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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. Yes, 2015 is the last year of the Vulcan as the manufacturer technical support is being withdrawn. XH558 is already more than 10% over the flying hours of any other Vulcan, so they are heading into unknown territory regarding stress and fatigue. Now that the manufacturer support is being withdrawn from the end of this season, there's no way they can keep it airworthy. Nobody will rebuild engines for them, no one will provide airframe support.


    That is such a shame.I think thats the one I saw at Goodwood Revival in 2009 ?? I was under the impression a huge amount of public money went into this by way of fundraising.

    I could be confused with another aircraft though.....

  2. Cheers Gas 44 I'll keep you in mind, and having driven with some of the Hunts MVT I can agree they like to use their vehicles in the way they were designed. Don't forget about Wickstead Park this weekend if you find yourself lost of something to do I'll be up there on saturday with my uncle's jeep and halftrack. Plus there is a beer festival on site :cool2:






    Thanks for the heads up Steve re Wickstead I'm aware of the show...however I will be in Normandy using one of our vehicles.....:laugh: :laugh:


    If you fancy a play one weekend drop me a pm.

  3. The guys I know from Sywell are part of the MVT but the times we've been out with them we've just got on with it but I do know of people who are of the view that anymore than 3 vehicles constitutes a convoy and yada, yada, yada. If we go on group runs we avoid busy times, allow plenty of time in case of breakdowns and plan out who needs to stay behind with sick vehicles so we don't fill lay bys up. Hope to see you all about at some point and if we need some more WW2 vehicles at the Shuttleworth Collection I may come asking what you have and if you'd be interested?




    Hi Steve,

    The one big down point about the MVT based at Sywell is that on the MILITARY VEHICLE road run in the new year as a rule at least half of the people turn up in their civvy vehicles.

    We are not too far from Shuttleworth so if you need need some motors give us a shout.

    We are looking for WW2 vehicle owners that want to use their vehicles rather than count rivets...if you get my drift.

  4. Hi I'm up in Biggleswade with a WC54 currently rebuilding the engine but we also have a 1941 M3 halftrack, 1942 Ford GPW and a 1944 BSA Parabike, I know of another WC54 and a WC52 very close to Luton, mostly I am over at the Shuttleworth collection helping on the aircraft and vehicles there. Also there is a good sized group I know in Sywell Northampton way and another out Huntingdon way which we tag along with sometimes.




    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your reply, I think I'm aware of the Sywell group if thats the MVT, problem is there field sitting, one or two members there seem to have the idea that road run's ALL need police permission and whilst I dont agree with law breaking a dozen or so friends out for a drive with sensible spacing heading for a cuppa breaks no laws.I can recall one MVT member telling me chapter and verse how ARMOUR and EMBARCTION broke the law and no way would the police sanction such a thing.....yeah right.

    Dont know the Huntington group and to be honest a bit far to get everyone to a common start point.

  5. Hi apart from our small group base in Luton Bedfordshire, are there any other WW2 vehicle owners in or around BEDS BUCKS or NORTHANTS fancy doing things other than sitting in fields ?

  6. "Often see Jeeps at shows and for sale with rather wild claims of where it was used during the war, but I think majority are pure fiction with no actual real evidence to back up the claims."


    Arrr thats where I am bery lucky I know mine landed on Omaha beach on 06/06/44 at or about 06;35 hrs

    How do I know, because the chap I brought it from told me the chap who he got it from had been told by the guy he got it from knew the GI who drove it then.......lol :red:

    BUT really does it matter as long as we look after them,care for them and dont them them rust away by calling it "PATINA" is what really matters.



  7. The real benefit of s/steel sleeving must be its use on vehicles used very infrequently. Often standing idle is the killer of original type cylinders where water sits in one position.


    We dont have vehicles that are used infrequently......If we dont intent to use them we dont buy them.....simple.

  8. I think there are for and against re the re sleeving. True if new/nos were available (I would have thought so for a Dodge) then I would buy them. But if parts are not available then re-sleeving/overhaul may be the only option. However after reading some reports over the years re silicone I would always go for DOT 4.

    If as is reported dot 4 absorbs water then in real terms its really no great shake to change the fluid every 2/3 years.


  9. yes but when the air pipe reduces air flow it burns black, I have seen that before too, will give it a clean and check but we service these things regularly and cannot think this has been missed...she is just gutless, maybe its my son who drives it mostly as he is used to the Daf DROPS easy to drive with limited need for forward planning..


    Always nice to know that some things do get serviced regularly, but its also a fact that during a service things get missed regularly.

    Im going back to where you say she smokes......thats a pointer I would have thought,of course I am no expert.

  10. I have an issue of a strong, sometimes, violent vibration when I'm between 35-45 mph. If I then brake to a slow speed say 10mph my jeep comes out of it. Sometimes it shakes the jeep violently and then other times its no where near as bad. I have checked the drive shaft and front wheels to see if anything is lose. Any ideas. I appreciate any help on this. Thank You.


