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Posts posted by Rover8FFR

  1. I should also add that I doubt you would make any money on the trailer if you restored it and then sold it. Those trailers are quite hard to find, and getting rarer, and rarer every year. Ones with the correct tub are usualy already restored and stuck to the back of a champ already. Value as it sits? I would say maybe £50 as it is almost certainly not road legal without some considerable surgery. The 'A' frame looks very rotten.


    Honest but maybe misleading.......If it is possible to repair chassis and then prepare or obtain the pressed panel tub then this would be another rare item saved.............


    In years to come these items will become special and the effort we put in to suit age now will pay dividend as long as we are not a get rich quick outfit.


    we should only scrap to support a sensible chain and not one reaching preservation existance etc.

  2. I guess the rear tub would echo mine,,, albeit mine was wrotten and patched....I bought mine off a self build home owner 4 years ago for £50 and I know the bottom 4 inches and arse were altered (Rot and a false tailgate etc.......Hole).


    However believing how rare a late 60s / early 70s narrow track might be I swamped at the purchase. I knew the tub was repairable.... As a simple metal bashers afair...............

  3. I know my FFR Lightweight was converted to Winterised Spec (date unknown), but believed to be in ownership of 29 Cdo RM Regt RA after 14 May 1981.


    I know the landie started life in Northern Ireland with 3 UDR in 1977 and soon moved across to VSD NI on 17th August 1977. On 2nd October 1977 she was assigned to 41 Cdo RM.


    In 1979 (5th April ) it was asigned to 41 Cdo RM (R/Pty) ????? Relevance Please above 41 Cdo RM earlier, and then stayed with 41 Cdo up until a move to 29 Cdo in 1981 (Pre Falklands).


    I believe that 41 Cdo up until 1979 were based in Malta, so wonder if she would have been there. I guess so as part of 41 Cdo MT.


    Then after return to UK after Malta extraction in 79 she shifted to 29 Cdo in 1981..........I notice in Mark Cook's book that a Lightweight is being worked upon in the Falklands and its ERN is 44GF04..........Mine is 44GF13 and the vehicles were block booked so close to a Regt.....I know from MOD rules today, especially as after the UDR this vehicles whole life was Cdo RM.


    This is where it gets interesting as she was converted to Winterised, which fits with 29 Cdo instead of 41 Cdo.......


    Their is no proof as yet to confirm, but I would like to edge my bets, even wrongly that this vehicle went to the Falklands with 29 Cdo RM. If she didn't then she was prepared to go!


    In 1983 she was moved over to 3Cdo, which fits as 29Cdo were support to 3 Cdo..........


    Aparantly before her release in 1991 she was with UK Support Command Grp that is on Merlin. But not B Card, so suspect a spin off from 3 Cdo....


    Anyone any comments or agreement on provenance in THEORY!!!!!!!!! I need to visit 29 Cdo Regt Museum to see to be 100%, but the Cdo's don't leave kit behind when they go.


    I know this from my MOD background and also designing MT's for 59 Cdo in Civi Street.............


    Please see image of B Card Below for Validity


  4. I have noticed with interest, but no common theme, that is obvious that the relationship of side lights and indicators vary on many S3 Lightweights and I wonder why.


    Even perusing Mark Cook's book there are a lots of instances where indicators are stacked over side lights and Visa Versa!


    Does anyone know of a specific pattern of what was done when or is it a lottery!


    Indeed if it changed then for what reason.......Some images on the WWW, suggest that it changed and changed back through ERN;s????????????


    Anyone any ideas.



  5. today was the first real outing of the pig , to the scottish military vehicle group swap meet in brdge of earn , just outside perth , 50 mile round trip ,no mishaps , no running problems , and a huge grin from ear to ear



    met a few NI veterans tat ouldnt belive there luck at getting another sit in a pig after 30 + years , and another boar REME mechanic that used winch version in germany , so the perfect person to ask about wheel nut and rim nut colours , stright out said that red for the split rims and green for the rest of the wheel , the only time he recalled ever seeing a pig with white painted wheel nuts was on a ration wagon with the inside painted white as well ,

    great to hear it straight from the horses mouth , brought back a few memories for the old chap ,


    great day out , only use about half a tank of fuel , early nightwith a huge grin fixed on my face .




