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ford 369

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Posts posted by ford 369

  1. ones m20 is sat in the garage with its rider sat in the house wondering whether it would be an interesting experiment to go out for a ride in the snow and see if the heat from the old sidevalve will clear the blocked roads,although I must say the icy patches on the roads on boxing day made for an interesting ride


  2. Want one.


    Do any of you guys own one or have experience of them?


    What are their good points and bad?







    If the truck is going then maybe it is time for the purchase of the m20 you have promised yourself,at least with bikes your loss of storage is easily sorted,go and buy a shed.

    Just imagine it Jack full dispatch rider kit ,thumping m20 and you leading a column of ww2 armour into Dorchester


  3. well you live and learn I had not heard of Robinson Headley until now but can see something intriguing that needs more investigation and as for fortress films the name rings a bell and a quick google bought up thier website which has some interesting pictures and I certainly recognise a couple of the German soldiers guarding the bunker entrance


  4. robinson headley? you got me on that one although a quick google showed up an astronomy guide which is what I am guessing you are after and if you were thinking of the excellent second hand bookshop in St Helier I am afraid it has closed down,I believe the husband died and the wife found it too much on her own,a sad loss like Damien Horns shop and the collectors shop near the masonic temple


  5. I wa pretty sure about the first but as I said not the second ,thought it may be above the sea wall with the smugglers inn to the right ,still one out of two aint bad for a tourist and I will go and take a look at this one when I am over in january doing some work at the heavy machine gun bunker at La Corbiere


  6. always amazed me how fast thos tippers were and how well they handled even with several yards of ballast in the back,plus I love spotting the locations as it was filmed close to where I live


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