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Posts posted by andym

  1. Hi Andy, I was just looking at their site but Im not sure what to ask for or how far do the records go on the vehicles, do they cover the areas of service as I have questions about the colours that are on it that have been painted over, 1 sand, 2 dark green, 3 pale blue, 4 light brown and black as its last coat.


    Ray - email the Bovington library at library@tankmuseum.org and tell them you're after copies of the record cards. Judging from your photos your vehicle has been converted back to a 432 (all those seats!) although that may have happened in civilian hands.



  2. Neil,

    I think the flashers don't work because Leds don't have the required resistance or current draw; no doubt someone better qualified than me will be along soon to confirm or correct.

    The only thing with flashers is that they need to be between 60 & 120 flashes per minute



    Correct - most flasher units are dependent on the correct load to get the flash rate correct. It's deliberate so that on older vehicles if one bulb fails the remainder flash quickly to warn the driver. More modern vehicles can sense individual bulb failure anyway.



  3. I came across this thread and thought I'd reopen it as I'd like to know if the OP or anyone else has had success modifying a Clansman vehicle antenna for use on the amateur 2m band. I'm unsure of the frequency response of the transformer in the standard VHF spacer ring.



  4. Ray -


    Your first port of call is the library at Bovington, if you haven't tried them already. They'll give you copies of the record cards showing the vehicle's history. It can all be done by 'phone and email and isn't expensive.



  5. The Elefant's repaint was featured in an episode of "Tank Overhaul" on Discovery, if I recall correctly. A shame they didn't get it running, but even the Germans had trouble with that!



  6. I agree entirely Sean. Many of these FB groups are not even viewable or existence known.


    I think it's a two-edged sword. Facebook is entirely the wrong medium for this sort of thing as it doesn't have many of the capabilities of a proper bulletin board, but it does attract other Facebook users who may not otherwise look at specialist boards. My personal preference would be to use Facebook as a gateway into a specialist board like this one.



  7. The shift from museum to visitor attraction is happening to a lot of museums out there.

    Was told that the Assistant Director RAFM was heard to say that people don't go to the museum to be educated, they go there for a day out.

    At present 28 million is being spent on RAFM London and they'll have less aircraft on display but a bigger visitor centre with the story of 100 years of the RAF.

    So don't be surprised if how we see museums organised/run is turned on its head.

    But don't forget it may be in our favour! a lot of kit in storage and they'll need money to do these things! :-(

    (Don't get me started on that!!!)


    Unfortunately it's ultimately down to numbers through the gate and museums will do what they can to make that as large as possible.



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