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paul connor

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Everything posted by paul connor

  1. Sir Paul ..yes...yes Tunnelrat ..yes...yes Dutch mark ..yes...yes Safariswing ..yes...yes richardrosser ..yes...yes Jack ..yes...YES YES YES Im gonna buy PW of my own some day!! Hardy Ferret ..yes...yes Chris Aldous .. yes ..yes (May have to be on call with work, if so then will use helicoptor) ian2b ..yes ..yes Steve ..yes ..yes Sam ..yes ..yes Artists rifles ..yes...yes Rob short (short rob) yes yes Lewis H Yes yes Rambo yes yes +1 yes yes +1 yes yes Ok Gents, we up to 17.... thanks that enough! haha Any one else fast? if not we shall close the numbers,,, As you are hard enough to keep in a group as it is! lets hope its not windy! or will be like kids at the beach again! haha
  2. I shall be leaving 10th-12... Any one wanna lift coming from brighton to the place
  3. Sir Paul ..yes...yes Tunnelrat ..yes...yes Dutch mark ..yes...yes Safariswing ..yes...yes richardrosser ..yes...yes Jack ..yes...OH YES PLEASE my dreams come true to ride in a PW vehicle. Hardy Ferret ..yes...yes Chris Aldous .. yes ..yes (May have to be on call with work, if so then will use penny farthing) ian2b ..yes ..yes Steve ..yes ..yes Sam ..yes ..yes Artists rifles ..yes...yes Rob short (short rob) yes yes ok at 12 + mark driver about 5 more spaces ...roll up!
  4. Sir Paul ..yes...yes Tunnelrat ..yes...yes Dutch mark ..yes...yes Safariswing ..yes...yes richardrosser ..yes...yes Jack ..yes...OH YES PLEASE my dreams come true to ride in a PW vehicle. Hardy Ferret ..yes...yes Chris Aldous .. yes ..yes (May have to be on call with work, if so then will use penny farthing) ian2b ..yes ..yes Steve ..yes ..yes Sam ..yes ..yes Artists rifles ..yes...yes ok at 12 + mark driver about 5 more spaces ...roll up!
  5. So numbers? please copy and add... and a Yes if in the REO and happy with the small charge! Sir Paul ..yes...yes Tunnelrat ..yes...yes Dutch mark ..yes...yes
  6. Right'o Logging off for the year! i hope you all have a nice evening and a great night what ever you are doing.... I shall see you all in the newyear! Paul Connor and his faithfull FV1612 :-D
  7. Yes! but i got another Ebay one, with more on:) but yours is good, just saying:(
  8. Clive i have the DVD in question, i shall copy for you:)
  9. changing the furniture? is it easy? the front barrel bit is easy.. what about the handle, stock and grip? are there any dangers? ie will i launch a spring through my face if i do wrong?
  10. Nice to hear from you Mark, I assume you back for the big trip in the REO truck? :wave:
  11. Do you have mini humbers to drive around this? is this in Clives "off limits" room? :police:
  12. Im sure that will be fine, as there is usually people who cant come
  13. Hope you all have a splend Xmas ... I have recieved some odd things as usal! A indepth book on Tanks from my Mother, Bless. Although the PzKpfw 3 A-N well its close the Post war Armour interest that i have haha But she did give me the "locket" that she was given when my father was in 1Para.. Gold locket? never seen one before? Other than that the usual bit and Pieces that you never wanted! Did get another Flak jacket from my GF:) Well off to eat and drink too much... Hope you all have a great one :-D
  14. Yes there are, and i know the main website which indeed promotes this! its sad! as military history and restoration are deep in my heart! As you all know, are you coming on the trp clive? go on, ill buy you a cake and something shiney
  15. Yes! with your luck of the devil!!! Oh look what i found! Can see it now! climbing out an entrance with a Signed picture of Churchill and 303 you just found! haha
  16. Lots of ROC all over the Uk, most are the same, if you are lucky they are still equipped! The magazines are from WW2 for the South foreland Gun batteries. there are 4 mags off the top of my head in the area for the 9inch guns Dont worry Jack we shall show you all we can:)
  17. Me and TR are just sorting out the trip shedule, and depending on who is Defo coming, as we dont wanna cover stuf we have already.. But if its mostly new people we may.. But there are a few more Deepshelters to be done. As well as Western heights. Im sure there is easy a whole day... looking forward to it
  18. i thought military engines were all Egg shell, light blue?
  19. Can anyone tell me! The US scope for M16 attaches offset. The uk L1A1 attaches on the top The UK is longer, and the zeroing is on the inside US on the out... Can the US be attached to the UK L1A1 SLr mount? As i can get one quite cheap.... Please help
  20. ww2? hmm, you will pay! haha, or i shall play Jeep V Pig at the nest Show mmmmwwwhahahahahahahha
  21. F****ng stupid! I hope this never acctually happens, but im sure it shall..... Great Britain my Arse
  22. was looking on here im sure? Was pictures of tanks in france this year! some sort of tank fest! had 12+shermans with crews on the road? i cant find again? Can someone help?
  23. Hmm, things Buffer due to amount of traffic and connection speed. Do you use Internet Explorer? or Mozilla firefox? I recommend the latter, Your security settings are also an issue, and also if you accept third party cookies . And again you need the right player and the relivent decoders. Could also be the speed and amount of memory you have allocated. I use VLC player, its free and plays anything, Quicktime,Media and Real are a pain! as they never want to overlap and help each other! Computers are such fun You can also Download from anything you Stream... if you want to know more just ask.. :computerterror:
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