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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Neil,


    why not! I've driven Stalwart off road a little but never been in one on the water. My only amphib driving was in a DUKW. I'm up for it.





    OK Adrian - it's a deal!! :-) Getting new drop-side seal retainers made up - if things go to plan (he says with cynical laughter) they should be fitted before the start of the season next year. Then we just have to find somewhere suitable to take her thats not salt water.... :-o :-o

  2. Interesting to compare the cost of production and the medals auction value to the cost of being awarded it - given that a large proportion get it posthumously!

  3. We had just over 2 weeks out there in August '05 - warm and sunny the whole time.

    Our base was the touring caravan site "Le Cormoran" at Ravenoville Plage - excellent place to stay and we had a great time. I want to go back - soon if poss - and do the other 4 beaches.

  4. Entertaining though!!!! :-)

    I think John (FV601) mised his calling - he should have been a poet/songwriter!! :-) :-)


    I guess it was hard work for you - but, credit to you sir, it was a chance for both sides to air their opinions/sense of greivance so maybe some good will come of it!!

  5. If any one is interested - I've finally managed to upload the photo's I took around Utah beach, St Mere Eglise and Bayeux in 2005.

    They are in a sub-album called "Normandy 2004" - I mis-typed the title and the gallery won't let me change it now :?

  6. Jack,


    that depends on the Sherman! Obviously, there is a variety of engines but also single and double pull brakes and boosted clutches. Mine has the multibank engine which is very tourqey (is that a word?), double pull brakes and a spring boosted clutch. I have driven:- Sexton, M7, M4A1 with the radial engine, M4A2 with the twin GM diesels, both early and late models and M50 Super Sherman.


    Though I'm biased, the M4A4 is easily the nicest to drive, Sexton probably the worst. It's a combination of seating position, controls, engine power and such things as the condition of the suspension. It's quite common for sherman type suspension to be seized and it does make it a little harder to steer.


    Having said all that, they are quite roomy, and well laid out inside. They feel a bit lumbering, though when up to speed they do come alive somewhat.


    Always happy to give a ride Enigma! Might even let you drive it....



    Don't suppose you'd like to swap rides for one in a Stalwart when she's swimming?? :roll: :-)

  7. Must have been working overtime on those two :evil: :evil:


    Here's one for ya :wink:


    (To the tune of Beverly Hillbilly's)


    Ode to a Jimmy


    <snipped for brevity>


    Along comes a Stolly driven by a jolly chap

    Steering out of the way of all the Jimmy's crap

    Pulled up alongside asking "do you need a hand?"

    I guess your in luck as I'm carrying sand


    Bags that is

    For the MG post

    Lots of em


    Old Neil looks like he's from the walking dead

    As he lifts up his eyes to the jolly smiling head

    Saying "but you are one of those Post War chaps"

    The driver said "dont worry mate I dont think Jimmy's are crap"


    Dated maybe

    A little ropey on the brakes

    Bloody cold in the winter


    So he hops from the heights of the Stolly to the floor

    (You have to do that as a Stolly's got no door)

    Picks up a piece of metal that used to be round

    "Looks theres another, its your bearings that i've found"




    Now that was funny :-) - excellent piece of work!! And the choice of P/W vehicle definitely gets my vote!!!!


    (not that I'm at all biased here.....)

  8. <snipped for brevity>

    Is anyone going to tell me that a DUKW is more interesting than a Stalwart or a Dingo less interesting than a Saladin? A bren gun carrier compared with a FV 432 or a Heavy WW1 Mark V tank and a Comet. My interest is in the mechanical engineering and I will take my vehicles anywhere and talk about them. If organisers dont want any of my armour there, I don't go but I then don't bleat about it.


    Pre, wartime or post war? It's all the same to me and Joe Public most of the time!


    Just a thought - would not the public be interested in seeing how things changed over the years?? DUKW beside Stalwart, Bren beside 432 to use Johns examples. Equipment that has a common purpose but has changed - sometimes radically - over time can generate more interest than just seeing equipment of the same era. The differences can make good conversation points for those who've come to see the vehicles....

  9. ArtistRifles

    I can imagine you don't want to wear a uniform.

    Here in Holland for WW2 parades a uniform is desired.

