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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. Also beware of the law when driving a twin wheel pick up or van ....like a twin rear wheel Transit' type vehicle :) .........you also need a Tacho fitted ...even if the trailer is empty.....

    ....strictly speaking ........you need a Tacho fitted even if you have a towbar fitted to such a vehicle and don't have a trailer attached at all......reason being..your vehicle is 'equipped with the means' to exceed it's stated Gross Vehicle Weight .......even if it is not actually doing so when you are stopped .....

    ... iffy business the Law is in this sort of area ..so be careful..... :)


    I'm sure thats right, BUT you only have to use the tacho if towing for "profit or gain"......it all a very grey area.....



    Hi Everyone,


    My name is David, I am a vintage car enthusiast (1932 Wolseley Hornet Special) my partner and I have seen some of you having so much fun at events like Holt/Sheringham (Norfolk), Wimpole Hall (Cambs) & Ramsbottom (Lancs) that we have decided to join in. We have recently bought a 1942 Ford Jeep ('Wendy') that was restored in the USA last year and we are looking to hook up with other Jeep owners in Cambs, Suffolk & Norfolk. We are also keen to drive in convoy with anyone else in the area to join the D Day celebtations in Normandy in June of 2014. We have never been before, don't know the military ins and outs and would like to make new friends. We live near Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk.


    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


    Hi David,

    You are more than welcome to join up with us in Normandy 2014


  3. While checking over the dodge to get it to run better I have checked the voltage going to the batteries(it`s 24 volts),It was about 35 volts so I had a look in the regulator and cleaned all the contact`s, there`s now 32 volts coming in, the book says there should be 30 but doesn't tell you how to alter it.Inside there are 3 set`s of contacts, one set is open when off but then permanently closed, the middle set clicks on and off and the third set doesn't appear to move?. There are little adjusting wheels on the spring`s but did not want to move anything. Should it be adjustable and if so do you alter the tension? And should the third set move?.

    Thanks simon


    Hi Simon,

    One question how accurate is your test meter. Im not sure that voltage would make much differance to the running of the Dodge.

  4. As I get older I wear uniform less unless actually asked to do so for a certain event, however many of the shows I attend are 40's themed and not to enter into the spirit of things defeats the object somewhat. Without trying to upset anyone I think it is an individual choice, many of us including myself are ex military and probably have more insight into forces life than some who dress as Generals etc, whose only experience of uniforms was the boys scouts after school but live and let live. We ALL have one common love and that's for the vehicles that's what binds us together and makes us the friendly bunch we are. I have no problem with people wearing uniform as long as it is period correct and they do nothing to disrespect those who wore it for real, and for the people who did, I respect and thank you :)


    I was that boy scout, luckily enough I was made up to a General fairly quickly, good job as I cound't deal with lower ranks rif raf. :D



  5. I wear DPM trousers and a T-shirt.. this is NOT the MVT uniform as has been suggested on here before.. In fact the MVT have NO uniform..


    In the past I have put on a Uniform (DPM's) at the request of the British Army on two occasions, the Queen's Pageant, where we were Badge up by Major Whatley as the "Blues & Royals" & the TA100 Pageant both on Horseguards Parade..


    There are some out there that give & badge themselves up with ranks they are not entitled to wear.


    Come on Lee I dont want to have to play at moderator on this thread and did ask to keep it light hearted or I will ask Jack to remove that comment.......:cheesy:

  6. Now I have your attention gentlemen....lets keep it light hearted bearing in mind the season of good will.

    Really its a follow on from an earlier thread that has maybe got a little heated.

    You guessed it I'm talking about, dare I say it..........dressing up.

    So its mainly aimed at vehicle owners rather that vehicle owning reenactors or living history people, of course they are more than welcome to comment. But I'd like to keep it upbeat please so no name calling from anyone :D

    So my question is,

    1, do you dress up when in your vehicle and if so is it uniform or what I would term as greens.

    I'll kick it off, WE wear HBT coverall's, they are in context with the vehicles we own and we are too old to dress as combat troops.

  7. Gaz44 i think you need to calm down a bit! i want preaching "respect" to anyone, it was jack who brought that up.

    Also your not the only one who's relatives lost friends, thousands did including my relatives so dont preach to me either.

    You keep asking about the MVT uniform, well its the "T" shirt sold in your club shop usually worn with combat trousers, hope that will stop you going on!?

