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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. I have to disagree, Samur is a museum stuck in the past as far as customer interface goes; great exhibits, but naff all context. It's kind of like Cosford before the revamp! As someone with a detailed interest in the exhibits the old way if fine by me, as the Tank Museum used to be....for the general public its a boring as can be.


    Fair point but its the exhibits I go to see. I'm not keen of some of the museums now display things. I'm also not a lover of row upon row of VDU's .

    Each to there own I suppose, I'm stuck in the past I love to see old cabinets stuffed with things.

    To me one of the best museums of all is the small motoring one squeezed in a corner of Burton on the water.....fantastic .

  2. yes they knew I was coming so all lined up as I arrived I shook all of their the hands the mayor and councillor, etc..nice bunch of people...didn't like the museum...soup in the canteen was virtually inedible...tasteless...and not even hot...


    Afghanistan display ok, and personal stories very good...


    Very suprised you did'nt like the museum, I think you must be the only person I know that did'nt like it.

    In fairness its not as good as the Samur museum in France and is also about three time the price. We seem to pay more to get into our museums than the French. I have also noticed that French musuems dont seem to have cafe's....may their food would be rubbish to.

  3. For some dogs, the temptation to lift a leg will be too much;). They probably don't want anything to do with cleanup.


    I'm glad that some places dont allow dogs,or at least some of their owners. I find that SOME owners are supprised when others dont love thier dog the way they do.

    Some years ago a lady walked past my back gate,shame was for her that at the same time her dog was taking a dump I walked out of the gate....the lady walked on with NO intention of clearing said steaming tu*d up.

    I called to the lady and asked her clean up the mess,"sorry I have no bags she replied" "I'm not bothered what you have or have not got" said I. She then tells me she would clear it up if she had gloves, I found some quite old medical style rubber ones. Shame was that when she picked up said mess the gloves started to break up......shame.

    Moral of story, dont let YOUR dog foul unles you have means to clear it up.

  4. Sorry, I plead guilty to parking up your truck:blush: but in my defence there was nobody near when it was put there but due to being single handed I couldn't control exactly where people parked and obviously the weather made things difficult.

    As regards the character you so aptly describe when his wife delivered him on site I had great difficulty keeping a straight face and when Jack asked you to take him I had to hide in my tent, the expressions on yours and your crews faces would have made me a fortune if I'd only had a camera to hand:rofl::rofl::rofl:


    Degsy, dont worry about parking the truck.

    As regard Dr Who, I thought we had lost him at the lunch break. No such luck, even with THAT scarf he managed to catch our Gmc with Ben hur at full chat and remount...... he was determined. Just imagine how good he would have looked asride Jim Clarkes Sherman ;)

  5. that was why you were asked to sign at meals so we knew how many we fed hope you enjoyed the food as we tried our best to keep everyone happy

    a few people came up at every service and helped which was a great help but had at least 1 came out with a great saying of i have servents to do that for me when asked to peal 1 potatoe:nut:


    David you did a first class job the food was great, service great and as stated before outstanding value.

    Im only sorry I did not help out, I must admit I was not FULLY aware of what the "pack drill" was.

    As for people being rude upon arrival, thats not on at all and of course rightly or wrongly the "front man" and in this case the "drowned rat"...sorry ;) takes the brunt of that.

    As you said it was wet. For my part my jouney down turned into a six hour marathon after very poor traffic conditions, and once arrived found our truck (that had been delivered earlier in the day) buried in a hedge with a number of other campers set up around it,making it difficult to get it out.

    All that said we had a great time,having only exspected 4 of us in the truck,but pulling out of the site Saturday morning with about 20 riders.....one of whom looked like Dr Who........where on earth did he come from,well apart from Jack saying "you got room for another Gary,take this bloke with you his wife has bought him a ticket "

    Lets all hope Jack doe s it again,but this time give him more help and MORE money, its worth paying to take part in something like this, I dont see anyone going to something like this being poor. We dont need really deep pockets we just need to put our hands in them.

  6. will do it again on 2 conditions

    would need help in cookhouse as volunteers as do it for the people attending not being paid to do it

    everyone know before hand a free cookhouse they pay for food only no wages are involved:cool2:


    numbers are confirmed before hand so dont run out of food due to more being fed than planed:nut:

    had a couple of hickups last time with having to do 2 sittings due to having to cook more very quickly


    I dont know about 2010, but in 2012 you did a fantastic job...well done.

    I'm sure lots of us went home feeling bad about not helping you. I still dont know how yoyu managed to supply the caterering for £20 a head......outstanding.

    I cant understand the the numbers though, when we signed up we had to pay our money x4 people £80 simple.

    Some one must have had those figures,so did some people pay on arrival or gate crash perhaps.

    Simple way round this,man on the gate who directed traffic/parking also has list of people who has paid,he then gives them meal tickets.When people go to kitchen they hand in ticket.....no ticket no food.

  7. thank you bernard - i couldn't say it better myself, i appreciate your comments.


    On august 1st hmvf will be 10 years old - we have all done some great work here. Learnt so much, saved history, shared knowledge, we have laughed and cried at times and certainly i, for one, have made some life long friends here.


