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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. The split axle and transfer box is technically superior to the banjo design but the axle is weaker as it was liable to snap in half due to overloading,however this is not a problem with todays usage. As Jack says banjo parts are easier to get but well maintained split axles don't usually give too many problems.


  2. Many years ago when I worked for Lucas/CAV a car was towed in, the female owner was claiming warranty on the battery. Lifted the bonnet, battery in a terrible state, distorted, cells lifting etc. Asked her what she had put in the battery but she denied that anything had been added, however I persisted and eventually she admitted 'only horse liniment'. After my jaw had returned from somewhere near my boots I asked the obvious question, the reply was 'to stop it freezing'. Since then nothing that people do to their vehicles has surprised me.

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