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gas 44

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Posts posted by gas 44

  1. Our Dodge had 101AB 506 on its front and rear bumbers when we purchased it......were they original, I doubt it. They were removed anyway.

    I'm ALWAYS a little cautious when I see 82nd/101st AB on any vehicle since the BOB mini series.

    Of course both A/B divisions would have had vehicles so there will be some originals out there, I always smile in the church square at St.M.Eglise on or around 6th June looking at all of the French owned and registered Hotchkiss Jeeps marked up as either 82nd or 101st.

    Good luck with your quest.

  2. Ahhhh but 16 MPG sound better !!!!! :cool2:



    They are great trucks to own, had my 352 for getting on for 18 years now and would never get rid of it, its now part of the family.


    Probably the biggest problems with them are as Degsy says are tyres, they will perrish and crack before you wear them out which is a pain but most other parts on them are just like a big series land rover.


    One other thing which has just poped into my mind is the two types of cab, open and closed, the open ones are about a foot wider so can nearly get 3 people in it and much cooler to drive the closed cabs are hot as far as I have been told, my 352 is an open one and would have no issues driving it in any kind of weather obviously the rain does get in with an open cab but its not as bad as you would think.


    Good luck you will enjoy one if you are a bit mechanicaly minded.


    Ahhh 16mpg, of course much better on the pocket, BUT you loose that great sound of the GMC straight six petrol as opposed to the old oil burner deisel........;)


    Mind you your's did not sound tooooooo bad on Omaha.

  3. Personally, I don't believe many owners drive their MVs in winter and must therefore lay them up till the daffodils are out. If WW2 vehicles are driven in winter why have I never ever seen one on the road before March in 40 years. The only MVs up to the job and out and about in winter are Land Rovers!


    You must drive around with your eyes closed.......or dont live near us. Of course we are not out everyday or every week in the winter. But on a bright crisp day there is nothing better than a drive out. Plenty round here do it and we we dont have heater's like the softy LR's.......;)

  4. Further to my earlier answer here is the list of the major things wrong with my Dodge when it arrived at Hull docks, remember this truck was described as " a very reliable, well maintained usable truck, drives perfectly and my own personal truck for six years". On arriving at the docks it would not start, thinking the battery was a bit low I had to jump it from the low loader just to load it. The battery was knackered on getting it home £160, after renewal it still wouldn't start, the starter was reconditioned £125, I could not see the engine there was so much oil down the sides which turned out to be a blown head gasket £75, the gearbox and transfer box both need all seals replacing (parts bought yet to be fitted) £60, very few of the lights worked and I had to have a new rear wiring loom made up and fitted £160, all the oils looked as if they were of 1942 vintage £150 with filters, the canvas was so thin first time out it tore in half :embarrassed: £400+, I started to think I had a usable truck until the first drive over three miles produced a badly overheating engine, new radiator £275, speedo didn't work still doesn't, no horn there wasn't even one fitted ! I managed to do most of the work myself or else the cost would have been at least double. After finally getting it to run long enough to make the D Day 70th in Normandy the clutch went while we were there :cry: This list is just a FEW of the problems I encountered, all on a truck supposedly ready to use and that was claimed to be the sellers own truck he had loved and maintained for six years :D My advice is simple NEVER EVER buy unseen and if you do prepared to be burnt. In hindsight the seller of my Dodge must still be laughing I'm certainly not. :embarrassed: I paid top money for it too !


    Well fella there is one way to deal with this and to maybe prevent some other poor soul getting shafted


    NAME and SHAME

  5. "the UK needs not to forget..."

    Im not sure that we do. In all the years collecting for poppy day,this year there was a lot more interest. Ok could be due to the centenery year.

    Something to remember about the Menin Gate ceromony is that about 85% of the people attending are visitors,true from all over the world but not native to Ypres. I have been many times and each time it touches me. BUT I will say, NOT everyone attending are there for the right reason. Ive seen some right scum there in the past. These were very soon removed.

  6. Seriously - that is not worth it. I can see some value if it was his war time ETO Jeep but given as gift?! Restored - surely that would have devalued it?????


    It would if it was one of your restorations Jack :-D



  7. Looking in a old cmv and noticed a bolster truck of what looked like 9.20's tyers (could be wrong) they looked nice and wide?.


    I I would like to put mine back to bargrips but don't really like the 7-50's as they look really skinny!.


    LOL.....these are not hotrod's 7:50's are what they were designed to run on and tbh we have had no problem with them at all. Of course they might also look a little better with a metalic paint job....but they did not have that either.

    Bolster's were a different kettle of fish, to start with they only had single wheels on the rear axle.

  8. With a show as large and diverse as W&PR you are never going to satisfy everyone, or perhaps anyone! We each have our own area of interest and I presume most people, like me, only go to a show to see the subject matter that they have interest in. A show which could focus on one area of interest and ensure that they give a fully rounded view of the subject would be a winner for sure both for those with an external interest and those owning / restoring machines from that period. I suspect that the general public wouldn't care much at all, after all, if its green and has big wheels or tracks its all the same, let off a few gun shots and the family has a good day out to keep the kids from driving them crazy around the house.

    It would be rather interesting to see the demographic of the footfall at W&PR, I wonder what percentage of attendees have an active interest in MVs?

    I tend to think that an event which is created to give wartime MV owners something challenging and out of the ordinary is whats missing in the UK. I enjoyed Tanks In Town back in 2011, it had a good mix where the owners got to camp out in the woods and take there vehicles on the off road tracks if they wished and then as the culmination of the event there was the road run. Not everyone in the woods went on the run, some had come just to meet friends and hitch a ride around Mons. Thinking about it I enjoy Militracks too, so perhaps its the woods that give that extra factor in making for a perfect setting, rather than some vast expense of flat grassland.