    And your right i dont know you so please just leave it there mate, its getting boring now


    OK if you are to single me out for your rantings about everyone you think you know wearing what you think then at least get my name correct its Gas 44.

  8. Can you honestly say that you own a WW2 vehicle just to honour the veterans? No you own one because its what YOU want and enjoy, myself and others enjoy wearing the uniform as part of what we do, plus it enhances the vehicle, us reenactors probably have more respect for the veterans than your standard MVT owner in combats

    The veterans love us wearing the uniform and honouring thier memory, you obviously don't agree by your comments?

    As regards you comment, "maybe you should go on an MVT organised trip" why should they have the monopoly on it? I know most MVT do not like reenactors, but then most reenactors don't like the MVT uniform!

    Just my opinion?!


    NO, but after all I did not say that I owned a military vehicle to honour the veterans. I own it cos Jack was selling it.....

    If you think I've something against people wearing uniform's, you dont know me at all.Again I have said nothing against that.

    I only suggested to go on the MVT trip to be helpful to you as I know sometimes they can get where others cant.

    I also find it very insulting your suggestion,that the MVT do not like reenactors,again you are a long way off the mark. I'm not sure what the mvt uniform is.

    To be honest we dont all have to dress up (again I'm not against it) to show our respect, our party will be laying some wreaths in more remote places (on our own) at the request of an uncle who landed on D Day as a sexton crew. He still lives at 94 but lost a number of friends.

    So PLEASE do not preach to me about respect.

  9. Well I for one thank you for the info.

    I think WE should ALL think a little about what the day is about. My veiw only...but I dont think it should be about wether we can or cannot get our vehicle "on the front" or beach or even what we are wearing.After all its not a circus (is it ?) I think it should be a time to reflect on who went before to allow us to be able to go or not go as we please.

    Just my thoughts, I will be there not sure where, but will be thinking of all those youngsters who did not survive that day....very humbling.

  10. Thanks for the replies, my truck is British and we will be dressed in best BD of the Dorsetshire regt with "NO" weapons or flags.


    Really hope to get to the front or on the beach on the day, as we last went on the 65th anniversary a few days after the 6th and lots of locals and tourists alike expresed how delighted they were to see British Tommiesicon7.png


    If you could find out about passes i would be very greatful.






    If getting to the front is so important then you may have been better to sign up with the MVT tour.:undecided:

  11. Hi



    I know he does not like the abundance of American marked vehicles,star and stripe flags hanging off vehicles in a British sector, he is going to Police and put these requirements in place for 2014 .I have been told Pass's are required for vehicle movement into the area and also into Caen and Sword Beach areas .


    When I speak with him in the new year I'll get more info on the vehicle requirements and see if pass's are available , or if they are for official vehicles only .

    Knowing the French I suspect that you are right. Most of the spaces will be taken by Post War Hotchkiss Jeeps......luckily thats exactly what the 101st and 82nd used right ??????

    Its not what you know/have, regardless of how accurate you are or your vehicle is, its WHO you know.......of course the French would have been delighted to allow ANY Allied vehicle into their town on the 6th.......in 1944 what short memories some countries have. ;)

  12. eBay are a complete waste of time , they are not interested.

    moral of the story, don't use eBay[/QU


    Im not sure we can just blame EBAY. WE are all adults and such I would hope that we have common sense.

    The old nut of " If it seems too good then it is too good"

    BUYER BEWARE !!!!!!

    TBH we would now all struggle without ebay, not that we all buy from ebay but it opens up the market, its probably the best modern "Exchange and Mart" around......

  13. My membership number is in the high thousands and I for one would be VERY offended if ANYONE told me to "get me knees brown and get some in"

    That comment would VERY swiftly be followed by "not on your nelly"

    We are in 2013, not 1950's national service.

    I dont know the original poster, but it seems to me, as if he may stand back from any future input........

    As it happens I think the MVT do a pretty good job.

  14. Am intending going to Normandy next year with a vehicle for the first time. If I wanted to join a convoy could I? Or how do I go about finding out who to ask or what's on? Have looked on a variety of sites but is there an official site that has all the info on it?


    Just as a heads up, some, not all can be a bit touchy about tagging onto their convoy. The MVT springs to mind if you have NOT booked in with them or paid them.

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