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Posts posted by ian2b

  1. Managed to get the Bedford and trailer to beltring today so its now safe and sound in Lee's care till i get back there on Friday evening.


    At one stage I thought the trailer was going to be left behind as on Saturday I checked the trailer brakes and found one had locked on so planned to return sunday and free it off but before I left sunday I received a call from a friend to let me know that the local scum bags had paid the trailer a visit and broken 3 windows so that started my day well. Once I arrived I started on the brakes and had to remove the wheel to which I could not find the right size wheel brace to remove the nuts, now feeling more frustrated. Lucky for me my friend was there playing with his 432 and had the biggest sockets I had seen and yes one fitted so off with the nuts and now to remove the wheel, no way it was stuck solid no amount of me kicking it from all angles would shift it, now getting even more frustrated. I now turn to my son and tell him to move well away from the trailer and in a fit of madness attach a rope to the wheel and then to the towbar of the car and gave it a little tug and after a couple of jerks it comes loose. Now to remove the drum and if you haven't guessed already that to was stuck but with my trusted tool (hammer) i manged to free that and then free everything up and set about putting it all back again and at last it rotates nicely.

    Now remembered I have to remove all the glass from the frames and sweep it out of the inside, hour later job done. Now of to load lorry for Mondays run to beltring.

    Monday - get the lorry out and it sounds rough, frustration again, still unloaded the car and decided to drive up the road about 3 miles to where the trailer is stored and had trouble getting more than 25 mph out of the old girl. Now starting to thing that I am not supposted to make it to beltring this year but not to be put of I started pulling spark plug leads of in turn and found two made no difference and swapped the spark plugs out for a couple I had spare and then it was back to normal. At last trailer connected and off I went to beltring at about 11am, later down the road I was followed by John FV601 who would bring me back, cheers John.

    All this for 9 days at a military vehicle show, Christ I must be mad.


    Lorry ready for the journey today.




  2. 5 hours in and all thats left now are the bell housing bolts, fuel line, clutch slave and starter leads.

    (Note to self - bouts of claustrophobia coupled with getting arm wedged whislt under the Landie do NOT mix... :shake: :shake:)



    Very well done Neil :clap: So looks good for war and peace show then.

  3. well im hoping to drive up friday slowly and then go home by train and then pick up the family for sat then return sunday to collect the 109

    if the landy breaks down then just me no family but does anyone from essex mind being a back up if i break down


    I should be around David so any problems give me a call and I will see what I can do.

  4. Hah!!


    Anyways - thanks to Lee who kindly made me up a peg spanner to fit the new belts are on and tensioned. And with the help of John, Lee, Phil and Fred she's now ready for the off on Friday morning for the HouseHold Cavalry pageant. If they ever finish deciding where the vehicles will be dropped... :roll: :roll:


    As regards the spot light - I had to swap the mechanism mount over from the old light housing to the new one which meant getting the existing mount off and then driling and rivetting the old mount in place. Finished that today, it's not wired up yet (no time), and looks good. Will post pics of the mod after the pageant as tomorrow is Drinkies day for the 50 or so of us being retired early at the end of the month.



    John helped :schocked: that must have been verbal from a chair with a cup of tea in his hand. :whistle:

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