    You could be onto a winner with that idea re the WW2 vehicles, remember Jack did it in 2010 followed by 2012.

    I dont know anyone who attended that did not have a smile from ear to ear.

    All it needs is some one to arrange an event like that,they seem to be able to do it on the continent but we struggle here.

    Is that some thing to do with fuel cost ? I know our local MVT group seem to have trouble traveling more than about 40 miles. Some say "but my Vehicle uses too much fuel" I say "get a smaller vehicle then".

    To me there is nothing worse than just sitting in a field, I use W&P as a base, (i dont leave my jeep on display the whole time cos they are boring...or so i have been told)this year we travelled to Calais via the chunnel with 2 jeeps and 1 dodge. We did the coast road down to Bolougne taking in the bunkers and a really good lunch in the old town. Returned about 8 in the evening. After the event a number of people said they would have joined us.....it just needs some imagination. I cant see me NOT attenting W&P, I get up to 10 days camping for £25, I get to save money on postage by picking up bits and pieces from the dealers. In the evening I meet up with some friends have a beer or two,make some new friends and of course see a few military vehicles.

    This year I paid Rex Cadman £25

    This year I saved £18 at Dover castle and a total of £58 in carraige, value for money.....you bet.

    Ok its a little like, is you cup half full or half empty but overall I'm happy even if there was not a lot of "Brit kit there"

  9. We did attend this year and last and the one before and many more besides, it was full of US-Kit former Eastern Bloc and if you looked some quite unusual vehicles superbly restored. Besides most of the owners welcomed interest shown in their pride and joy. While there was some British and Canadian kit nothing like that seen at previous shows for me a disappointment. Will we attend next year, not sure probably not and not because the lack of British and Commonwealth kit more to do with as mentioned before on this forum the attitude behaviour and double standards shown towards participants by show staff, and please don’t tell me the organisers are interested or care personal experience dictates otherwise.


    You are correct,there was a lot of US war time kit (there was a lot built during the war). I was up in Haigs field and TBH very little US kit up there. Went into The post war field nealy full of Land Rovers and British kit.

    I'm not sure that people seek out the Brit stuff, it was there...and in force.Loads of 432, Ferrets,Champs.

    Couple of mates in Kitcheners surrounded by 101's

    Are you saying there was a lack War time Brit kit, because I came away this year thinking there was more post war Brit gear there,but of course that may be 70 years old one day.

    However we may not agree on the exact amount of BRIT V US kit I totally agree with you sentiments re some of the staff at the show. It is about time that side of things got sorted.

  10. maybe people want to portray what they see on the tv and let's face it the yanks have a cool image and the kit looks great and as for the germans they are the bad boys which is also cool to some people.

    personally I do it to raise awareness of our grandfathers and let the next generation know it wasn't all down to the americans (it's a long lonely struggle) the good news is I'm not entirely on my own and there are a few people I have been "grooming" to join me in the quest and in a few years time there will be 2 or 3 more ww2 british tanks on the scene.




    I love the "Yank" kit I also like some of the "Brit" kit........." it wasn't all down to the americans (it's a long lonely struggle) the good news is I'm not entirely on my own"

    Of course you are right, but without them there is NO doubt we may all not have been speaking English.........

    "Over here, Over paid, & Over sexed.........Yipeeeeeeeeeee ;)



  11. Well, 'Illegally obtained by deception Ford GPW glove box lid and data plates" would be a bit of a clumsy title. My sympathy's with Dave, it's so easy to get stitched up these days, online or off, particularly if you're a genuine person and others take advantage of your honesty.


    I will not disagree with you, thats why WE all need to be more careful.

    Most people I know get caught by the old chestnut....."a free lunch". We all know there is no such thing, or come to that there is no snake oil either.

    On the whole I refuse any ebay dealings outside of the UK, If and its a big IF I did, I would only accept Western Union payment, you know the type that's used when you send money to Nigera for that cloud with the silver lining......

    Its a shame for Dave but at least its highlighted another scam, beware SELLER.

  12. " Some people collect them to ring other Jeeps with"


    Mmmm being a little skeptical.......I tend to agree with the above statement.

    Still not sure it should be headed "Stolen" it gives the first impression they were lifted from a jeep.

    I wonder when people will wake up to the shear amount of ebay scams about, or of course as some people buy and collect these then they could of course be lost in the post.......yeah right.

  13. You aren't reading what I'm typing. I'm not looking for sponsorship, and I'm not interested in taking all three vehicles anywhere again; I've done it once. However if someone wanted all three vehicles on show somewhere, they will have to cover the cost. I'm not rolling in money.


    As I said you have done a great job with all your vehicles,well done. Enjoy them and good luck.

    I'm sorry I misunderstood what you were saying. I can understand re the money,I think that affects a lot of us.

  14. I've no interest in spending money on a hitch conversion for something unlikely to happen again. Having all three vehicles together was a one off. Occasionally we take the Dodge and Jeep somewhere, both driven, but that is rare, perhaps once a year, so life is easy as it is now. Three won't happen again unless someone is sponsoring the fuel and time off work, so it is not worth any expense to make it possible. If someone does want to pay for all three, I still have the means to get them there as I did at Croft.


    Ouch, sorry I made that suggestion I was not aware you were looking for sponsorship....thought you did it like most of us....for the love of it.

    Anyway the vehicles still look good and good luck.

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