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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. There was a program on rotary wing aircraft (helicopters) on Discovery Wings the other night and they said there that the Luftwaffe had helicopters in service in WW2 - mainly on the Russian Front - picking up downed aircrews. Apparently the Mussolini recovery raid was supposed to have been done by one of these machines - but it crashed a day or two prior to the raid necessitating the use of the gliders.....

  2. This year's Beltring I drove all around the place on my para scotter to find HMVF vehicles.

    Found Mark, Sirhc, Safariswing, Mick Wilson and the Red Ball Express and a Stalward (sorry don't know who you were).

    But with so many vehicles I was bound to miss some.

    Got a nice cup of tea, was dangerous to drink cause Mick and me were on a moving Sherman... :cofee:



    Do you recall where abouts the Stalwart was? If it was over to the left of the bridge, second block, into the America's field it was likely mine - although I don't recall meeting a mad dutchman on a scooter......

  3. I've been to the Dynamo Open Air festival from 1986 till 2000, several years backstage and as a photographer.

    Since I got involved in MV's and our old friendsgroup lost track of each other I'm not so much into music anymore so I am a bit outdated in metal.


    width=34 height=25http://www.nbproducties.nl/smilies/gitaar.gif[/img] width=36 height=25http://www.nbproducties.nl/smilies/drumstel.gif[/img] width=26 height=29http://www.nbproducties.nl/smilies/dronken.gif[/img]


    width=27 height=30http://www.nbproducties.nl/smilies/headbang.gif[/img] width=25 height=27http://www.nbproducties.nl/smilies/blij.gif[/img]



    Console yourself with the fact you are still into Heavy Metal - just that now its of the more substansive kind!!! width=21 height=15http://mazeguy.net/happy/thumbsup.gif[/img]


  4. Saw this on MilWeb today:


    Alvis Saracen Mk1 apc


    Road registered, ready to show, taxed 85% ces present owner has owned for nine years, wife forces sale £4,800 ovno

    :shake: :shake: :shake:


    Hope it doesn't start setting a precedent given my other halfs views on things big and green!!!!


  5. Rob,


    Asked the question for you over on the Stalwart owners group and one of the guys there replied thus:


    Neil, although the stally in the picture is not very clear I'm fairley certain that its STAL 38. I purchased the truck via e-bay in August 2005 from a chap in Westhoughton, Bolton. At the time he also had listed the helicopter, a Sopwith camel bi-plane, some vintage motorbikes, a jet engined single seat training air plane, two Winebago camper vans plus a few other wierd and wonderfull contraptions. His name is Doug Hacking and lives on a farm to the north of junction 5 of the M61 Motorway. When I went to see him the copter had already gone but he still had everthing else. Doug is a very well known dealer of motorcyles in the Bolton area. He sells stuff on e-bay and goes by the name of mrlaughalot, or something like that. He seemed like a nice chap although I could never get a straight answer to my questions about the Stalwart. . I don't have Dougs number but

    if your mate wants to contact him I suppose a search on google for "Doug Hacking motorcycles, Lancashire" should do the trick.


    I tried the google search and gave this result:




    Not sure this is the answer you were looking for though!!! :|:|

  6. As a thought - did not the Hop Farm change ownership just before last years show??


    Maybe the new owners will be more inclined to take such comments as have made here thus far onboard and address the issues than the old owners were???


    I honestly don't know as this year was my first ever time there. Thoroughly enjoyed myself and am really looking forwards to next years but even after just the one show I can see the points being made by the more exerienced attenders as valid.

  7. Badge to wear? I thought it was a logo for the website... I've got no more room on my anorak for another badge :wink:


    Just recieved two long service badges from MVT, a 10 year and a 20 year, next year eligible for the 30 year one, so like Lee, running short of room now :|


    Crazy idea I know - but - bigger anoraks?????? :naughty: :naughty:

  8. Ok everyone.......I have been busy this morning with my logo idea and what do you reckon:


    <image removed for brevity>


    Has the boy done good or what?


    ..........I thank you, I thank you :bow: :bow:



    I rather like that one, I really do....... You gonna produce them for all the membership then jack????

  9. <Snipped for brevity>

    I have used the Cadmans low loader to bring some CVRTs from Nottingham to Beltring for the last 2 years, we pay towards fuel, but it is nothing compared to the £2000+ quote I had from a commercial company. Just because we own the vehicles doesn't mean we can afford the transport, and the same is true of most people with tracked armour.





    I think it's not just armour with this problem Chris - although it's worse for them as some aren't road legal. Anything heavy is going to have a thirst for fuel and thus be limited in it's range for movement under it's own power. For me the show is borderline attendable on my own wheels as the Stalwart drinks fuel at the rate of 3 mpg on a good day and has an average speed in transit of 25 mph. Not forgetting the fact it's transmission is not a lover of tarmaced roads. If I lived any further away then I'd have to be looking at transport too. Owners of vehicles like the early Militants, any older tank-transporters etc are in much the same situation. :-(

  10. Mike - just took a look at the LEZ website - after digging through all the other languages I finally found the English leaflet and questionnaire (mainly my fault for not reading the page properly). In the leaflet it states:


    It is proposed that a small number of vehicle types would be exempt from the scheme. These include agricultural vehicles, military vehicles, historic vehicles not used for hire or reward, non-road going vehicles which are allowed to drive on the highway (for example excavators) and certain types of mobile crane. These vehicles typically use engines certified to different standards than road-going engines.

    Some of these vehicles are proposed to be exempt due to their unsuitability for retrofitting pollution abatement equipment, conversion to an alternative fuel, or engine replacement.


    Unless I'm reading it wrong - this seems to cover the issues raised??????


    (Incidentally - I thought military vehicles in service were exempt from taxes and any other form of levy as they are deemed to be the property of the Crown??)

  11. Thats interesting!!!


    What happens with vehicles such as Ford with the quick-clear windscreens? GPS signals don't work through it - would these transmitters?


    I suspect they wouldn't work on most of our vehicles either - in the cab of a Stalwart it's - for me at least - an electronic free zone; mobile doesn't work, neither does the GPS receiver for the sat-nav.

  12. To get away from the financial debate, how's about an HMVF meet-up one evening after hours in the arena? Anyone interested? Might be a good photo-op!


    Sounds good :-)



    OK I propose that we all dont go. THERE I SAID IT :-D


    Ummm - where DO we then, if not there???? :-)



  13. I hope this is OK here - if not I'm sure Jack or Joris will take the appropriate actions :-)


    I guess most here have vehicles that are exempt from road tax and I assume the FHBVC would ensure they are equally exempt from the new road pricing scheme the thieves and robbers in Westminster want to bring in. However those vehicles not exempt and those we use in our daily business will have to pay for this new form of taxation. An recent study into the proposals turned up the following:


    The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver.


    A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month.


    On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect an NIP with your monthly bill.


    If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the Car/Van/Bike User, please sign the petition on No 10's new website.


    There's an online petition here: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/


    No idea what good if any it will do - but I filled it in..........

  14. now thats a truck!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-Dis that next on the list!! :evil: :evil:


    Wouldn't it be nice if it were....... :-) :-) :-) Deffo curious as to what price they are asking for it!!!


    Somehow though I suspect it definitely will NOT fit through the Fort gates - unless we let Lee loose on them!!!!

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