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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. The pillbox is a type 24 Anti Infantry. It was shelled from a neighbour pillbox type 28 Anti tank.. Not sure what size gun would have been housed there.. but I would say they took it out and wheeled it over to this one and took a good 20 shots at it. Inside is still the Canadian Infantrymens Names and Numbers on the wall..


    Also the interior blast wall is peppered in shapnel and has a clean hole through the centre where one shot has passed through! very facinating example!

  2. Here are a few shots of some Green lane public byways in Rotherfield and Crowborough sussex. I know my Green lane codes and I remain very respectful before anyone jumps on me! I do not drive lanes that are subject to me making them into a mess and I research all legal rights of way 100%


    ok, well hope you enjoy..


    Small lane, think its Chant lane in Rotherfield area


    Nice view of how deep it gets, the entrances to these have been restricted in size, you can get a defender through. I assume its to restrict unwanted vehicles,I did get permisson from the Council so its 100%


    shot from the river of the 110 passing over an old stone bridge


    beautiful woodland


    most tracks are around the 3M regulation but some prove they have not been driven in years with the undergrowth and vegetation. (cut back where needed)


    Me looking smug with my 110 I have pretty much built


    Landi doing what it has for its life,hiding in the woods


    Small stream you have to cross


    another shot of the stream


    another view of the smaller lanes,we trimmed most back with sheers



    another boggy area, driven with care


    nice shot of the 110 TUM looking very nice i think


    one byway with a bridge(built by council) with byway signs and again I checked these are still 100% valid


    Proof some dont like the byways on their land!


    Shelled pillbox in the area


    interesting example.. very rare! shelled from neighbour Anti tank emplacement;)

  3. I have been looking andi think my choices are..


    socketry britool

    spanners- facom

    pliers-king dick

    screwdivers and chisels- britool

    and ratchet spenners(new but good idea) facom


    any feedback on my choices? as its a big step and lots ££ so i want to get it right

  4. Ok, I have at last realised repairs with odds and sods and tat is more of a hassle than its worth!


    I have decided to,while i have the chance buy some good tools.


    So far Im after socket sets AF&M as well as spanners to match

    pliers and chisels as well as screwdrivers


    I shall prob buy new. As you get the knowledge they will last( lifetime) and be non abused


    so the question is ... make






    what you think??


    Britool seem to be the better i think

  5. Its for cocking sounds, as my old Spec SLR sounds great when you cock it. And also the sound of the mag going in and out. The gun shots themselves are allocated already.


    It is a futuristic fantasy game! hence it does not have to sounds like an SLR.

    EA do have huge librarys of this sort of thing. But they want something new,hence my friend who does all the sounds/samples wants my SLR. As he heard before and loves the metalic sound of the bolt opening and closing :)


    I look forward to seeing the final product, Im sure SafariSwing will be playing the game for ages! hahah

  6. Ok, Odd question. I have 2 front seats as you would expect! but i have the middle centre seat for the front. I cant seem to work out how it attaches. I know its not a military fitment in my TUM, but when not at shows its a handy addition.


    Does anyone have a picture of a seat base with no seats on and the mounts visable for the middle.. as it does not seem to fit in between then two front seats? do i have to remount them slightly further apart~? or is the seat base different to which they mount?



    thanks in advance

  7. AlienFTM, maybe you should tolerate, as He is the one dressed and in the kit.. and making the effort.. not the one picking holes from the comfort of the living room.


    I understand people being critical and indeed the need for factual correctness. But having been part of living history and having rivet counters pick holes in my dress (which was factual and correct) and my Humber Pig, which was period and correct I get annoyed at people having cheap shots when they Don't own vehicles or indeed put in the effort to display anything themselves.

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