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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. So any suggestions of articles people might like to read about?
  2. ...a magazine article? Is it a question of who you know or what you know or something else...
  3. You see now Im torn between buying a Universal carrier in need of some work, or an up and running toy....Life aint easy...:whistle: Dont tell Mrs W though...:shake:
  4. This is a website that is well worth a visit. Lots and lots of photos, tanks, A/C's, range wrecks, ammo effects etc etc. http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/lsm/dhmg/ (Mark, its where the photo of the scrappy ferrets came from)
  5. ...,.how do I get it back? Ive only just noticed my screen name used to be Rick W, now its rik242. How do I change it back? Or has someone changed my name to protect the innocent....:confused:
  6. The first tub of paint I got for the C8, I bought from Warpaint aka RR Motor Services. Eggshell Olive Drab. The second tub of paint I acquired off them is NATO olive green. On ringing them up to ask about this and ask if they could swap the tins over they told me that NATO olive green and the Olive Drab are the same paint. Can someone clarify?
  7. Its not from Saphire and Steel is it?
  8. Why wont he sell? I need a Carrier.
  9. Blimey. Quite correct, I'll have to try something more obscure next time.:cool2:
  10. What I would do for I ride in one...... No ideas where this one is then?
  11. Thats amazing! I need to get me one of those, or at least convince Mrs W that we need one for the kids to play with. Whats it powered with, whats the running gear etc?? Welcome aboard by the way!
  12. I know, I know, I know!! Digby, the biggest dog in the world.
  13. Im sure if you ask Jules nicely he may be able to co-operate!
  14. Been doing a bit of research into the UC and found this website of a bloke whos restoring one. Worth a look. http://www.universalcarrier.co.uk/index.htm
  15. Some cynics may say Im having a quiet afternoon... Im not a 2 wheeler man myself, so have no idea how tricky this is. Name of manufacturer and country?
  16. If only we had a marine section on HMVF.... Its an MTB, can someone tell me where this is lying and what the name of the craft is? Its a sad then and now couple of pics, I expect some old sea dog to know where this is instantly.....
  17. :-D Very amusing, not for the driver though!
  18. Is Clives pic anything to do with Frank Spencer? "Schoolgirl sluts make out on a mulitbank?"
  19. Dont ask me where these gems come from, comes from wasted hours trawling the interweb! Ive been looking for a photo but cant find one as yet. There were 2 made in St Petersburg, this one is called Bychok. A very crude early MTB. 16Tons 220BHP 11.5 knots top speed, crewed by 9 men. Armed with 2 basic torpedoes and a 37mm Hotchkiss gun. They were sold by Russia to Belgium (I think) and were scrapped in 1936. Belgium did rename both boats. Hopelessly outdated by the turn of the century.
  20. Does have a very submarine shape Mike, I suppose a sub classes as a torpedo boat as well...interesting....:coffee:
  21. Im very impressed! It is a torpedo boat although not the TURBINIA. The ship above predates TURBINIA by some 17 years. Although they do look similar I will grant you. TURBINIA
  22. Ok, scrub the date question, Ive just seen the givaway clue...:n00b:
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