    Jamie that is amazing mate and glad you had a great date and the old girl did you proud......


    I believe mine is BAOR and don't know for sure if 4th Guards badging is carried through from original or not??? I will be hoping to do some stripping back of layers in due course and hope to expose something........Fingers crossed.


    I look forward to that Grin appearing on my face in the future :-D:-D:-D:-D


    I will also ensure I don't repaint the wheel nuts in Yellow, as they are now.........Especially after Clives research / message and also your input from old REME chap..........

  6. Save it mate..!


    Like a lot of things which were once so common they were considered worthless, many hundreds of these have been scrapped. These will be rare eand expensive one day, esp the narrow track version (at least that's what I keep telling the missus!)..


    I agree and looking at the work on the Champ your trailer is in good hands.

  7. Can anyone shed some light on these early trailers please as I know diddly squat, anyone know where I can get hold of a manual ?


    Jeremy I have the manual for the one after that, which is dated 1974, If its any use then you can copy it to your hearts content. ;)


    Have you managed to expose the data plate etc yet!


    I think C&S Tat has the manual for my version and not the one you have that is Early, Early???? TBC!


    Mine is Army Code 22376. Issued December 1971. Trailer, 3/4 Ton, 2WH, Sankey. FV2361

  8. Wayne on exterior surfaces & armoured flaps & doors opening outwards, you should find:


    Red Oxide primer

    Dark Admiralty Grey BSC381C 632

    High Gloss DBG BSC381C 224


    Markings, look on the top sections of rear doors, the rear apex for Union Flag. Sloping armour over rad for matching signs to rear ie Unit & Division. At apex of this white square with red circle (anti-freeze)


    As a bonus check off side of rad armour looking for yellow arrows pointing downwards marked DRAIN TAP or maybe an image of a drain tap. Possibly also yellow discs on doors. Also look on this sloping armour for large crudely painted numbers signifying Lot Number at auction.


    Also be on look out for stencilled vehicle depot markings such as Asset Code Number, CL (Classification), R (Receipt date), Maintenance Date (appearing as MAJOR or MINOR with date) these would all be an inch high in white & possibly also in red ERO (Equipment Release Order & Target Date) These would be at the front, possibly on doors. Sometimes people find these markings & enthusiastically reproduce them on their vehicles in the knowledge that they are authentic. I have seen a prizewinning vehicle so marked complete with all the usual kit & unit markings. However these depot markings should be painted out before issue to a unit.


    So if you find depot markings reproduce them by all means presenting the vehicle as it would be in storage but not with the unit markings as well ;)


    Thanks Clive...If I find anything at all I will flag out loud before reproduction.................;)

  9. Did BAOR Pigs have any additional markings other than front engine cover and rear doors as I will be getting the sanders/ wire cups out soon! and wondered.


    I believe my Pig was used in some way after release given the Brinks Matt type shields on the doors, but even the 4th Guards 'All Seeing Eye' appears over this so a really conundrum begins..............


    However the Grey 'Ish' top coat she has right now will be rubbed back and I wondered if RED OXIDE primer or the BIEGE ETCHING primer was best to apply in a protection to rust, semi-exposed finish.......


    I assume that RED OXIDE is better, but I remain unsure!


    Advice appreciated as always

  10. resisted starting the engine again today must concentrate on getting things done.


    Admit it mate, you were soooo Tempted!


    Still need to pop across and collect Banjo Bolt / Exchange for Vino, so let me know when a good time in week or weekend ;)


    Keep up the good work and the thread.......:D

  11. It is also my Sons birthday today. Henri-David Fisher is the grand old age of 2. :-D:-D:-D:-D


    Happy Birthday Son xx I now have a Guiness in hand to salute you, whilst you are asleep. Sweet Dreams.