    Those who don't want that are asked to wear green or khaki.

    So a red sweater isn't very wellcome.


    Maybe dark clothing would be OK for you?

    Just my 2 cents.



    Usually is my friend - black all over - boots, combat style trousers and a regimental polo shirt.

    The colour seems appropriate given a combination of many things not least of which is the sense of humour.. :-) :-) :-)


    We didn't get Clansman in BAOR (and I believe we were among the first to get it) until about 1980.



    Strange - we (21) had Clansman in service from about 1977/78 and used it in BAOR, amongst other locations, without problems!! PRC 319 and 320 IIRC were the primary sets we had. Our sister regiments - for obvious reasons - were also using the Clansman system at the same time...............

  11. Its interesting to see that the rift between some of the WWII vehicle owners and Post war vehicle collectors is never far from the surface and surprisingly enough, has always been that way during the many years I have been associated with the MVT.


    Perhaps then the discussion here should focus on how we can heal that rift - preferably as quckly as possible????


    The way things are going in the nanny state that is 21st century Britain its not hard to see our vehicles being the subject of yet another Gov't banning order - probabky because a certain group will say they fell threatened by them -and a divided movement is a weak movement!!


    I don't think I can comment on how to heal the rift as I've only been involved in the actual MV scene less than a year - but there are enough members here with enough years in and who are respected by all who maybe can???


    If the event had been open to all vehicles or all eras, would you have honestly made the effort to attend the three day event anyway and taken a day out of the working week to support it?? I think most people reading this will form their own conclusions and know the truthful answer, immaterial of whatever reply is subsequently forthcoming.


    Truthful answer is - it would depend on what the event is going to offer me!! for a three day event - if there to were be sufficient people selling parts etc and with organized events like the arena at Beltring or a cruise around the country side then yes, I'd take a day off work to attend. If were a case of turn up on Friday and basically sit there just socialising (no offence intended here) for three days then probably you'd be right an the answer would be no. That said - the yes answer would also depend on money being available for fuel and the distance to event. Bear in mind that motorways and Stalwarts do not mix!! I have to take the winding A roads where possible because of the transmission and ths directly impacts journey times and costs. To illustrate - when I bought her the journey home from East Sussex to Dagenham took around 4 hours to cover approx. 65 miles.


    Those of you who cannot see that a 65th Anniversary commemorative event, organised to mark the occasion of the first United States Army Air Corp servicemen being stationed in East Anglia is not suitable for Land Rovers, Humber pigs, Bedford RL's & TK's and ferrets needs to read-up a little more on history. What possible relevence would the attendence of these vehicles have upon a 1942 period convoy event, where most people in addition to bringing their vehicles also make the effort to look the part themselves.


    Would you honestly feel comfortable joining in that convoy with a PW vehicle, knowing that the entire group of people you were with, would all be saying to me as organisers, "What the hell is that ruddy PW whatever doing here - That not relevent to this event!"


    This is a good, valid point in respect of the event in question being a period event. But I thought the original point being made was not so much about this specific event but rather the number of period events that are open to WW2 era vehicles only??? If I'm wrong then my apologies but I did believe that the number of events, rather than specific events, was the issue under debate originally???


    A question springs from this though Clive - or indeed anybody - if I had a WW2 era vehicle, would organisers of period specific events be happy that i turned up dresed as I would if driving the Stalwart??

    I wore the Queens uniform a quarter of a century ago, I carried and used the weapons appropriate at the time and I've no desire to let that genie out of the bottle again so what ever MV I drive - it will never be in uniform of any sort.

    How would that sit with the organizers???

  12. Maybe one way to get around the problem, is to"WALT" up your post war vehicle to look like the wartime one it "evolved" from wartime one-you'd get invited that way :evil:



    Well - the theory is good........ Biut somehow I can't see a Stalwart looking anything like a DUKW!!! :-) :-) :-)

  13. Not sure how the Matiz system works - my Saab had a similar problem that was resolved by removing and cleaning VERY carefully the AMM sensor on the inlet side. I IRC spray electrical contact cleaner was used.

    I say carefully because it contains a very fine platinum wire and costs an arm and a leg to replace!!


    Hope this helps....

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