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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. A thought - most of us tend to camp in with the local MV or LH groups we are associated with for the rest of the year - yes?


    This being the case instead of an area where we all could camp together why not ask Rex about either:


    A stall/pitch to adertise the forum that we could all take it in turns to "man" (apologies ladies..) maybe with our vehicles there if possible for an hour or two


    For one of the arena events to be a HMVF session where we all meet each other complete with vehicles????

  2. Ah yes - one of the endearing - and enduring - memories of Beltring was the whistle of the Reo's morning and nights! :lol: :lol:


    You know - when I got home Sunday night I was missing that sound from the background as I'd grown so used to it in the 3 and a bit days I was there :lol:

  3. All the weapons I looked at - with the exception of things like Vickers K's and some WW2 Brens (Withams I think) in their cases were chained....


    One stall had a pair of Apaches - the silenced version of the Sten as used by 21, 22 and 23 back in the seventies. Was tempted severely but in the end didn't even ask the price (a) because I know they would have been out of my league and (b) because the wife was with me and would have clobbered me for doing so!! :lol: :lol:

  4. One of the staff on "Practical Classics" had a pristine, low mileage Granada Mk 1 coupe stolen recently. Reported it to the police and was basically told to forget it - looking for stolen cars is like looking for needles in haystacks. So they went public with the details and got a tip off as to where the car was and who had stolen it.

    I think it was 3 DAYS before the police did anything - and then only after constant chasing - then they went to two wrong locations before arriving at the right one. And then they said they couldn't investigate because a lorry was parked in front of the garage and they needed a warrant to enter and move it but coudn't get it because the driver wasn't known at the registered address!!!


    Final up-shot is a very rare and valuable classic vehicle has been stolen and believed to have been broken up to be used in banger racing - the police were told where it was and who had stolen it but to date no one has been charged, no one looks like being charged and the owner of the vehicle is left with nothing but memories whilst the insurance company foots the bill - no doubt leading to higher premiums next year.


    And the police wonder why the public is losing faith in them and their ability to protect the law-abiding members of society.... :? :x:x

  5. Even more fun in the Stalwart - especially when you go over one of the burms and, as you transition from going up to going down, the retaining strap on the boiling vessel gives way and it shoots forwards knocking the gear shift into neutral........ :-o :-o :-o

  6. Just got back from beltring and had a great time(as usual).

    A couple of question's for you;

    What did you think of beltring this year?

    Would you pay to go to a show?.

    As a member of IMPS myself and my dad get in free, but there is talk that in the future we will have to pay. My dad say's that as vehicle owners we should only have to pay a SMALL admin charge, because without the vehcile's there is no show.

    I myself would pay to go to beltring as it is an excellent show and run very well.

    Your thoughts please.



    What did I think of this years show - well, it was my first ever and I was impressed. Got there Thursday afternoon and had 3.5 of the most relaxing and happy days for a long, long while!!!


    The organization - with certain exceptions - seemed OK and the standard of vehicles and of the re-enactors was incredibly high. Only exceptions seemed to be:

    1) The usual one about number of WORKING toilets and showers - having to hike all the way from the Americas field to the brick shower block by the funfair did seem to be stretching it a bit!!!! I gave up after the first day and just washed the old way using a mess tin on top of Mauds wheels

    2) Lack of communincation between securoty and marshals in Red Shirts - the wife asked when she could bring her own vehicle up to the field to pack all the kit away and the Marshals said after 15:00 hrs would be OK - but the security guards on the support vehicle car parks refused to let her take it out until 18:00 hrs. We had no problem if the Marshal had said 18:00 hrs but having walked all the way from the America's field in the prevalent heat to the support vehicle park at 15:30 on Sunday only to be told to go away and come back after 18:00 didn't leave us feeling very happy

    As for entry fees - I paid the full whack to get in this year but have since joined the IMPS - I heard nothing about IMPS members/owners having to pay in future. Did hear that Rex Cadman had secured another 10 year contract so the future of the show seems safe though?

    Idiots - get them everywhere I'm afraid and the bigger the show the more idiots it seems to be. Same with thieves - but what do you do? Either you cop a mega-bill from the local plod or a private agency to "police" the event or put up with it - can't see any other - legal - way of keeping the toe-rags out. Whacking them with a tyre iron or starting handle only gets you into trouble because they seemingly have more human rights than you do!

    Other than this the only thing I would comment on was the high (read bloody exorbitant!!) price of the on-site catering and supplies in the NAAFI shop......... Is this normal too ? ? ?

  7. I'm sorry to hear about this Degsy,never a copper about when you need one :roll:


    I hope it turns up,but as you say if it's a pro job the chances are slim.





    Sorry to hear of the loss - and the consequences to you!!!


    In this day and age what use is a copper anyway???? Around here they never seem to be interested in catching the low-lifes who make peoples lives a misery but seem more intent on eforcing the P.C. Edicts of Phony Tony and his Cronies :x


    Seems as far as justice is concerned one is far better off with a lump of 4x2 and a "persuasive" manner....

  8. <Snip>

    my visit was the best ever :-D my gratitude to Berni, Rowan, and their friends for their friendliness Sorry to hear Russ is worse, even my ankles/ legs really swelled up after driving home on sunday a. m.





    Ah yes - know that feeling today - been off work with cramped muscles after after climbing in and out of the Stalwart like the proverbial yo-yo for 4 days.. :lol:

    Add that to the sunburn and I'm currently not moving very far or very fast!!! :oops:

  9. I do keep a regular eye on both these sites and they are a mine of information.The MLU forum is like you say full of enthusiasts from all over the world.They put a lot of time and effort into research for spares etc.I will register my truck on the Canadian Register today if I get the chance.Did I miss loads of great CMP parts at Beltring?!!!!Biggest chunks missing (besides a body!!) are the engine cover and the brush guard I think.





