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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. food was good mind you, loved rat packs and the cook house super....



    Yep - loved the old Biscuits AB with the meat or fish paste on them - but the tubes of cheese possesed could be murder!!!! :evil:

    Never had much to do with cookhouses - all ours was in the field - but our chief cook used to make a mean curry by taking EVERYTHING (I jest you not!!) from the rat-packs, pouring it into a dixie, mixing it together with a tub of curry powder and cooking it with another dixie of rice on a #1 cooker... Tasted great - but a couple of weeks after you finished eating it things got decidely dodgy in the nether regions.. :evil:

  2. Bovington and it is you with a Land Rover 2a S*S patrol vehicle :wink:



    You got one and a half out of the three - it's not me personally (someone had to take the pic) and it's not Bovington! :-)

    Got damned good eyes, though, to pick an S2A out of that.........


    He can't tell you or he'll have to shoot you :wink: :-) :-)



    Not after 30 years :-) They'd probably blow him up instead - seems more the 21st century way :evil: :evil: :evil:

  3. Was this a repeat??


    If so - it sounds like the one where the murdered guy had invented syncromesh gears and the visiting Yank had pinched the idea and made a fortune. The dead guy thteatened to expose him so the Yank shot him with his own gun. The Dutch bloke was a German spy who got knicked and helped Foyle crack the case despite facing certain death by firing squad.


    The yank got let off after the politicians got involved (he was over to sort out lend-lease) but Foyle pointed out he boarded the aircraft to return to the states that the war wouldn't last forever.


    That sound about right????

  4. It is quite amusing reading his emails tho! :-D



    Yeah - just read the latest ones:


    This tank still has the cobham aromour, I thin and this is why it's going to go at this price.


    "Cobham aromour" ??? ??? It smells of Cobham and this makes it worth 1.5 million ??? ???

  5. Dear all....


    We will be changing the HMVF banner in time for Christmas as we would like to go festive :-D


    So has anyone got any pictures of their MV covered in snow, frost etc etc if you have anything like that then please let us know and we will use them in the banner :-) :-D


    Neil, I would love to see you dressed up in a Father Christmas outfit driving your Stally :-D or anyone else for that matter 8-)





    Hey - I'll admit to being a BIT overweight - bit not THAT much!!!!!!! :-) :-)

  6. Neil will be happy though :roll:



    Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)

    Shame it's a Mk 1 and not a Mk 2 - but hey, it's an imperfect world!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)

    Or - and this being greedy I know - if the Landie and been the S2A version......




    But you shouldn't complain about bias against PW vehicles. Look at the front cover of Windscreen. It is a postwar vehicle. Yes really. :roll:



    You mean Спасибо Toвaриц????????


    (edited for missed quote.........)

  7. Just a quick one because I'm knackered :roll: There were 10 of us in total & what a brilliant day & a real eye opener.. hats off to the guys for giving us the FULL tour...photos & a fuller report to follow...



    I think richardrosser (The Ferret) is a secret drinker, all we saw him do all day was fall over, thanks for that, great entertainment, must admit we all took a tumble at least once but Richard was at it all day long :rofl: he's also very good friends with rapier rob now :-o :wink: :-) :-)


    Rob I would of helped you out but there were to many cameras about :-)



    Neil, you didn't miss anything & not meaning to be rude but you wouldn't of got in to a single place we visited...it was a wee bit tight to say the least..


    I found a WW2 item in one of the underground magazines dated 1941, I will post of photo tomorrow..



    Can't wait for the next one :-D




    Cheers Lee - no offence taken!! :-) :-)


    Yet another reason to lose some of this damned weight!! It's coming off slowly - bit too slowly for my likeing but nonetheless it IS shifting :-)


    Maybe if another one is done next year I might - just - fit!! :-) :-)


    Glad you guys all had a good day though - despite the barbed wire!! :schocked:

  8. Chris - that million was for a pristine, working, new tank. The description reads:


    the tank was a test item and has had several Hell fire and other missiles fired at it. My cams broke and I will post picks later!!! The tank will not start as the engine bay took a direct hit, but could be easily repaired by experts


    This - to untutored eyes I admit - does not read like a pristine, working tank!! More like a range hulk - in which case would it be a Challenger 1??? Or has the seller got his wires crossed? :schocked:

  9. And now the bad news - I'm afraid I'm going to have to miss out :-(


    The Fourth Reich has decided to accelerate my departments work moving over there by 18 months so I've got to review the options of whether I take their "kind offer" to retire early or stay and see what happens - and if I decide to take the offer then the wife and I need to review the family finances to see what options we can use with regards to the pension payments. And I have to tell the HR dept by mid-day Monday what I plan to do.


    I could be an OAP at 50!!!!!!!!!! :schocked:

  10. Being an awkward so 7 so I sent this query through the eBay system:


    Is the price shown in the ad - £1,500,000.00 - correct???

    1.5 million quid seems a tad high for a Cheiftain thats a non-runner.... Running versions have gone for around £20,000 - whats so special about this one???


    The answer came though tonight - very informative - NOT:


    Yes and no!


    First thought was some one is trying to extract the urine......... But the sellers been going over a year and has 100% feedback. Maybe he'll post some pic's and then those who know can tell what it really is. Even if it IS a Challenger 1 - it's still not worth a fraction of what he's asking......

  11. Well - I know a couple of people who owe me a few favours......


    However - with only 4 days left on the auction if any any wants it you'll have to let me know PDQ - and don't forget to add the cost of shipping it from Jackson to a US coastal port and thence across the Atlantic to the UK/Europe - I'm guessing £2,000 total but have no idea how close that is to reality!!!!

  12. Has the meaning and draw of trucks associated with both WW11 and the post war period paled or are they considered just old and quaint and not too cool to be seen around. Is the modern generation so wedded to it’s Ipods and DVD games that the thought of getting out and actually getting your hands dirty and committing to the two or three years of restoration not fitting with the ‘have it now credit no limit’ image of self that I see beamed out of every advertising hording or media source…………don’t know but I’m suspicious.


    FWIW - every one I've spoken to in the 6 months of owning the Stalwart all seem to have the common theme in mind of "how can you afford to run it". The cost of fuel and the increasing costs of insurance and taxation seem to be perceived as blocks to owning MV's. I reckon about 98% of those spoken to have been amazed when told the vehicle is tax and MOT exempt, insurance is on an agreed value basis and only costs £90/year. Fuel is the bg cost together with time - both in maint. and in travel as they aren't built for speed.


    Perhaps if more people were made aware of the low fixed running costs and the fact some MV's can move a lot faster than Stalwarts and use less fuel it might attract more younger members to the movement???

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