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Posts posted by Rover8FFR

  1. ITS ALIVE !!!!! have rebuilt ignition and spent a couple of hours this morning refitting it only to find an intermittant fault in the loom have bypassed this and hey presto !!! all the lights lit up and the starting motor turned over as well so I could'nt resist asking my mate Neil to hold up a temp fuel tank and yes the engine ran virtually on first try and its really sweeeet ! having done so much work to the head, distributor, carb rebuild etc I hadn't much hope in getting it going today but here is the proof
    A great relief to know all is ok and now I can get on with sorting brakes / fuel tank etc etc


    Engine running :-D a happy rivet !!!!





    I see the dining table workbench has spread to the kitchen.........................


    Caroline might get miffed when you take the parts upstairs and fill the rest of the house.



  2. Cheers Wayne I must admit I never thought it would run first try like that.


    Cleaned up ignition casings myself with wire wheel, stencils were made using letraset rub on decals bleedin fiddly job had to redo them a couple of times :nut: bulb covers do the trick glad I went for them in the end ouch !!

    Caroline a bit dissapointed as she was not there today when I run it, but looks like we will take the Jeep thing out for a spin tomo and will call by to pick up the fuel tank ready for cleaning and sealing.

    Thats the trouble with taking video only just remembered that my digi stills camera took video so thought it would be laugh to film my mate Neil drinking tea whilst holding pop bottle / temporary fuel container with a drop of juice in (don't try this at home) we did have 2 fire extinguishers at the ready just in case things got a bit lively :cool2:

    Today has given me a bit more encouragement to push on ready for June.


    LoL...The risks we take outside the work circle hey?.....At least you didnt start on Tea and Neil drinking 95Ron.


    The Letraset looks fantastic and well done.....


    Tell me what was the font etc as it truly looks fantastic............FIDDLY....I can imagine, but well worth the effort....


    Again well done and you can tell me more when I pop round for the fuel bolt with a Vino trade :-D

  3. I have been through this mental rollacoaster many times over the years and trust me when it comes to spares or items you need to gobble up and purchase what you can, when you can.


    We are all in the same pickle and whilst the odd surprise stash surfaces. They are few and far between.


    I know it boils down to finances....


    In the past I know I have paid over the odds for some things and probably been sucked into spoof bids on eBay.


    However now I find some years on that actually I did the right thing.


    I haven't always got it right and in the early days did think another will come along :wow: I learnt that that if you need it you need to be there early and first and haggle the best you can, but don't pass the item up for small change or in the future you will reap the starting comments of frustration on this thread.


    It is easier said than done with fuel and household bills going sky high, but my advice is do the best you can and be pro-active on the parts and spares scene.


    We don't keep these vehicles and think short term so long term it is still an investment and what can be a little pricey now will be cheaper long term. Model and parts history is vital.


    Honest sellers with realistic prices is always the best scenario though!!!!


    I guess its all part of the fun and restoration...............


    The best place to shop and ask is always your forums though as we all want to help each other preserve the vehicles.

  4. ITS ALIVE !!!!! have rebuilt ignition


    Just looked at earlier image of face and what a difference??? Where did you obtain the decals for the switches etc as yours were missing.


    Also did you clean up yourself or get Deano to carefully Blast?????? 10 out of 10.

  5. :beer::yay: Jeremy that is fantastic news, I have to say and enjoyed the video clip....


    Footage didn't show you grinning from ear to ear though and those warning lamp covers finish off the restored ignition module a treat.


    The Champ is a credit to you and now it is running I suspect Caroline is beaming also.


    Great news and well done buddy...............


    Fantastic and Congratulations :D:D:D:D:D

  6. Yes as I said your turn light switch that is missing, the proper thing is Switch, turn signal No.2 Mk 1 that is coded LV6/MT4 so is common with some other vehicles of the time.


    The hexagonal shaft switch I think was used on some Bedfords, they are relatively common, which is probably what you have got. Not a problem with a Mk 2 as very often when the switch was moved down an inch then a chunky plastic knob was used that fitted this shaft.


    A bit tedious but I think the way ahead is to file flat just two opposing sides of the hexagonal shaft so that the pointy knob will go on. Then on the end of the shaft, file the last 1/4 in so it is circular then tap it to the thread of the retaining nut. I would assume it would BA thread perhaps 2BA from memory?


    I was thinking something similar, but did not know how feasible. Worth a go and I will look out for one of those switches...Shame I cant make Newbury Sort Out??? :-(:-(:-(:-(

  7. Wayne when you look at your scrap Switchboard No.1 Mk 1 the left hand pointer knob & screw-in retainer nut are exactly the same items used on your turn light switch that is missing :)


    Handle LV6/MT4/CB/5870/75

    Nut LV6/MT4/CB/5869/23


    Indeed, but if you recall a toggle switch had been fitted instead.......I acquired an old switch part but I think it has a 'Hex' shaft and not one with a machine screw thread to accept the Handle and Nut listed above.


    Is the actual switch used for indicators a common part to other vehicles please??



  8. New ones are not that difficult to find........................


    Okay...Good to Know :)


    As you know the magic Domestic Management Code for Humbers is LV9/BOE or in later items 9BOE. But because the filter was common to other vehicles eg Ferret, CVR(T) etc then it had the DMC LV6/MT12 which is for a common fuel system component. The item to look for was LV6MT12/2910-99-807-5754.


