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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. Hi Mark, the original American w/s bodies were slightly different to the post war bodied swiss ones which are quite common. There were a lot of different applications such as Truck, Artillery repair, M9. Truck Instrument repair,M10 etc and there were 2 types of body, a rigid type ST5 which was superseded by a collapsible type ST6 which was to reduce space for shipping. Ther is quite a lot of info in the book 'The GMC and DUKW A Universal Truck' by Boniface and Jeudy

  2. Hi John, the Matadors are owned by Buckleys Crane Hire based just up the road from me and still work for a living, the owner is over 70 and a great Matador enthusiast. As regards the Museum that used to be at Holywell you need to speak to Mal Myers, he used to work there restoring vehicles etc and was present at the show with his Jimmy and Dodge, we spoke to you in Normandy 2004 when waiting for the ferry home (we had the jeep in the back of a 352). If you want to speak to Mal I can P.M. his phone no to you, he is still in touch with Tony who owned the Museum and who lives near Mold.





  3. This was a new show and as such we did not expect a huge turnout, in the event the total was over 50 vehicles which was very pleasing. Everybody that came was keen to return next year (including traders) and also said that they would bring others with them. The general public showed in quite large numbers and there were many favourable comments. Plans are afoot for next year and we look forward to seeing many more vehicles and owners.

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