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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Neil that is rather a scary picture you have painted there, perhaps more people should take note of that. Perhaps this is where the movement is missing the point and perhaps this is where the movement and people like your goodself can help to start to educate people?



    Jack, I'm not sure thats a form of education that would be acceptable these days....

    Cerainly not one I would be comfortable repeating - brought up enough bad memories just posting here.

    As finisher to the issue of the 7.62mm round - we had the Sterling "BullPup" for evaluation when it was under development (precursor/predecessor of the SA80) - the comments returned on were generally summed up as being unacceptable as the rifle and it's sub-calibre round were deemed a "wounding weapon" and required close range operations.

    The L1A1 on the other hand was deemed a "killing weapon" at all ranges - so much so that a "2 for the price of 1" could easily be obtained..

    But then - our operations were conduction in relatively wide open environments, not the urban environments troops seem to find themselves in these days. For us - close range work would have been either the Sterling L2A3 or it's silenced version the L34A1 known as the Apache for some weird reason!.

  2. I think it's about time Neil "ArtistsRifles" had a look at this one, he's the IT whiz kid on the Forum :-)



    Errr............. If we've started using Oracle databases, Win2K3 Servers and eM-Power virtual assembly tools in our homes I'll gladly help!! My PC skills are rather rusty these days 'cos I got replaced in front line IT support by 5 contractors as a "cost saving exercise" in 1998!!!!


    FWIW to any one though - I do not use either Internet Exploder or Outlook Express because they are too prone to viral infections. I'm seriously toying with the idea of moving to Linux as the O/S at home having read of all the serious flaws already dicovered in Windows Vista (the XP Replacement due in 2007).

    Right now though I run the following:


    • Opera & FireFox as web browsers

    • Eudora as the e-mail client

    • AVG as the antivirus software - as effective as Norton but with less than half the system resource burden


    as they are not reliant on the VB core code that 90% of virus writers favours at the mode of attack.

  3. Would we be having this discussion if it were German prisoners being shot??


    The video has been viewed 2,361 times with only one negative comment..



    I believe we would - it's one of the major differences between the two "sides" of that period and one of the reasons I think many millions have been glad - whether they know it or not - that the allies won the war..

    As others have pointed out - the execution of prisoners by the Nazis' (SS as opposed to Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe/KreigsMarine personnel) was the rule rather than the exception whereas for the allies it was the exception to the rule.


    please correst me if Iam wrong so das reich and other reenactors are staging mock war atrocities for film/video??

    If so I'm sorry this goes to a level i thought no one could stoop to, Mark in reply to every one has their rights consider the survivors of such actions and the widows children etc what of their rights no one considered them.

    If such reenacting is taking place even on private venues, Iam appalled you will all hopefully notice no wisecracks etc.

    I had hoped(?) that reenactors wers potraying reality with sensitivity, but I'm now realising respect is lacking suppose many have no direct link to anyone who endured the horror of conflict yes horror.

    Let me put it into context next time you see a geat star being hit by a 7.62 AK round in the torso and walking it ain't true as any high velocity round will leave a hole the size of a plate with the receiver crying for mother or god amazing how people turn religious even the most stance atheist.

    So those who have been there find this glorification disgusting and degrading to those would paid that ultimate price for people.

    I know we now endure a society of complete tolerance for anything but surely there is still some decency left.





    Anybody hit by a 7.62 mm round at ranges under 300m isn't going to to be talking to anybody ever again! The impact force of such a round at that range is akin to being hit by a 10 ton truck at 30 mph, even a "wing"shot to the arm or leg will cause death by trauma. Hit in the torso and the exit wound is in the order of 12" dia, hit in the head and it's a case of "what head".

    Same goes for the "lets duck behind this brick wall/tree/whatever - a GPMG will cut a house down. Provided you have an aiming reference a body behind a brick wall at >300m is as dead as a body in the open!!!

    Makes a mockery of anything Hollywood comes up with - but these days thats not too hard!!!

  4. Maintenance!!!!!!!!! :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked: :schocked:


    Used to have a lot of time with family and a a few hours sepnt on vehicle mainteance - then I bought a Stalwart... Suddenly there is NO life outside of maintenance!!!!! :-o :-o

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