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Posts posted by cripp

  1. Bought my Jeep on 6th June 2004. Didn't know anyone else with any sort of vehicle, but through forums, dealers and shows got to meet some decent people. Just today I met someone with a fantastic collection of GPW's MB's trailers a GP, dodge command car and a couple of harleys, not to mention many many original spares and accessories. :wow: I think the main difference in the hobby now is the prices. I couldn't afford to start now.

  2. Well done to Jack and everyone involved in sorting this out.

    I've been trying to sort out pics that I've posted that have dissapeared.

    Funnily enough I could only find this one of Jack.:cool2:


  3. The log cabin type chalets are supposed to be going up this year. My brother's firm have priced the job of finishing the woodwork. Whether it actually goes ahead is another thing. :dunno: I believe the area they will be going along with a conference centre is to the left of the main entrance which won't really affect any of the show area. There has been a lot of talk about the W&P show ending but they must make a huge profit from this show alone not counting all the other shows they have throughout the year. I heard that the profit from W&P used to pay for the running of the hop farm for the rest of the year.

    I hope it continues.

    Mark :modpwr: may have more info as he's fairly close.

  4. Pity about Muriel the Muir Hill behind him...........she did not quite fit in to the 40's era :whistle:



    Yes, it's a shame that was there but it was the only chance I had to get his picture. :-(


    :-) Great Pic's Paul.

    Its a great venue, isn't it.

    Good to see Ian, (Viv the spiv) wasn't too tyred out........... :whistle:



    It is a good venue and only a few minutes away from me so very handy.


    Nice pictures thanks.....I go to Chatham Docks a lot in my work...i wish this event was going on when i last was there...



    Thanks, I used to do haulage out of the docks many moons ago. It's all changed now.

  5. A bit late with this but better late than never. :oops: I thought this was a great event, had a mix of everything. If you wanted to drive your vehicle you could which made it more interesting than the usuall static displays. Lots of people were in period dress which added to the feel of the event. There was a good mix of British and US military vehicles and plenty of civilian vehicles too. American red cross had a large impressive display. Naafi wagon did great business as usuall and the concerts were great and got a fair crowd joining in. The fire fighting dispalys were well done but the stretcher jeep siren got a bit annoying. All in a great weekend and great weather too. A definate for next year.







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