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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. Finally got round to taking some snaps of the Indian i'm about halfway through at the moment.


    It was sad in a shed for best part of 40 years before the owner finally agreed to sell it me, after much badgering! Its a very late production 741, probably too late to have seen any action and more than likely went straight to the surplus at the end of the war. I have the original brown log book that dates back to 1949, last taxed in 1967!


    The bike must have been in the British army at some point as it has the modified rear brake lever, although it may have been changed later?




    great looki8ng bike ,

    the before pictures look like it should be running round the wall of death

    What are indians like for parts? not as easy as harleys I bet


  2. My wife found the flights on the bmi website on new years day and the good thing as far as we are concerned is that they are from heathrow so it is only a half hour drive from home rather than the seemingly endless trek round the m25 to gatwick .

    With reference to the sea crossing I have to say this would be my prefered route really but get outvoted by wife and daughter every time I even had to go to calais by tunnel and drive 250 miles to utah beach last year rather than getting the ferry to caen and driving about 30 miles and am repeating this journey again this august.

    Thanks for the tip re falles I will call them tomorrow and I have emailed Tim Hamon at the cios to see what is going on whilst we are there but will try JMV as well later

    cheers Nigel

  3. I am sure there are several bullet holed buildings around the wieghbridge area in St Helier from german raids in 1940 prior to occupation ,assuming the developers have not pulled the buildings down since my last visit


  4. Only going for 4 days but I have not been on the island for liberation day for about 15 years so I am really looking forward to it and with 5 bmi flights from Heathrow for £255 all in it is quite affordable just got to organise a cheap hire car now and contact CIOS to see what they have open so that we dont miss anything


  5. Sorry, I can't help with the bits, but I will have a table there. Anyone on the HMVF who is going, please say 'hello'. Look for a green Ford Focus estate.


    would you believe about 30 odd stalls and 3 focus estates so did not know which to approach still a good couple of hours out and met a few mates


  6. definately an austin 8 tourer I have seen it parked in the public car park in St Ouens bay to the right of the woolen mills car park facing the sea,it is ppainted matt black but is otherwise very tidy and that is correct about Bergeracs car being a Triumph roadster ,last time I saw it was on display at the goldsmiths in lion park.

    Forget the cough medicine ,stick to a good strong hot toddy


    merry christmas all



    going back to Jersey for liberation day in may so will ask around re the austin and make sure I was not dreaming


  7. It is definitely no myth that equipment was buried by the departing Americans. A work associate of mine ( a John Oakley) was an Aircraft fitter at RAfFBovingdon, near Hemel Hempsted. He saw Equipment (including Jeeps being buried in Primrose wood at the end of the runway. When a siutable time had elapsed he went digging. He never found a jeep but all his hand tools, spanners etc he was using had been dug out of the ground at that location,

    [/quoteWhich end of Bovingdon is primrose wood,does it still exist and is it public land ,quite fancy a treasure hunting trip as it is only 7or 8 miles from home


  8. I hope someone on here can help I have been a member of the ww2 reenacting forum for a couple of years now and have always enjoyed however since changing my isp from aol to virgin I can no longer log in I just get a message saying my account is inactive,I cannot re register as it says my email address is already registered to a forum user and when I try to contact the forum admin my mail wont go as it says the address cannot be found.

    This is getting very frustrating as I have been trying for almost 2 weeks now without success so I am hoping someone on here can help me out :?

    thanks in advance for any help Nigel (ford369)

  9. a James ml125 is going to fetch roughly the same as an equivalent m20 but be much less usable and a lot more difficult to find.What must be remembered is that although much smaller the james has just about everything the larger bike has so will cost as much to restore but it will have far less spares back up,also be careful because these bikes were built post war for the civilian market and these are much more common

    hope this helps , Nigel

  10. definately an austin 8 tourer I have seen it parked in the public car park in St Ouens bay to the right of the woolen mills car park facing the sea,it is ppainted matt black but is otherwise very tidy and that is correct about Bergeracs car being a Triumph roadster ,last time I saw it was on display at the goldsmiths in lion park.

    Forget the cough medicine ,stick to a good strong hot toddy


    merry christmas all


  11. lovely looking bike indeed I bought my m20 untried off ebay 2 years ago and although not as tidy as yours appears I am still quite happy with my purchase.As far as the rear light goes I use a repro lucas tubular type on a prewar type numberplate which is at least mot worthy and looks quite acceptable


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