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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. My first thought would be why has the motor burnt out. If the problem is some where else rewinding or replacing the motor could be futile.

    On the other hand if its just age related then IMHO new motor's are lighter/cheaper but not as good as the older one's once rewound.

    3 h/p is quite large for single phase could you not use 3 phase.?

  2. I don't think ignorance of ones own language is something to be proud of.


    Don't worry Enigma, the average Dutch persons written and spoken English is generally better than many British people, I'm sad to say.


    I was not suggesting for one moment that it was.

    If one looks at the smilies surely one would understand my comments were infact a little "tongue in cheek"

    I will however stand by my comment of this being as we all know a Military vehicle forum and not a classroom.

  3. OOh I want to go to Overloon again! Especially in the same company. :D


    Mmmm we went to Overloon this year. Got accused of stealing something.

    After they emptied my bag and I emptied my pockets, and of course found nothing I insisted that they made a loud public apology....which they did. They also gave us a meal in the cafe free of charge.

    This all came about because another member of public saw one of our group putting something in their pocket. They did...it was his phone he had taken 4/5 pictures of a M37 radio truck........sticky beak comes to mind. All in all it left a poor taste in my mouth.

    I must admit to being impressed with the collection though.

  4. One of the best Dodges I've seen looked like it had driven through a hedge, the driver was scruffy, kit torn and worn. Looked just like they'd both come out of a Normandy feild. The mechanics on her though were perfect.


    I'm not against "worn,in service,patina" just as long its not a cover up for "lazy,can't be bothered"........

  5. I've been having an intermittent fuel pump problem over the last several years and am now thinking of fitting an electric fuel pump. Not knowing a lot about electric pumps can anybody advise a make and model to fit a Dodge WC52.


    The mechanical pump failed recently the first time in 18 months of use. But getting fed up with trying to figure out what is wrong. Thought about vapour lock but not so sure.


    thanks for any advise


    Are you sure its the fuel pump, if so what symptoms are you getting.

    I think we have all had vapour lock at some time, but thats not always the fuel pump.

    Fuel pumps are easy to repair normally.

  6. I think that the big problem with vehicle spares is the suppliers themselves. I have seen poor quality parts from

    more than one of the big suppliers. When they are challenged about them, the stock responses are:


    No one else has complained.


    Send it back at your expense, when we find there is nothing wrong with the item we will send it back to you

    and charge postage.


    It must be the part that you are fitting it to, is no good.


    It is something that you have done.


    A big gripe I have at the moment is that brake line and fuel line flares will not seal in the brass elbows.

    The advise is to use Loctite sealer, a big no no for me. (This has happened to two friends who are renovating jeeps.)


    The parts suppliers should be kicking the firms that are supplying them with poor quality items. This is the only way that things can improve.


    Your not too far off the mark for the whole of the automotive industry in this country,I all ways feel like I am being bent over the barrel (so to speak) every time I visit a garage.

  7. I think the key to your problem is find a dealer that you trust.

    I go to plenty of shows and look what dealers have on there stall.

    I have found that the ones with a few NOS parts tend to supply the better quality rero parts too.

    It also comes down to cost, I now use the same dealer MOST of the time (only going elsewhere if I'm desperate) they are not known as the cheapest, BUT the price they quote includes vat and I have always been happy with what they have supplied.

    They will always help over the phone, open up early or wait till later if you need a part.

    First class old fashioned service.

  8. Sam;

    That shipping price seems high. PM your address and will check on shipping from me to you on the tow chain, it weighs 85 pounds.


    John G



    Mmm I have always thought that shipping from the US to GB to be high. I sometimes feel that we are being bent over the barrel.

    Unless of course the vendor's really think that GB is in another Galaxy, I sometimes think that postage prices are quoted sooooooo high in an attempt to keep the parts over there.:undecided:


  9. "Quadbikes/motorbikes.


    I was on site for 9 days and did not see ANY lunitics on quads/bikes, I think the layout helps stop people flying around like lunitics.

    I was in the kitcheners field and there was a young lad about 10yrs old on a small motorbike wearing a crash helmet and protective clothing and closely supervised by his dad, he was only doing about 10-15mph and stopped whenever a MV approached."



    We were in Kitcheners as well. The lad on the bike must have been quite clever....because when he passed by us (several times an hour) his Dad was no where to be seen.

    Only doing about 10/15 mph...I was under the impression that the site speed limit was in fact 5 mph.

    By the way he made NO attempt to slow down when he passed (very close) sometimes to pedestrians......of course self preservation came in when an approaching MV came HIS way :undecided:



    Apart from this issue I agree totally with your other comments.

  10. Well I had been there for six days and saw NO high presence of authorities.

    The layout was better this year with the exit road from Kitchener's field.

    I thought there were less there BUT figures would be the only way of proving that,but there did seem empty areas compared to other years.

    Small motor bikes being riden by young children AT SPEED still seems to be a problem, still when a Reo or GMC or Armoured vehicle runs one over....problem solved. Dead child, squashed bike, END of show...perhaps. When will parents learn at the very least to read the very basic rules......maybe they cant read.

    As regards traders I have noticed over the past couple of years more and more "market" type stalls within the military section.

    For the first time in a number of years I don't recall seeing a "stunning" vehicle and for sure there was a lack of the larger vehicles.

    Saying all this, I had a good time and wish the new "Owner" all the best for future shows.


