") gap between the pin flange and flywheel?? Seems like the wrong pin to me?

    I'm going to send your pictures with questions to a Triumph singles expert. Then I'll speak to him in a day or two.


  4. A good acquaintance of mine Jan-Willem (a Dutchman living in Texas) very kindly donated an original pre-war Triumph triangle tool box to my cause. (For my 5SW). Which arrived this morning.  It has however seen far better days. I'm going to do my best at making it usable, but I think there will be some JB WELD Plastic metal involved. I've already got the seized hinge free and lid open and retrieved the piston that was trapped within.

    So far I've stripped it and given it some coats of JENOLITE   rust cure.  Ron




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  5. I think Chris is building a 3HW to this early spec.  8" headlamp, ally chain case,  rear carrier etc... Basically a 3SW with a 3HW engine. Ron

    PS edited because I think some early one even had Triumph forks.


  6. If Jan has verified it's date of manufacture as 1944.......It must be?? But I read it as 1942.  But it won't make any difference to DVLA . An age related number is just that and It's very likely a number from the 50's anyway. On your V5C it will state the year of first registration (2014?) and it will also state Declared year of manufacture 1944. DVLA won't be interested any further.

    I'll nudge Jan for clarification on it's build date.  Ron

  7. If the C number is correct and if I've got my calculations right, it should be frame number 10798? and would have been delivered by early 42.  As far as I know, only the first contract CO's were fitted with the square toolbox. Although I've fitted one to my 43 CO as I hated the gap that it leaves. 

    A lot of bikes went back to Royal Enfield after the war, for re-manufacture into civilian trim and often the frames and engines were re-stamped. The fork side check springs weren't a feature on early contracts. I'd say yours is a post war restoration?



  8. It's probably a mag wheel off another bike. For instance if it's off an engine where the mag is on the right, the mark will be in a totally different place. Best to set the timing the way you have done and scribe a fresh mark for future use.  Ron

  9. I've never noticed a difference in that style till these pictures (I have 6-7 of them) I guess they are from slightly different eras/moulds. The one with the three notches is obviously off a car, so I'd use the other one.  Ron

    PS are they identical.....or camera angles confusing me.

  10. No response for several years as far as I know Jenk. All I've seen in a long time is some jumble stuff at Kempton.

    I know a few guys who have tried to buy a repro WD/C center stand listed on the site. I've no idea what happened to Keiran's stock, but someone ought to shut the site down really. Ron

  11. I've heard from several people that there is no response from "War department" website. I think Keiran's son took over when he died. I see him jumbling at Kempton, but don't think he's actually trading??? Ron

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