  12. Jamie apart from the accepted truism that an owner is entitled to paint whatever bits on their vehicle whatever colour they fancy, from an authenticity point of view it is undeniable that many vehicles were embellished with white wheel nuts when in service.


    Despite there being no regulatory requirement to do so & in fact there were prohibitions, many units did paint these nuts white. In fact I restored a vehicle that eventually I did paint in this way because the most in service vehicles were so painted. The reason for units do so could vary from a belief that it might guide a driver away from fitting the wheel brace on the smaller nuts of the divided rim (!), unit pride feeling that it looks smart or maybe copying the scheme from another unit.


    I was never 'told off' by a veteran, in fact once I was told it was turned out in better condition than when on parade in service. But generally veterans will not want to cause an upset & just walk off.


    In private hands embellishing the vehicle in the way that others have done or in order to make it 'look the business' can get out of hand & start to look ridiculous. Few will dare question the way the vehicle is presented. Although at W&P I was once challenged by a veteran who felt confused & peeved that a vehicle he had served with looked in his view ridiculous. He felt it had too many markings, over painted thingies, guns & flags which not as it was in service.


    I just walked away & in my defence muttered "No idea mate, not my vehicle" :D:D


    So in summary red nuts yes & white wheel nuts if you want to.


    Oh Poo they look yellow on my PIG????? And before I get slated, that's the way they were when I got it and I believe the PO didn't do it as he knew his stuff and this vehicle was MT banked in his collection as far as I am aware.


    Makes you wonder white? yellow? silver? I have seen them all over the years! :nut:

  13. I may have a spare small hand operated device that would do, complete with correct end piece. I need to check tomorrow.


    It would be tedious to do a complete refill with one but topping up should only be modest if all is well. Pity it wasn't nearer then you could buy the oil and the fish & chips then I could bring my "Andy".


    I am starting to think a move closer to Salisbury would make sense............:):)


    All these offers of help you are giving..............


    All joking aside thanks Clive. You know how much I appreciate your advice and guidance :bow::help:

  14. I have my Pig and Toastie in a place that is Uber secure and has toilets,,,,,,free canteen coffee / tea and also does rent out power from 8.30am till 5 at £15 plus VAT and you can run what you want..........


    The site is something that looks like Camp Bastion so no chance of looking unless in a passing Chinook.


    I have both vehicles there for sensible money, so I think with facilities well priced.


    Anyone wanting details please PM me as I won't list site after the Google Maps thread issue...

  15. Clive all the attachment on the most massive of dispensers appear to suit the modern grease nipple, no matter what size. They are however MASSIVELY differnt to the FV1601+ scenario and that is where I was suffering for guidance.


    When FV1611A 4 Grds was moved after transport I noticed that a lot of her joints where lubricated has weeped some grease or other as a result of me playing with the steering under movement, to check for feel and play etc....


    Whilst this was great it made me think the lube points were full off grease and not the correct recipe!


    A&A told me a funny tale, or not the other day about a replacement refuse collector team and emptying a wheelibin......It was full of parts and they were on Black Refuse Sacks.................


    A&A told me vivedly how DP was Hopping Mad and followed them to the land fill and when they emptied the cart all items were crushed and wrecked...............One of them was and Andy 5000, so I guess I missed my retail opportunity right there......:undecided:

  16. Yes, the generator sub-assemblies may have been produced by different sub-contractors. Perhaps both contractors thought they were correct by using Sky Blue. The outer assembly being finished in Sky Blue BSC381C 101 but the heatsinks etc painted also in Sky Blue but someone missed the BSC bit & used Sky Blue RAL 5015. The colour in the picture does look a close match to the RAL version.:-D


    When you look at some re-manufactured items typically Rover & Humber generators the standard of paint preparation is often pretty poor, where there is lift-off from paint not being removed completely or even sanded down. I'm sure engines are no different. I would just sand down the edgey paintwork & repaint the affected areas.


    Perfect and thanks.....I will be relifting the engine out soon and putting on engine stand and will then cleanse, scrub and belnd down to then repaint in BS Sky Blue ;)

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