    For the record,

    When I said "stunning" I did not mean there were no "NICE" vehicle there.

    Also I did not mean there were NO larger vehicles just that I thought there less than I hade seen in the past.

    Photo's are great but dont always show the overall aspect. Of course there were a number of GMC's on the road run Thursday night.......just NOT as many as other years.

    There also seemed to be a lot more "unofficial" stalls set up. Two plots down from me a fella with a real beat up civvy vehicle had almost a complete trade stall set up.....

    I'm not moaning,spoiling for a fight or doing anyone down, these were just my observations.

  11. Just got home. Totally exhausted after spending a night under canvas while the most torrential rain I have ever seen came down and of course some happy soul firing off flares and other pyros at 2 in the morning didn't help.


    I have been told, and have little to verify this that trading standards, Police, EOD, HMRC and military Police had a very visible presence. Fuel tanks were dipped looking for red diesel, items were taken off stalls and the serial numbers of certain weapons were checked against reported stolen ones. I saw real MP's looking very happy with themselves and the bomb squad van stuck in the mud. (I took some photos). It has been alleged that someone in the N**A got caught out with some red diesel. I am sure the truth will out soon.


    Well I had been there for six days and saw NO high presence of authorities.

    The layout was better this year with the exit road from Kitchener's field.

    I thought there were less there BUT figures would be the only way of proving that,but there did seem empty areas compared to other years.

    Small motor bikes being riden by young children AT SPEED still seems to be a problem, still when a Reo or GMC or Armoured vehicle runs one over....problem solved. Dead child, squashed bike, END of show...perhaps. When will parents learn at the very least to read the very basic rules......maybe they cant read.

    As regards traders I have noticed over the past couple of years more and more "market" type stalls within the military section.

    For the first time in a number of years I don't recall seeing a "stunning" vehicle and for sure there was a lack of the larger vehicles.

    Saying all this, I had a good time and wish the new "Owner" all the best for future shows.

  12. There are some very good points raised in this thread. If I look at the Saladin I am selling, then I consider this a premium vehicle. I.e. Something armoured, different and gains a lot of interest amongst the public, so I would have imagined it would sell at near to the price I was asking. I have been in this hobby since 1977, only as an ethusiast, not a dealer, but have a lot of experience as to what sells at what price. I have owned the Saladin since 1985, so am in no hurry to sell it, I am sure the price accurately reflects its worth, so lets see what happens. Regarding the Daf Drops, I will advertise it on eBay soon, but will start it at a much lower price of around £8500, with no reserve, it's a good vehicle, but does not have the attachment that armour does. I did not want to sell at a really low price as I think it then lowers the value of the drops for other owners who have already gone to the trouble of registering and using these on the road already. But I guess that the market dictates the price, not me!


    I know very little about your Saladin,its not my time scale. I do remember seeing it once and very nice it looked too.

    Premium vehicle,I really dont know, I thought if others thought so it would have been snapped up by now ?

    Interest amounst public, I would not take any notice of that with regard to selling it because they are probably NOT going to be the ones to buy it.

    Regarding the Drops I would not worry about how it will/won't affect the value for the other owners, after all they are not selling are they....let them deal with prices when they come sell.

    However it turns out though, good luck.

  13. Spoke with Steve last week and will have a site visit. We don't have any living history groups with us as we are a vehicle event but the issue we have is the secure parking for the HGV's bringing the armour etc. Also what needs to be taken into account is weather - if it is wet would we get the HGV's out. Just all those little things that you have to look at!


    Will know more once I have had a look :-) But is a historic location!


    Yep I remember the scene trying to get out of the field on Saturday morning in 2012....

    M26 towing a Ward La France towing a Diamond T towing a rogers trailer with a M4 Hst loaded......blooming good job I was pushing at the back,,,,,,

  14. Shame on a certain '28 Country group of nations' for saying that Eurotunnel could not own a couple of Ferries too!


    To be fair, I dont think its quite as simple as that.

    I used the old SeaFrance and have up until now used the "Phenoix" company "Myferry Link" I used them because I could get a Carnet ticket ( 10 crossings) and be very flexible with dates and times...ie just turn up and go.

    BUT there is no way could MYferry Link have been paying their way so to speak. THe ships were never busy that I could see and on two crossings last year I count only 3 yes just 3 vehicles on the vehicle deck I was on. (it was NOT an off peak crossing)

  15. Thanks for the replies. Nick at Jeffrey Engineering is sorting me out with parts......Most helpful and obliging guy. Ron


    I can second that, he has sorted parts for my gearbox too........just need to put it all back together now :embarrassed:

  16. I am pleased to be able to offer parking, camping and entertainment to all vehicles, crew, living history groups and reenactors wishing to attend this event. You will be camping on the site of the former D-Day marshalling area D5 (Broadmayne Park & West Knighton).


    D5 is approximately 5 miles from the towns of Weymouth & Dorchester, has excellent vehicular access and space is not an issue. We have recently held the 'Broadmayne D5' event for the third year running and would be more than happy to combine both events.


    For more information regarding D5 see Broadmayne Camp on Facebook or visit www.broadmayneD5.info


    Steve George


    Broadmayne World War 2 Society


    (Jack - pm sent)


    Now thats an offer thats would be hard to refuse.....for some one putting on one of the best events this country holds

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