    Just an update we had a problem on our WC51 Dodge. Vibration at 36 MPH. Changed front tyres.....all sorted.

    I must say that before buying the Dodge it had 5 new Omaha tyres fitted so we could not really justify more new tyres (we kept below that speed) but with an upcoming trip to Holland we needed something sorted. With the kind help of a forum member replacement tyres were sourced.

    Any luck with your jeep.?

  11. :thumbsup:


    They do like to be used though, just like other batteries. I've lost several red and yellows recently due to lack of use - the sulphate eventually gets them.


    I'm very disappointed with these so-called intelligent chargers - they aren't much brighter than me…...


    A very wise old chap advised me to connect up a low wattage light bulb to give them something to do whilst waiting - I'm going to rig up a mutli bulb board in the battery charging bay to try this soon.


    When you say "they do like to be used" what sort of time scale are you talking about ?

  12. Well for what its worth this is my take on things....

    Ive had many talks with an MVT verification officer on the subject of jeep restoration and in particular re-tubing.

    His stance is simple, new tub, as far as he is concerned it should be a "Q" plate, of couse I am talking about registering for the first time.

    Now lets think about this, Mr Smith owns a 15 year old Land Rover, he has an accident its rolled,the body is damaged beyond economic repair. The insurance company,accept the rest of the vehicle is ok and agree a new body shell.

    So a major change, should it be re-registered as a Q plate or keep its age related plate ?

    I once went to a show, in the midlands, saw a very nice looking Jeep in US Navy colours (blue) I got talking to the owner he tells me that he "commisioned" this jeep to be built by a prominent jeep parts supplier ( he gave me NO name)

    He admitted that over 90% of the parts were new or nos, but insisted the speedo and milometer where were original. It was also its first registration.

    As far as I'm concerned original chassis, running gear, engine and gearbox, forms a very good basis for an original vehicle. Looking at a lot of jeeps if NOS or repro parts where frowned on then there would be a lot less on the road (good job I hear some say......)

    I have a jeep, and there are both repo and nos part fitted to mine, Im also lucky enough to own a GMC and Wc51 which have far less none original parts fitted.

    I really believe that some people get too hot under the collar about everthing being original, and to be honest I'm getting fed up with those people,claiming that the poor condition,worn out parts and overall tatty appearance, is in their words "patina" when in fact it comes down to (not in all cases) down right laziness.

    Sorry but you did ask !!!!!!

  13. yes ordered the repair kit should be great...not getting a spark now think the electronic ignition is broken


    Ive heard mixed reveiws re electronic ignition. Last year a fella in Normandy had the same happen,I think there has been a couple of people on here thats had problems.

    Fitted one to our Dodge but still keep the base plate,points and condensor handy with the tools.

  14. Ok I'm NO expert so cannot give you the magic answer....BUT when we had a similar problem with our GMC, and after many hours of toil we found that adjusting the steering box sorted our problem. I must add that our wobble could be induced by simply running over the smallest pebble or going over a very small pothole. What ever it takes to sort it, its nice to post the cure to help others, good luck.

  15. Thanks Chris. I was surprised too so made a few phone calls and ended up with the same answer! :thumbsup:


    I'm not sure if this matters of just a case of same terms/names but their paint is classed as MIX 1 not MAT 1,also supplied by many other dealers, as yet I have not found anyone suppling larger tins. I could do with a 5lt can.

  16. thanks Guys that is very useful.....


    okay so on the last vehicle we will have loads of flashing lights, no convoy vehicle, all vehicles will have flashing lights, will get a mix of colours red and amber


    50-100 m separation is about the norm, which is about 4 truck lengths average...


    flags useless no one understands them except the military folk...we will likely travel on Friday morning, return Sunday afternoon...


    okay list to remember spare tyre for the daf...must take.

    jacks for the trucks and heavy torque spanners for wheel changes

    dont have a spare kraz wheel yet...


    others okay...


    What you intent is not really a large convoy and simple road sense from drivers should be enough. But what I can tell you for sure is that a RED flashing light at the rear WILL atract MR plod as only Police cars are allowed to display red flashing lights at the rear. I would NOT advertise the fact of a "Convoy" legally its a minefield. You will need to inform the authorities of your starting point,route and finnish point. Best just say a few freinds out for a drive. As I said with the number of vehicles you are taking its not really into the problem area. Give every driver route plans and enjoy.

  17. yes agree re vdu's to a degree but i think a museum, has to cover all angles and just great lumps sitting there all pretty just isnt what a museum should be about to me...it should tell you a story the history etc etc,...


    I dont think we are a million miles apart to some degree, but I still like the old fashioned one where there are artifacts almost pilled to the ceiling,THINGS I can see,smell and ALMOST touch. I can read books,see pictures and understand the stories from my arm chair but seeing the things in body I am able to envisage them within contect, I just cant get a Tiger or Sheman in my lounge yet.

    I like to think of MY museum as something that evolves...

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