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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Sticking my tuppence worth in as a "newbie" to the scene - I chose to look after an old M.V. because the engineering and history appealed to me. I also chose not to go the route of dressing in age-related uniform and carrying age-related weaponry because the age of the vehicle is roughly the time of my service. I know what an SLR/GPMG/Sten/Apache/Browning is, I know what it can do and - perhaps worse - I know what I can do/have done with each one of them. It took a goodly number of years for the nightmares to reach manageable levels and I'd rather like to keep it that way.


    I have the greatest respect, though, for those who do choose to follow the age related uniform/weaponry path with their vehicles and for those who choose to go the living history route - sometimes they even combine to make a happy whole as was seen at Beltring this year :-)


    If ever asked I would have no objection to loading Mauds back up with period re-enactors or veterans from her days in service - probably be quite a while before either of us qualify for that distinction though! :-) :-)


    As I see it we all play a part to a greater or lesser degree in keeping history alive and so long as we do the history bboks cannot be rewritten!


    The choice is ours, each and every one of us, to make though as to how far we want to go in our hobby (if thats the right word to use) and long may it continue that way without Politically Correct morons poking their nose in!!!

  2. FWIW - I looked into importing a DUKW from Australia last year. Auction price went into silly money though so the plans feel through.


    Nonetheless - I contacted HM C&E and I.R departments and, from memory part of the VAT would have been waived as it was a historic vehicle but import duties would still have been levied. Then you've got the shipping/handling costs - some one I know shipped a car back from the USA and it was £1800 from port of departure to port of entry. You'll need to add costs to get to and from port of deprture and entry to the bill.


    If you are still interested let me know and I'll dig out the stuff I got from Her Majesties money grabbers and extrtioners!!!

  3. They were - one of the best/nicest cabs of the era - no draughts or leaks :lol:

    All it is was a standard Bedford RL with a unique to Denmark top to the cab.

    One of the other plus points was the ability to carry a weapon mounted on the ring atop the Cab!!

  4. Digging through the web for info on the trusty old RL's I came across this:




    Any one else remember these? We had some loaned to us whilst on exercise in Denmark in the early to mid Seventies.


    Wonder if the Danes ever sold them off - and if so - where they went????

  5. Hey - it was only in the region of 20 mph!!! :lol:


    Hers the sequence as shot by the intrepid camera-wife standing (note this word!) in the load bay of a Stalwart:


    Running in for the approach



    Cresting the top



    Vehicle heads down - and so does the wife holding the camera!!! :evil:


  6. A real mans truck Jack, the best winching vehicle ever made and their pulling capacity is awesome. The main drawback is the slow roadspeed, even with the higher ratio final drives that some were fitted with you would do well to attain 30mph.



    Not dissimilar to that Stalwart Mick knows of then!!!!! :-) Mine averages about 35 mph....

  7. What I would like to see would be something like "Bad Lads Army - The Provost Sgt Majors revenge" in which the dirty rotten scumbags get to find out what REAL army disicpline was like back then.


    Not the PC soft-stepping that the show uses right now!!!

  8. I would always use the ring end of a combination spanner where ever possible as it gives more contact on the nut whereas an open end can be prone to slipping off and doing the knuckles in



    Use the ring on a combo spanner - then if you need extra leverage take the next size up and "lock" the open jaws together!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I've got a couple of pics of Maud, your welcome to have a copy AR :-)



    All contributions would be mch appreciated, thanks!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Thanks for the Militant shots Richard - seeing them at the show brought back many happy memories - not least the one of the time I wandered off-road in a 6x4 tipper followed by a 6x6 GS, went over a rather large bump and looked back to see the GS sitting there rocking on it's chassis. the other driver had forgottten the tippers had a shorter wheelbase :evil: :evil: :evil:

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