    Well known magazine editors have come here to find people and vehicles to fill their pages - which they get paid for, so they use hmvf to great advantages to themselves. One well known former editor was giving hmvf a kicking on a social media platform the other day. That's not really called for, especially when you take my above comment into consideration. So i and the mods get a lot of abuse and cr*p for what we do and we do it all for free.


    I am not a big fan of adverts either but as bernard pointed out, it has personally cost me £1000's over the years. If you take into account that i have done that for nearly 10 years - then you can see that is a big cost from my own pocket - so when i do ask for some support i do it for a reason. And that's for the benefit of us all. And don't forget the mods get all the cr*p too and they too do it all for free and for the benefit of us all and the hobby.


    I have, for the last ten years, listened to all feedback and have acted upon it if i was able to.


    As bernard said "lighten up out there it's only the inter web after all..."



  8. I am not too bothered by ads per se, but the much more nefarious issue is the nature of the purveyor that sends the ads. If the ads are sourced through a firm that pushes adware, they place all sorts of malicious code and tracking devices on members' computers. This code is then tracking other online activity, parsing out your conduct, demographics, socioeconomic profile, etc. You essentially become "the product" that is then marketed to advertisers, who pay the adware vendor to find them people that fit a certain profile for targeted ads. I'm not a computer expert, but from talking to friends that understand this stuff, it's pretty invasive. That's why if you do a google search on exterior paint, you are automatically flagged as a homeowner who wants to remodel and with a few dozen other searches, they can peg your education, income, car owned, marital status, etc.


    I'm not sure if the moderators are aware of this.


    Im sure that anyone clever enough to run a forum is totally aware of this situation. That was infact one of my worries.

    I would much rather "pay to view" than adverts.........over to you Jack

  9. I've changed it, it no longer shows IN the post but after the first post.


    For my part that works better.

    I found it quite rude to have an ad in a post that someone may have taken sometime to write.

    Thank you Joris.

    Now how can the rest of the forum help with the finances........;)

  10. Damn! Cheers Tony - we will have a look at it.


    If the ads do not work (which they may not) then we will have a look at other methods!




    Jack are you saying that if the ads work they will stay rather than any other form of money generation ?

  11. Something we are trying Gary as we don't get enough donations to pay for the server. And in fairness, there are a handful of kind members who donate every month - it is these generous folk who keep it open for everyone else.


    Folks use HMVF to sell £000's of vehicles, kit etc etc but never donate any of it - which doesn't help.


    So we are trying this for a while. The ads you see come from your browser so should be pretty OK.



    I understand what you are saying Jack and TBH I understand the need to raise some money but..... not this way.

    As Tony said and this is why I raised it on a couple of post some text was covered.

    I have NO idea what it cost to run a forum such as HMVF and again if I am honest it matters little to me, but and it is a VERY BIG BUT I really value the contributions that some members make so a couple of ideas........

    Why not charge for people selling kit, does the forum need ALL of the sections. By reducing the amount of sections would that reduce server cost ? I have no idea.

    Of couse the most unpopular but best revenue stream would be a yearly subscription.

    Its fair to say that would upset some people,but if they enjoy the forum as intented,then after the intial "I wont pay that brigade" settle down, I'm sure most people would rather see HMVF carrying on rather than go the way so many other forums go.

    I have no idea as to what to charge,£10 per year seems to be an average.

    As an example I subscribe to CMV, over the last couple of months the content seems to have more and more adverts as such when my term is up I wont be signing up again, on a personal level I would be delighted to divert some of my subcribtion money to HMVF

    I would also like to add, on the whole ;) the team at HMVF do a great job and its a valuable resource...........keep up the good work.


  12. Gary - speak with our very Joris - done a tour with him last year. Wouldn't be enough to say it was more than amazing.




    Hi Jack, thanks for the link. I am already booked on one tour but not with those people. They took over a week to reply (yesterday as it happened) The problem is that with todays media we have grown to want an almost instant answer, if that dont come them we tend to move on.

    I wanted/needed to get something in place for the rest of our party.

    Once again Jack thanks,oh and BTW I'm glad you have not closed the door on another A&E............I'm sure that if asked for there would be plenty of help ;)

  13. Good evening,

    Going over to Arnhem area May 11/12/13 already got a tour booked for the 12th.

    We are arriving at the hook on the 11th early..ish morning, so Im looking for suggestions of places to visit en-route to Arnhem.

    On the 13th heading further down towards the other bridges so any suggestions would be most helpful, I know VERY little of this area.

    We will be in a couple of Jeeps or Jeep and Dodge.

    Thankyou in advance for any suggestions.

  14. I may well be wrong here, but as I understand it if an insurance company has taken your money you're covered for legal minimum whatever mistakes or omissions are made by either party.


    Mmmm thats an interesting thought. Interesting in as far as I wonder what would happen if for example in the case of a claim you had ommited to tell them you had points for licence or you had made a mistake about the CC or size of engine.

    IE....Im sorry I meant the engine was a 2200cc not 1400cc........

    Its a minefield and WE all need to be aware of just how insurance companies work these days.

  15. "Also, you could have a slow leak at the threaded connectors (less likely), did you use teflon on the thread?"

    If the threads are correct and good condition the "cone" style connections on pipework should NOT require ANY type of additional sealing. Saying that through, work related items I have had things come in from across the pond with so much sealer on that when trying to undo the brass fitting its been damaged.

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