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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Mmmm! navigational error I could agree with as the JU87? was lost when the crew decided to ditch the bombs and head for home, as for the 4 engined bomber the Luftwaffe did have the Condor, which the silly blighters decided to use for patrolling the sea etc instead of attacking us at home



    I seem to recall it being a He-111 - don't think they used the Do-17's for night attacks and not sure if the JU-88 was in service then??

    There's an interesting article here http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/about-blitz.htm

  2. Generally a reasonable reply but I would take issue with one part:


    What about the fact that British, and American planes fire bombed a known civilian target and killed a few hundred thousand civilians (Of course im talking about Dresden).


    When people talk about Dresden it's amazing how they forget to look back to a few years earlier at what happened to cities like Coventry, London, Plymouth etc. Up till this point in time Luftwaffe and RAF raids had been restricted to targets of military value - Hitlers Luftwaffe opted to change that. It is said that the first raid on London was the result of a navigational error but that when the RAF bombed Berlin in reprisal - which should have equalised/ended things - Hitler went into one of his famous ranges and ordered English cities obliterated. A dumb decision even by a madmans standards as it gave the RAF airfields the breather they needed to regroup and the rest is history.

    When Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris made the statement "They have sown the wind, now they shall reap the whirlwind" in essence he was saying "fair enough - the Germans want to change the rules on bombing cities - we'll play by their rules then".

    The fact we opted to develop the heavy 4-engined bomber and the Germans didn't can be held up both as one of the reasons the UK stood for so long against the might of the Third Reich all alone and one of the reasons Bomber Command could do ten or a hundredfold to German cities what the Luftwaffe tried to do to the UK's.

    I'm not saying this makes it right in any way ahape or form BUT in times of war it is the norm to play by the other sides rules - the theory being they can't complain when you kick their butts.



  3. Sorry Jack,


    You need to have put the time in for this on, to Neil and me this is manna, and unbelieably true!!

    Neil 48 seems to stike a familiar cord with some of the ruperts I met??


    Regards Jerry



    Re #48 - oh yes !! :-) :-) :-) Sorely tempted in the old days with 151 Rgt. Funnily enough things were better in 21 Regt :-) Now in the days of 21 then#57 came into it's own :-) :-) :-)


    Jack - "Manna" (in my day) meant something good and happy and "Ruperts" were officers - usually incompetent ones..... :-)



  4. Like I said elsewhere Jerry - if you wanted to show people the reality of the war in media then first you'd need a way of conveying the smells, feels and tastes of action as well as the sight and sound - and then no one would go watch such films; the only one's who'd make a profit then would be the cleaning firms after the first screening..


    My wife would give you chapter and verse on the after-effects. 30 years down the road of life and neither wife nor daughter will wake me if asleep unless they can do it from a distance... :-(

  5. I like how all the people who were questioning my sanity...and calling me a sick sadistic son of a bitch, are now totally silent because they realize they were retarded for thinking I would post a video that would purely be about the execution of prisoners.



    Tagg - in part - welcome to the problems of the faceless communication caused by the internet. To talk with a person face to face is to see the feelings and emotions as the person talks - both ways. I doubt very much, had you been talking face to face, the implication you were a "a sick sadistic son of a bitch" would even have arisen.


    As Jerry says in his subsequent posting the SS runes in Europe have probably got a far more evil reputation than over in the US. Such a portayal over here would (I'd like to think) not be allowed for anything other than a historical doumentary.

    I guess in the USA things are seen differently and, prior to the internet boom, this would not matter - a case of "what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over".

    Now, though, these different views can be seen globaly thus hence the eruptions this side of the pond. Again differing countries and cultures have their own problems - most notably for us the far right wing groups. I've no idea how things stand in the USA but over here the culmination of many factors - various Gov't policys, Islamic fanatics etc - are giving the far right a fertile breeding ground, so much so that far right groups like the BNP are getting voted into power in local elections. Out of 13 seats on my local council, 11 are now filled by members of the BNP. :-o

    Like it or not there is probably going to be a "knee jerk" reaction soon to stop this by the currently elected Gov't and anything associated with them will be impacted. This will include the subject of re-enactement and possibly even MV ownership if the UK Gov't have ANY reason to consider them to be tied and I'm afraid over here the ties between the far right and those who think highly of the SS are too well documented for it to be otherwise.

    Remember the words of Kilpings "Ode to a POlitician" and you'll understand why.


    Tim (too) makes the point that the media are always willing to jump on the political bandwagon and unfortunately the internet these days is their happy hunting ground. One hint from a politician that they are looking into our hobbies with a view to a ban will see the media in a feeding frenzy looking for reasons to ridicule us and get us out of the way.


    Maybe in hindsight - which as we all know is always 20/20 - the point we all tried to make should have been if the video was to be displayed then it would have been better off on a private server like some ones personal web space. That way at least it been found by any one this side of the pond it would have obvious from the outset that it was a purely US based group involved and thus could not have been used to focus on the Europeans groups.


    As for the topic of war atrocities - I'd venture to suggest that those who've come out of a war would describe the whole business of war as an atrocity. No one comes out of conflict untouched - for some the scars are physical, for others they are mental caused by the loss of friends and the sights beheld.

    For any other view of war - of any era - the finger of blame goes to the film industry - how many films show units returning from operations in a balanced and presentable way when the realiity is that you are filthy (apart from weapons), usually hungry, edgy with a habit of dropping into what used to be called the "1,000 yd stare" andtired beyond sleep.......

  6. Well - this is the response I got:


    Taggerung77 (15 hours ago)

    Dude calm down. If this were Americans killing Germans, or Russians killing germans there would be no problem. If people have an issue with this, then fine...thats their issue, and proves they know nothing of our own war crimes, or the ones of the soviet union.


    How do you reason with that sort of mind-set??


    I think maybe Mark has a point here though - maybe the furore here is like the media exposure the Islamic terrorists groups crave - and usually get - and ignoring it might have a beneficial effect. I don't know. It IS an upsetting video in many ways though...........

  7. Well - FWIW - I stuck my comments into the site:


    19ET90 (2 minutes ago)

    Then why is it on public display here??? This does re-enactors no favours at all but instead plays straight into the hands of those who want the whole re-enacting scene banned. The atrocities of the SS belong in the past, not this day and age.


    Dunno what it will do but at least I've tried something...............

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