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Posts posted by Rover8FFR

  1. Different methods work for different materials, as you can appreciate. On a NATO hitch you can probably use an impact driver to undo the screws for the plates that hold the swivel.


    Plus gas works well as a releasing agent as does soaking in diesel. Off the top of my head I cannot think of anything in the hitch that would be adversely affected by soaking for 2 days in hydrochloric acid either. That would certainly release it. Have you tried heat?


    With the hinge pins they can be tricky to remove. If you hit them with a drift they tend to just burr outwards rather than come out as they seem to be mild steel. I had to use heat on those.


    You have lived my dream...The swivel dog came out easy after drifting/ drilling. However the main pins for the jaw and lock clam have drifted/ spread rather than drive so a good soak is required.........I have heated and used GT85 / penetrating spray so I guess held fast..................heat and a whack does help, but not on this old hitch that spent time on the front bumber of a Cdo bather FFR....

  2. 2 large coaches and a TUM rear escort leaving 1 rifles barracks in Chepstow.....I suspect off to Caerwent for warmongering or the ranges at Severnside.......Local Regt...Swift and Bold......


    Of course I delayed traffic to let them all out...........I am an officer in the Rifles with the ACF afterall........


    No I in team..........................

  3. I know this has been mentioned in many threads in passing but wanted to start a thread to capture the knowledge.


    I have heard tales of Parafin.....Parafin and diesel.......Neat petrol.......Using the family dishwasher....


    Question is what has given the best results to remove Years of Crud and Grime?


    What has been best to soak the SH?T out of that assembly of parts that have not been lubricated or greased for years and now appear to be fused together (a NATO hitch that can't be broken down to it's smaller parts).


    Do they soak in a bucket. should the bucket be in a ventilated space?????


    Does a warm mixture work better....????


    A fixed up cabinet cleaner with a fish tank pump and some tubing...???


    I think you can all guess where and what I mean so answers and learnings much appreciated.


    If you have had great results with a method then please share it.......



  4. I think so, you see it on bull-bars and running board on 4x4's


    Yes but the finish today way an off white / grey finish.......


    That does not ring true with the parts you mention unless personal preference!.....However top coat is priority above hot dip galv????????????

  5. Steel parts would probably be grey , I have a new L'wt bulkhead that I have had for donkeys & it is grey. Damaged bulkheads - I have noticed had a grey primer. However I have vent panels that are grey & others red oxide , these would be for spares orders.


    On the duralumin , the process was a wet paint that was stoved , there was no primer . The prep was in fact Alodine (airframe type finish) , more often than not this turns the natural alloy to a gold finish or sometimes a yellowish / green (Alodine - not to be confused with Anodised).


    OMG how does Jo Soap deal with that?????????????? A gold ish finish would suggest anodised even if different etc...


    I think the debate here is to assume untreated and treat for the future???

  6. I have a 1976 Commando Winterised FFR with DBG paint under all panels of squaddie paint and black/ green disruptive cammo...........


    I believed that mine entered service in 76 in Norther Ireland in 76 in DBG as a standard FFR before it went to Cdo Regt and was converted.


    Its Merlin report and B Card confirm this history.


    Hope that assist the debate / querey??

  7. Call by for a cuppa and I,ll tell you about the paint I have a house full of painted panels at the mo and a very understanding wife :nut: I have some engine paint left over how much do you need ? can be sprayed or brushed and is quick drying, from memory I found a small pot of it on ebay will have to have a look.

    DBG 224 from jeeparts gives a nice finish, easier to use than matt paint to my suprise.


    Your on matey....Out and about a bit this week and part of weekend with work etc.....Wife and her horses after 3 years of maternity and full time mum so I need to be supportive after all that has happened and play Daddy Day Care

    , so will hope to get over with a cup of sugar and say hello!!! I will hold you to the invite and may knock Friday PM or Saturday PM so please state preference :)

  8. Happy Days RR and cheers mate.......


    I ask as you have a nice deep gloss on your top coat.......It all boils down to preparation with a quality finish as your panels confirm. Where did you get your engine paint from??


    I noticed at the blasters that you use HMG paints, which I know are superb quality.


    Thanks again in advance....Wayno

  9. Glad that you are sorted with blasting I just get them to blast and prime for me, the first lot of parts I supplied the paint and paid ££££ to help keep the cost down more cost effective if you give them a whole pile of stuff.

    I have no experience of the powdered zinc spray but Dave coates has just had a landy chassias done by them and seemed happy with the cost and finish.










    Great work and yes Deano did say the more you bring the better the price. Did you provide the DBG paint or did you paint up yourself...Also what primer did they use / you give them????


    Deano mentioned a mid to dark grey high build etch primer that they use!



  10. RR


    Just wanted to say a big thank you. Popped over to Bream today and met Deano! Very helpful and left a few bits with him to do.


    Needless to say I will be going back with more.


    Whilst there Deano showed me a hot zinc powder process instead of hot zinc dipping that does not distort thinner panels and can be overpainted without specialist primers or T wash first. Sorry cannot remember technical phrase!!!!!


    Does anyone have any experience of this coating???????



  11. What do you do on the dining room table while the wifes away on a business trip for a few days ? you get the rubber and some grease out and ........




    Fit the new seal to your champ windscreen of course :cool2:



    Free read up on local sport whilst you are at it ;)

  12. Wocha Wayne

    Had two visits to Worcester DVLA luckily spoke to supervisor who understood :D have most parts painted now, inc engine bay this avo but forgot camera, DOH !!! final assembly of engine before start up next wkend.


    I was doing mine in Bristol for the Pig as it was closer to work and visit. At first they wanted to see it. I explained it was a none runner and 4.5 tonnes, so not a simple trip on an ifor trailer etc.........


    They didn't process so I got a credit note and next step is to provide a rubbing of the chassis plate and dated photo etc so I can get her registered with a 1959 related plate. Age was verified through the MVT vehicle inspectorate officer.


    Obviously my dear friend Clive was a massive help with data and the like.


    Best wishes :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

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