    It is unusual to find any of these nowadays. The DMC was changed as only one class of vehicle uses the filter. The NSN is the same but the item appears as 9CVT /2910-99-807-5754


    All needs writing down so I know when out scouring for parts :cool2:


    PS I think you had a filter element from me


    Oh Yeh......Look what I uncovered in my FV1611A spares collection........






    I also recall these for that first service / crank up day.






    And no doubts useful to have this for a nut or something....I owe Rampant Rivet a sorry as unsure if he needed anything off this, but recall lenses for warning lamps......Jeremy let me know?






    Came across this tonight stuffed away also..........




    Amazing how you forget about some spares you carefully collect then pack away.

  9. Wayne yes it is a good idea, which is why there should already be one associated with the banjo feeding the carb. £9.99 seems rather expensive to me. Don't forget that is only a second line of defence, your main fuel filter is on RHS behind the driver.


    Expensive.....Ah Well its only Money ???...Didn't know how common they are and saw it and retail therapy kicked in.....


    As a side are they commonly available and also the filter for inside the main one by the drivers seat.....I suspect without EMER and User Handbook (in Hand) that that would be a fine cauze washed in kerosin or fresh petrol scenario?????


    Without a rumage in my FV1611A parts at home in the garage I don't know If I purchased one. I know I bought a NOS Fuel Pump and oil filter amongst all the items, but can't remember the fuel filter. Can you remember?



    An early towing Pintle with the small stubby arms.......Nice and desireable........


    Mike is any of this gear available or is the guy just a hoarded??????



  11. That is correct, the FV1609 was actually designated Mk 1. That is unusual as Series 1 Land Rovers were not called Series 1 from the outset.


    The difference is that 1609 was a run of 20 trials vehicles in the knowledge that something else would follow.


    Generally the place on the plate for Mk is not stamped, but occasionally does have this stamped. On occasions I have seen this on an uparmoured Pig (what is called Mk2 which should really be MK 3) the owner is not at all intrigued as they feel they have a Mk 2 & that's what it says, not realising that the Mk 2 designation refers to its earlier life when it was what most people regard as a Mk 1.


    Ah so I didn't imagine it......Great reply and thanks for clarification.....I know this as my plate says Mk2. :cool2:

  12. Wayne, automotive first, fancy bits second. Get the engine going as your priority


    Noted ;)


    would look wrong on a Mk 1.
    :nut: I recall a plate in mine, which suggested yours is a true Mk I and mine is a Mk II, but not what we all commonly call a Mk II.....Did I get that wrong as I may have embarassed myself in another thread.....:cry::cry:


    Welding I found was ok to armour, might not be to FVRDE spec but will be good enough to hold lockers on.


    I know you use MIG and I have the same, so if yours are still attached then that's enough for me. :-)


    Once the engine is running I will tackle the superfluous lockers etc........


    I guess in ones minds eye we see it all done at once......Good old optimism hey!


    Thanks for guidance and clarity.

  13. Damn it.....I will check my User Handbook and EMER and make sure I am looking at the right item....


    All part of the learning curve I guess!


    On another issue I hope to cut away the rotten side lockers as they are truly past their best. I note the panels appear to be welded / bolted to an angle section on the body sides that isn't part of the armor. I know I have seen some images of when you recreated yours Clive all those years back :laugh:


    If I grind these away will I need to carry out any special treatment of protection to the armor plate, should the grinder cut in whilst grinding smooth!!!!!


    Or would I be best to just remove the worst of the thin gauge and leave the angles in-situ to measure for replacement in the correct position?? I think I have just answered my own question, somewhat???


    What has anyone else done to replace / repair the side lockers on an FV1611A?









  14. Thank you Clive, as always.....:thanx:


    Now I do know technically my Pig is a Mk II? (at least I remember that conversation looking at the data plates), (Lets see if that prompts a query from the forum).


    Therefore the only way I will get this sorted, as to which it is, will be by closer examination and inspection. No doubts when the Bellows are replaced to all 4 axles.


    Thanks for confirming the generator is a 12A also elsewhere :-)

  15. In my copy of EMER, Wheeled Vehicles N252 Issue 1, dated 14 Feb 55, it talks of TRACTA Drive Units, which I understand serve the front wheels.


    In EMER Wheeled Vehicles N254 Part 1, Supplement No 1, Issue 2, dated 20 Mar 63 it has a section on COBHAM Joints, which serve the rear axles, fitted to truck, 1-ton, armoured 4x4 Humber.


    Is this correct that they are missed front and rear or should the fronts be COBHAM also and I don't have that supplement???


    I ask as the front and rear axles / joints have different bellows and gaitors........Rubber Bellows on Rear COBHAM and leather on the front TRACTA????????

  16. Bling it Up.........It's Ex 29 Cdo......so more like smash it up!!!!


    That link is useful and has been suggested on another forum thread.


    I can suss out the externals, but was hoping for a bit more on the inside with battery trays and the like. Cable connection and all that stuff......


    It may be an IKEA wardrobe without destructions......Done a few of those over the years......:nut::nut::nut::nut:


    Thanks for the help though :D

  17. I thought they would be identical due to vintage and FV continuity. Even the dials would be similar I reckon.


    Yes mate I am on the go at the minute I must say and will be flitting between the landies and Piggy........


    I know what you mean about Pigs in the forest..........


    Passed by Speechouse the other week and 2 boars were crossing the road.......I didn't appreciate how big they are.........


    If I see or even hit one of them at night I would want to be in my Pig and not a VW!!!!!



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