    Don't think so.... I saw a lot of Jeep and Dodge stuff, slightly less GMC but I don't recall much - if any - CMP; but my store of knowledge is not that great so maybe others saw more than I :-)

  10. i can't believe i missed you jack....

    i did meet enigma & i must apologise for not chatting as we were in the middle of breakfast & after a few beers the night before cream cheese & pagen rolls seemed a good option.

    i also met ashley,

    hi ashley,

    we just got back & russ is much worse so it's back to A & E for us.

    The Jimmy road run on thursday was fantastic.

    32 of us hit the highway & it looked fab. there are loads of photos but i'm not unpacking till tomorrow so will post them in the next couple of days

    ta from a tired berni



    :lol: You missed me too!! Met a couple of forum member whislt we were there - apologies if I can't recall who now but, like Berni, I'm shattered - long drive home home (hey - at 30 mph anywhere is a long drive.. :-)) and the after-effects of all that sun/heat. Did have a great time though and will post pictures/info later on when I feel like something remotely resembling human again!!

  11. So then.


    Looks like I and HMVF will be on our own this week then :cry: :cry:



    Are you not going - even just as a day visitor - then Jack?????



    No I won't be there :cry: can't get away from the office :help: :banghead:



    Can't you put the office in the back of the GMC temporarily???


    (and to put the icing on it - I'm off Thursday as well!!)

  12. Any one going from Essex on Thursday who would like to do duty as a vehicle commander in a Stalwart?? If so - and you can get to Fords Dunton Plant in the afternoon - please let me know.


    I was planning to make the trip solo but have been advised by those who's opinion I value that it would be much, much safer if there were some one in the commanders seat!!!

  13. OK!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Phase 2 of the move is now completed - Maud is sitting in a field beside the home of the owners of our caravan storage site. :lol:

    We went down to the Fort and she fitted - JUST!! Had to remove the mirrors and the flashy beacon from the back but other than that it went in OK. Definitely a two - possibly three - man job getting her in though as width wise she's TIGHT!!!!!


    Didn't have a very auspicious start as the right indicator and the brake lights decided to stop working. Got the indicator fixed somehow but the brake lights went from none to on full time and stayed there... I know what the problem is and, if there's time, will fix it down at Beltring. If not then as soon as we get back from holidays.


    Passed Tim and his litle convoy on the A26 pulled over with issues on their RL. Stopped to see if we can help but they had everything undercontrol so we carried on. Stopped again outside Brands Hatch to check oil levels and all was well so again we carried on.


    One lesson learnt from this was the need to carry adeqqiate supplies of drink in the cab as by the time we got home we were both pretty dehydrated.


    Finally I'd like to say a big Thank You to Stuart (Saracen Stump) for his invaluable help in getting her home - literally couldn't have done it without him. I know he enjoyed the sights from the roof, esp at Bentley!!


    Next issue looks to be finding a#2 from Fords Dunton plant to the W&P show on Thursday as every one today has been telling not to make the run alone!!


    Think this is now sorted folks - one of the members of the Stalwart Owners forum has said he will meet me at Dartford.


  14. Look forward to seeing you both there. As said elsewhere on the forum, unforseseen incident notwithstanding, Maud the Stalwart should be there on Thursday evening with me in the hot seat (literally in this weather).

    Show ID is AMP-7 plus there will be a HMVF logo in the windscreen - we'll be in the America's field in with the Essex Armour & Softskin group - stop by and say hello and there might even be a beer left!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  15. Well - the first part of Op. Stalwart Recovery has taken place.


    We had a GOOD day today - go down to East Sussex about 11:00 - mainly because two cans of oil wouldn't stay still in the back of the car and the wife was a bit panicky (sp?) with them rolling about. Tim arrived about 20 minutes later and we transferred the remainder of the spares into the car. He had to get a party going so I spent an hour familiarising myself with the cab layout/controls and rumbling around the field getting a good feel for the steering. :-)


    Once the children's event was running we took her out for a spin on the road to a petrol station whereupon our account dropped another £90 - without much change to the state of the fuel gauge!!. Apologies to all if this sounds like blowing ones own trumpet but I was pleased with myself that the arcane art of double declutching for the gearshifts cane back so quickly. And that I got the knack of catching the steering before the rams took over!!!! :lol: :lol:


    Found another two jobs to be done once we find a permanent home for her - the speedo isn't working, I have a new one but Tim thinks it might be the drive from the O/S front bevel box, and the lens has gone from the spot light plus its locked in position and won't rotate. I think she's going to keep me out of trouble (apart from the financial sort) rather well!!!! :lol:


    Looking forwards now to the drive to get her home tomorrow. One thing I have learnt from today is that having a #2 is more than desirable - esp. when trying to turn left out of side roads..... :lol:

  16. Unfortunately the NCO'S only have the verbal threat and cannot back it up,. and these w--kers know it

    What would be far mare use is to allow the NCO'S to give a 'clean shirt' or two suppose not PC or good telly.............







    Oh - I don't know - I think there might be a lot of decent law-abiding people who would love to see scum like this on the receiving end of a hob-nailed boot. Might make them feel justice can still be seen to be done despite the best efforts of the B.H.L's currently ruining things... :x:x:x

  17. You know - some one up there has REALLY got it in for me!!!


    Just had an e-mail from the fall-back storage firm, PACU, saying they DON'T have any room after all :x:x:x


    Don't these <censoreds> ever talk to each other ??? ???


    All prayers to the diety of your choosing for a successful - if tight - fit through the Fort gates would be much appreciated now!!

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