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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Thanks all - majority vote seems to be by dia :-)


    Now - opinions - would you go for natural manila:


    Natural Manila Fibre. Ideal for garden use or other decorative purposes, looks just like old fashioned rope. This is made from a natural fibre and will absorb water. It will shrink when wet and lengthen as it dries.


    width=150 height=112http://www.cheap-rope.co.uk/ThumbImage.asp?path=D:\Websites\moorfastcom\crimages/manilla%20fibre.jpg&Width=150[/img]


    Or something like this:


    Hemp style polypropylene, a 3 Strand rope made of synthetic fibre, which looks and feels like traditional hemp rope. It has excellent breaking load and resistance to abrasion. Low stretch and easy to splice.,,

    width=150 height=112http://www.cheap-rope.co.uk/ThumbImage.asp?path=D:\Websites\moorfastcom\crimages/rope%20images%20XM%20025.jpg&Width=150[/img]

  2. Well done sir!!!!


    My old Saabs are insured with Aon - the off-road cover is £15/year. Cover being based on bands of vehicle values, IIRC. The road going policies are a bit more complex in that they are a % of the attested value of the vehicle plus premiums for things like engine size and mileage allowance over 4,000 - again IIRC.


    The RoadSure scheme is a lot simpler and preferable I have to admit!!! :-) :-)

    And they do breakdown cover... :-)

  3. Mate more than you would ever know :cry:.............and as of yesterday, I have to get in a trip to the US in the meantime :cry: :cry: :cry: :-(



    One of us could always go to the US in your place - it would be the kind and genereous thing to do to ensure you don't miss out on the march :-) :-) :-)

  4. No idea if anyone made it all the way over - but the story is told of a squaddie who went AWOL from BAOR and nicked a Stalwart to do it in - which kind of casts a question as they aren't road vehicles - and got halfway over from Holland before chickening out. Story says he got courtmartialled but not dishonourably discharged as Alvis requested his services as a test driver...........

  5. Clive - re the first point on the vehicle - talk to your insurers. Most firms who insure vehicles like ours will also offer "Off-road cover" - for when the vehicle is not mobile. You get third party fire and theft cover BUT the vehicle cannot be moved under it's own power. Cover and costs will vary depending on whether the vehicle in on the public highway or not. I currently have 2 classic Saabs under this form of cover that are stored off the public highway with SORN declared.


    As regards the cipher trailer - like a touring caravan I think you really need to get seperate insurance for this, again a talk to your insurers is a good starting point. They are usually quite keen to take more money off you!!! :-) :-)

  6. Ah. OK. Maybe I was being a bit to ambitious in the hope department!! :-)


    The Viersdaage is the 4 daymarch that starts in Njmegen each day and goes off into the surrounding country side before returning after a certain mileage - 20, 35, 30 etc. depending on age. I found this in a VERY old copy of Readers Digest (July 1989!!):


    width=640 height=456http://www.hmvf.co.uk/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=3701&g2_serialNumber=1&g2_GALLERYSID=31d457ccf63eeecf0f5e16596128acba[/img]


    width=640 height=456http://www.hmvf.co.uk/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=3704&g2_serialNumber=1&g2_GALLERYSID=31d457ccf63eeecf0f5e16596128acba[/img]

  7. Its the same the whole world over and it's all a bloody shame.

    It's the rich wot get's the pleasure

    and the poor wot get's the blame.


    Another super rupert...... :bow:


    Rank has it's privilege


    Hardyferret :evil:



    Nah - you're safe mate! Never got to go on the commission course, the P8 got in the way... :-( :-( :-(

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