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Posts posted by ArtistsRifles

  1. Neil yes very well spotted & researched. But that was only its storage position it could not be used where it is.



    OK - we're getting somewhere at last!! Only one per vehicle implies it's central between the two missiles. The picture seems to imply the arm the devices rear pivots are attached to swings over and forwards and then the device rotates forward from there....


    Is it

    1) Some kind of brace used between the vehicle and the carrier in the lowered travelling position


    or 2) Some kind of loading aid???

  2. So it's hinged at the rear, got a handle and toggle switch on the front, has something inserted into the front yet the rear is blocked by a plate and it's not part of any sighting appartus but was found (in small numbers) as part of a Hornets kit.


    Was it part of the missile launcher - looks like this is it at the very top of the launcher cradle:



  3. You think you've got a problem with your wife - mine detests the Army in general and any sort of weapon. Period. :-o

    If I tried convincing mine of the need for an SLR or 2 in the Stalwarts racks I'd be talking to a frying pan and sleeping on the living room floor!!!! :-o :-o

  4. If you mean what I think you mean, it allows pressure balancing in the air-filled respirator surround cushion.


    Funny - I thought I said that :? :-o :? :-) :-)


    There is a SOP for its use. I believe it was to be carried out daily when the threat of an NBC attack existed. Open the valve briefly and allow the air pressure to balance, then tighten it back up. Some people used to believe (mainly because they were gullible and people told them) that you needed to blow up the cushion like a balloon via this valve in order to maintain the gas seal. WRONG!!! All it did was remove the flexibility of the cushion and REDUCE the gas seal.


  5. Только проблема - использующ советскую систему, котор мы все будем иметь тип и прочитать на русском языке.

    Oh - и вместо модераторов мы будем иметь политических офицеров!

  6. No probs - just have to remember where I stored the image I used!! :-)


    Image reloaded OK. And I've taken the time to add the member page with brief details about me at the same time!!

  7. If you mean what I think you mean (??) - it's for maintaining the air pressure in the face seal!!!


    NOT for trying to drink from - take a suck on that in a VX gas filled area and you will be the late Sir Paul :evil:


    Funnily enough - I seem to have walked away from HM services with a full NBC kit still in my bedroom - suit, boots, gloves (inner and outer), S6 & canister in case etc.

  8. You did not mention the "yanks" that bombed by day as well



    Funnily enough - most of the documentaries on Dresden either fail to mention this - or gloss over it.......


    Strange how this thread of Clives interview has really grown!!!!!!!!

  9. Got this from another source today - don;t know if it's of interest to anybody here???


    Paul Gardner Engineering Ltd has stopped re-manufacturing Gardner diesel engines and has appointed Edward Symmons to auction its plant and equipment. The sale, on 21 November, will include the stock of engines and parts, some of which date back to the 1940s. The engines were first made by Gardner for truck, bus, rail, marine and industrial use. Paul Gardner set up the current company in 1988 and

    it has re-manufactured more than 3,500 engines in the past 18 years. This may be one of the last chances to buy Gardner engines and spare parts says Jonathan Garside, of Edward Symmons. It should appeal to bus operators, the historic commercial vehicle world, boat owners and enthusiasts in general.


    More from Jonathan Garside on +44 (0)1 612 169 197 or



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