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Everything posted by Marmite!!

  1. If you are a member of the MVT why not ask them for guidance...
  2. A big than you to Roy (locolines) for helping move Neil's OT90 which was Squatting on someones pitch;)
  3. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?5497-The-Violent-Crime-Reduction-Act-2006
  4. Back on topic ( Jack!!) Bloody hot here.. Will update photos this afternoon. X
  5. Photos from todays set up... Don't forget it's a 3 day show this year...
  6. Been tinkering in the shed again Bernard??
  7. Welcome, please tell us a bit about yourself & your interests?? Cheer Lee
  8. I regret selling my 1942 dated Rocket Propelled Grappling Hook, it now resides in a museum in the States :-(
  9. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?37622-Thoroughly-examine-your-DEAC-Launcher%28s%29 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2296888/Former-TA-soldier-46-kept-working-3ft-ROCKET-LAUNCHER-destroy-tank-hidden-bed-souvenir-service.html
  10. Well put, when I sold my Ferret I got almost double what I paid for it. It is now worth even more if it went on the market today.
  11. Totally missed your point Pete??? I was offered a price by a Dealer & accepted it, he was happy, I was happy, end off...
  12. People are moaning about current prices but may be I'm alone but I bought mine as an investment in the long term which in the end worked out quite well... Same goes for MVs
  13. I recently sold all my deacs. Put a couple on Gunstar, a dealer came round for a couple of guns, ended up selling the lot to him for more than I wanted on the private market... Supply & demand.
  14. Hmmm she has offered herself up to the press, papers & TV, can't see what the problem is???? I know Sarah personally through the MV scene as do many others on here, she doesn't hide away what she's had done so I can't see your point? if you want to discuss this further then please PM me.
  15. I was pointing out that the person involved was Tim Bluck, many knew her/him by that name as he has been about for many years on the MV scene
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