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Everything posted by TooTallMike

  1. I can't go anywhere without the fan club pursuing me - what a strain it is to have famous knees :-D You should have come and said hello :wave: I'll post pics of the tow job tomorrow.
  2. BTW, is Doris still gonna be there on Monday? :-D I'll wear my best shorts and my floppiest hat just in case. :flower:.
  3. :schocked: Did you get her number? Does she like knees?
  4. Subsequent to that, Chris has just very kindly sent us some info. :thankyou: which says there is an access hole under each plate to insert a puller to get the pins out. Easy peasy I'm sure... :argh:
  5. Hi Tony, The torsion bars are similar to halfshafts in a tubular axle: There is a tubular stub which is mounted on a plate which in turn is bolted to the hull. The swinging suspension arm has a plain internal bushing and rotates around the outside of this stub with a small oil hole for lubrication and a lip seal at the rear. The torsion bar passes through the stub and has splines which locate it in the back of the mounting plate for the corresponding suspension unit on the opposite side of the hull. On the outer end of the torsion bar is a flange which is bolted to the outside of the suspension arm. All that appears to hold this lot onto the vehicle is a small pin (the item 13 I referred to) which appears to be inserted through the side of the female splined recess on the back of the mounting plate (ie. inside the hull :dunno:) to match up with a machined slot in the splined section of the torsion bar. We can't see how to get to this to release it. I bet that doesn't make any sense :-D. - Mike
  6. Thanks Chris, We just browsed the AFV site as well and there's a chap who thinks he has weak torsion bars but there's not much indication as to what he plans to do about it. Looking at the parts book plate J6, there is a retaining pin item 13 which appears to be the only thing holding each entire torsion bar and suspension arm assembly to the vehicle, but we can't see how to get to these pins. Any ideas? We've not had to go this far into one of these before :dunno: It may be obvious when we look at the vehicle but we're hiding from the rain at the moment and trying to work it out from the dwgs... Cheers - Mike
  7. Also, is there an EMER for setting them up?
  8. Are the torsion bars known for getting weak or breaking? If weak, can we just turn it round a spline? We do have a spare... We'll look at the rubber when it's not raining :roll:
  9. As the CVRT people may recall, our Spartan MCT had developed a lean to the left front over the past year. With the tank standing on our trailer, Grasshopper today measured the distances from the bottom of the sponson to the hub centres: Right hand side: all 575mm Left hand side from front: 535mm, 545mm, 555mm, 565mm & 565mm Could someone tell us if this indicates a broken or weak torsion bar or if there's something else going on? We've tried levering the front ones up and they don't appear any different to the others.
  10. I'm in full agreement & I've got no problem with seeing a WW1 truck parked next to a GMC, next to an M35. For me they all have equal historical value and interest and if you happen to own all three you shouldn't have to put them in three separate fields.
  11. As someone who owns both wartime and PW vehicles I wouldn't like to attend a show which segregates them (unless it's a themed show). I think the best way to fight the 'them and us' attitude is to keep everything mixed in together.
  12. Just a few personal thoughts: Exhibitors shouldn't be expected to pay to attend a show which is open to the public. Private events are a different matter and price should reflect the cost of hiring site, amenities etc. 'Compulsory donations to charity' are an absolute no-no. (I will choose how and when I donate to charities thank you.) Showers and toilets can make or break a show from an exhibitor's point of view. Commonsense interpretation of H&S and fair enforcement of any site rules eg. no unnecessary vehicle movement, no unnecessary noise after midnight etc. I don't have a problem with civvy tentage as I'm interested in the vehicles, but you can request that brightly coloured tents should have a cam net draped over them.
  13. Is it the cover to protect the contents of the box from the weather, insects/pests, people, sunlight or something else?
  14. I didn't receive an entry form this year despite attending every MO apart from the first with my vehicles. Only once did one of my two entries fail to attend as I had a breakdown and I let the organisers know as soon as I knew, which is only polite. I wasn't going to attend this year anyway because I don't see why I should drive all that way to be tucked away in a back field. It's not an MV show so I was going to do something else instead. Now I'm going anyway to take a re-enactors' truck but I won't be staying the whole time as it's dull without having my vehicles to fiddle with :-D
  15. Yeah, probably best to cover him up eh?
  16. You see what I have to put up with!
  17. Ah, the good old days when surfing from your desk didn't involve a computer...
  18. Nagging wife to hubby; "I told you we'd never jump this ravine in the Fiesta"
  19. http://www.amazon.fr/GMC-Jean-Michel-Boniface/dp/2726893236 http://www.jeepworld.co.uk/Scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=1170 great for photos even if you don't speak French. Also it wouldn't hurt to end up with both books as they compliment each other.
  20. I have a steering box, column and (bakelite) wheel for sale if you find you need them... :-D
  21. Rainfall measured in feet at MV shows this year? (oh no, wait, one of the figures is a zero - that can't be right then...)
  22. maybe he'd just discovered yet another track pad missing? :whistle:
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